Mao Tse Trump |
Of course, Traitor Chickenhawk Trump would choose Veterans Day to unleash his latest and most bald-faced Fascist screed. Trump's on a Nationwide tour spouting shit and declaring in no uncertain terms his next administration will End the United States of America.
Former President Donald J. Trump, on a day set aside to celebrate those who have defended the United States in uniform, promised to honor veterans in part by assailing what he portrayed as America’s greatest foe: the political left.
Using incendiary and dehumanizing language to refer to his opponents, Mr. Trump vowed to “root out” what he called “the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country.”
“The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and grave than the threat from within,” Mr. Trump said Saturday in a nearly two-hour Veterans Day address in Claremont, N.H.
The Corporate Media does not want to call this what it is;
Part of this failure to call Trump out as a Nazi is fear-based. But, most of this is the absolute truism that Corporate Media are playing their ascribed role, which is to denigrate Liberals sounding the alarm and to make Republicans seem safe to the "Normies", Oh you silly libs are being silly. Of course, Trump and the Republicans don't mean to round up people into camps. We'll be fine!
Just like they did with Abortion or with the Paul Ryan Granny starving budgets, Corporate Media refuse to cover Republicans as they are or what Republicans actually propose. Even after the end of Roe, even now as Trump barnstorms America bragging about destroying Roe and making Abortions illegal for most women, the Corporate Media doesn't frame Trump as the man who ran on and successfully put women back into the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant; because the Corporate Media loves Trump. They fvckng loooooooooove him.
And the Corporate Media hate being scolded by those snooty liberals! The media will never, ever acknowledge that the Left have been right about Republicans for 50 years, they will never admit they hamstrung Hillary Clinton because she was a shrill scold, they will never admit their coverage of politics as a horserace brought us to this moment, and they will never, ever admit that Trump and the current Republican Party represent an existential threat to the American Nation, the American Dream, and the American People.
The media have their 4 stories and they won't change them now. They are not going to save us from Trump's candidacy and will do everything they can to kowtow, bow and scrape, and soften his and the Republicans malfeasance and perfidy to make them paltable to the "Normies".
- Elimination of governmental workers not beholden to Trump/MAGA
- Immediate Weaponization of the Department of Justice, arrest and persecution of political enemies
- Empowerment of ICE, and escalating brutalization of immigrants
- The rounding-up of homeless persons into camps! (Privately run Publicly funded of course)
- Enshrinement of Christian Zionism and Fascist Fundamentalism into Federal Law.
And it's not like any investigative journalist had to go deep undercover into PNAC or the NRA or the III Percenters to uncover this "scoop"; Republicans are brazenly open about their plans and are busy recruiting the middle management they will need to oversee the Paramilitary Foot-soldiers who will be tasked with some of the odious duties, like beating homeless people and immigrants, until such time as Tommy Tubberville and Joint Chief of Staff Mike Flynn can fill all those blocked military postings with the right kind of jack booted soldier.
Fascism is here. Trump and the Republicans are coming to kill you. Period. That's the stark reality facing us in 2025.
Yes with no conspiracy. Big Whore Media is the reason and for years. Truth from them is needed more than ever before and this fucker trump needs his platform from them to end and he be made by them unfit at any level.
Not going to happen of course. These sonsofbitches continue to win because of that. We would at least stand a chance if so.
One Fly, I read opinion pieces which declare Trump's "Vermin" Veteran's Day Speech will be the tipping point and the end for the fawning Media coverage... As if...
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