"Israel is the shining city on the hill. Israel said — God says of Israel, “Israel is my first-born son. Jerusalem is the city of God. Jerusalem is the shoreline of eternity. Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel, today and forever."- John Hagee leads the Pro-War Rally in DC as he and others yearn to see the blood of 2.2 million Palestinians shed in Gaza.
Hagee is infamous for creating the Hate Group
CUFI (Christians United for Israel) which, as fitting rightwing beliefs, actually stands for the opposite of everything it says it defends. Hagee, is a Fascist Fundamentalist, who succors Israel because in his belief system, Israel will herald the Apocalypse causing Jesus to return at which point all the Jews (save a select few) will die (as well as the Muslims, Atheists, Hindus, Shintoists, and others) in Holy Fire so God can reign for a 1000 years on Earth. Hagee who has infamously given sermons about God sending "A Hunter" (i.e. Hitler) to punish the Jews for not returning to Israel as they are Biblically commanded too wants this War to continue and escalate because it will eventually lead to the Destruction of the World and the Rapture...
Perhaps, as more speak out and protests become more frequent first, understand Police are not your allies. When Republicans take power back they will
task Police forces with violently attacking protestors, beating immigrants, and rounding-up homeless people and the Police by and large will comply with those orders. The Constitutionality of the Arrests or detentions will be ignored or justified under the guise "Officer Safety" or the declaration that the protest itself is unlawful and thus everyone at it is subject to arrest. Just as the Capitol Police did in violently breaking up the Peaceful protest at the DNC this week. As an anecdotal aside I've seen and personally spoken to people in the town I work with who have declared
the flying of a Palestinian Flag to be an Act of Terrorism and worry that their precious little children will be targeted by Hamas. Unfortunately, the group have decided to "report" the flying of the flag and other "suspicious" activity to the Police and expect a Police response.
Secondly, one of the misattributed quotes which has become a bedrock principle of rightwing belief is the statement, "If you want to know who rules you, look who you are not allowed to criticize"... Blah blah blah blah blah. Republicans are the king of hypocritically complaining about that which they themselves are guilty of; Also known as the acronym
EAIAC, (Every Accusation is a Confession) because right now as we sit here, protests against the on-going Atrocities and War Crimes in Gaza are met with Police Violence, arrests, and immediate condemnation and cries of Anti-Semitism especially from Republicans who see the Israeli Terror in Gaza as their ticket back into political power.
Certainly, Sean Hannity and Faux News see the upside and the potential political gain to be made from declaring anyone who supports the Palestinian cause or even a Ceasefire as a Pro-Terrorist, Pro-Hamas as the Post 9/11 playbooks were taken off the shelves to be used once again. Any protest, statement, Twitter note is back to the good old GWoT days of being on the side of the Terrorists. In shades of Zell Miller, Fox has been promoting and hosting Democratic Congressman Brad Sherman of California, who
claimed the recent protest was more violent than January 6th and declared everyone who supports a Ceasefire is Pro-Hamas.
So now, the Democratic Party and erstwhile Liberals (Amy Schumer) have let their bloodlust and 100% support for brutal killings of Gazan's burst forth without regard for "consequences" because since the horrific 10/07 Hamas assault on Israeli citizens, bloodthirsty supporters of Israel have felt absolutely free to demand the death and displacement of everyone in Gaza.
Piers Morgan has decided the the Atrocities in Gaza are his ticket back to relevance as he adopts a Jerry Springer style format. Piers has brought Egyptian comedian Bassem Youssef twice to explain the brutality of Israel dating back decades using his rye humour and biting sarcasm while Piers plays the Just Asking Questions (Jaqoff) disinterested outside observer.
But, Morgan also invited the bloodthirsty madman Shmuley Boteach on to "debate" against Cenk Uyger, Boteach adopted all the shut down trolling techniques rightwing fascists have employed for decades in such formats and instantly identified his insatiable lust for the murder of Palestinians and declared every critique a "blood libel". Boteach of course, is a murderous psychopath, a literal genocidal Nazi, and you could argue his vileness is atypical and then you learn a murderous cabinet minister Amichai Eliyahu openly advocated for the Nuking of Gaza and declares there are no civilians in Gaza. Or when Israeli Knesset member Ariel Kallner demands a Second Nakba;
“Right now, one goal: Nakba! A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of 48. Nakba in Gaza and Nakba to anyone who dares to join! their Nakba, because like then in 1948, the alternative is clear,” the Likud Party member wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.
Hey you! Ogle my Tits while you kill Palestinians "All of Them" |
The calls to ethnically cleanse Gaza are so open from Israeli butchers that Netanyahu has had to chide and tell them to stop talking so openly and so publicly about murdering or displacing every person in Gaza while Netanyahu boasts of killing thousands of "Terrorists". The propaganda campaign of the Israeli government is aimed at keeping the US and Europe on board with their massive campaign of revenge and murder.
I, myself am on the side of the oppressed people and right now the Brutal Reality is Palestinians and Israelis are oppressed and captive to the Evil Extremists of Hamas, the Netanyahu and Likud Party, and murderous Jewish Settlers in the West Bank, and the groups in the US and Europe who for whatever reason to seek peace and instead don't mind how many people die in the "Holy Lands".
Sadly, here in the States the Left and the Democratic Party are tearing themselves apart and I can only hope that this isn't going on a year from now because while syphilis deranged mentally incompetent Trump doesn't have the mental acumen to take advantage of this, his vile handlers and the parasitic Republican Party do, and they are going to use the murderous anti-Muslim bloodlust just like they used their murderous anti-Muslim jingoistic Warmongering in 2002 and 2004 to win political power.
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