Sunday, May 20, 2012

No Welfare for Wrigley! Ricketts chickens come home to Roost.

"As chairman of the Chicago Cubs, I repudiate any return to racially divisive issues in this year’s presidential campaign or in any setting — like my father has," Tom Ricketts does damage control, distances himself from his Right-Wing Dad and begs Mayor Rahm for $300 Million in Tax Payer money.

The chickens behind Joe Ricketts' despicable $10,000,000 bigoted smear campaign are coming home to roost! After the discovery of his plan to smear Barack Obama as the scary Black Man with Reverend Wright and the specter of Black Liberation Theology, the Ricketts demand of Hundreds of Millions of Welfare Assistance to rebuild Wrigley Field is now on indefinite hold.

Mayor Rahm Emmanuel will not return any calls from the Ricketts.

Wrigley Field is an abomination. It's falling apart and needs such an extensive  overhaul the estimate are in the Hundreds of Millions. But, while the stadium benefits from the infrastructure built around it and maintained by Tax payers, the Ricketts are adamant that Wrigley be subsidized by Welfare.

The Ricketts family is "worth" Billions, but like all Plutocratic Elites, they feel the role of Government is to force the burden of supporting their businesses' infrastructure upon the backs of the Poor and Middle Class.

Not one cent of Welfare for the Ricketts Family. It's shameful the blasé expectation that the infrastructure be built and maintained by the Public while the Ricketts squeeze every dollar of revenue from their venture for their Private bank accounts. But, that is what the 1% have successfully turned America into; a Giant pool of resources.

Joe Ricketts can go hang out with Hank 'Socialism is never the answer' Steinbrenner [See my Post: The 1% Hate Uncertainty] and Curt Schilling.

After years of blasting the size of government and extolling the virtue of personal responsibility, Curt including during both the 2004 and 2008 Presidential Campaigns, Curt Schilling ran into problems. The Small Government Champion Schilling moved his video game company, 38 Studios to Rhode Island in 2010, after then Republican Governor Donald Carcieri, guaranteed $75 million in loans from the state. “This is a risk worth taking," said Governor Carcieri in making Rhode Island tax payers responsible for Schilling's company. Well, Curt defaulted on a $1.1 million dollar May 1 loan payment and simply went back to the Rhode Island government to request more Welfare.

It's shameful the Billions of dollars of Welfare Corporations and conservatives have swindled from various local, state and the federal government. But, it's not surprising. Billionaires and Corporations believe the Government exists to protect commerce and over the years that belief has morphed into the idea that Government exists to take on the debt and risk of Business while at the same time it eliminates all assistance to the poor, sick, old and now struggling Middle Class.

But, that is Modern American Capitalism, Privatize the Profits and Subsidize the Losses.


Silverfiddle said...

It's shameful the Billions of dollars of Welfare Corporations and conservatives have swindled from various local, state and the federal government. But, it's not surprising. Billionaires and Corporations believe the Government exists to protect commerce and over the years that belief has morphed into the idea that Government exists to take on the debt and risk of Business while at the same time it eliminates all assistance to the poor, sick, old and now struggling Middle Class.

I don't get to say this to you very often Gene, but Amen!

Sarge said...


Amazin, absolutely fuckin amazin...


Silverfiddle said...

My only quibble is that Gene snuck "conservatives" in there, ignoring liberal democrat war profiteers like Diane Feinstein, but hey, it's his blog and I wholeheartedly concur with the overall sentiment. Time to get corporations off the government teat.

Grung_e_Gene said...

This story highlights some very prominent conservative; Joe Ricketts, Curt Schilling and Hank Steinbrenner who rend their hair and bemoan evil government spending all the while benefiting massively from two-faced Republicans who decry the size of government while at the same time using it's power to funnel massive amounts of Welfare to these rich bastards.

I've written before how Feinstein seemingly assisted her husband land Government contracts from her position as Senator but, at the same time she doesn't have an "Ending the Spending" PAC while her son is busy asking for $300 million from Chicagoans and Illinois residents, who you, Silverfiddle, point out are bankrupt!

This is just on-going evidence that while Republicans and conservatives proclaim themselves small government shouldn't be picking business winners and losers champions it's a lie designed to cover their welfare sucking ways.

Phil said...

This is why you were first on the list dude.
As for the special mentioned capitalist welfare cocksuckers.
Eat shit and die, slowly, at your own expense.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Thanks Bustednuckles. Despite the RNC PR BS (Reince Priebus) statements blaming Obama for Ricketts action. everyone here in Chicago knows that Joe Ricketts Right-Wing Champion of Ending the Spending only wants to end it for the poor, sick and old, while he benefits from Tax Payer provided Welfare.

Master of the acerbic sports talk show Dan Bernstein of the Score wrote, "Tom Ricketts is counting on us being stupid, or us not having access to a computer. Maybe both."

And Sarge I know!

Silverfiddle said...

Gene: So you were also against the corporate welfare that bailed out GM and Chrysler?

Grung_e_Gene said...

"Corporations are people, my friend!" Mitt Romney the man whom you are going to vote for, silver fiddle.

I do not believe in the current concepts of the "free market" which are thinly veiled attempts at depressing wages and benefits to workers in the name of higher profits to a small cadre of elite plutocrats.

Nor do i believe in the fantasy ideals of the free market championed by the rightward libertarians, which are impossible in a World where a Nation like China ruthlessly defends "it's" companies and factories while allowing ignorant American and European firms to move factories to their shores.

Western Corporations today have no interest in nationalism. Nor do they identify with any country or flag.

So I decline to answer your question, until you expound on your market ideals. I refuse to enter the either/or dichotomy that you've set up.

O’Hollern said...

It's the American way: socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor.

Silverfiddle said...

Yeah, that's what I thought, Gene. You chickened out with a chickenshit answer.

I believe the government should govern within the boundaries of the constitution and set the rules for the playing field but should not be a player, but rather an impartial referee.

We don't have that. Our market is not free. Politicians of all stripes cut deals with the crony crapitalists, and that is where the problem lies.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Oh? Nope, Silverfiddle you dunce. I refuse to allow you to set up a false dichotomy so stick to your hog-shit selling republican assholes.

And when oh when did the members of government govern within the boundaries of the constitution and act as impartial referees? This nation has always had an incestous relation between the upper echelons of government, the military and business.

Mitt Romney and the Republican scum who wanted GM and Chrsyler to go bankrupt wanted it to happen so Bain Capitla and others could buy them up for pennies sell off the assets to fatten their off-shore accounts.

You and the conservative filth with whom you associate are just mad that last century the poor, sick, and eldery were not allowed to be devoured by the rapacious businesses which treat humanity as so much grist for the gears of Industry and Warfare.

And this incident with Joe "Wrigley Field Welfare" Ricketts highlights the evil that Right-Wingers are liars who know by saying they are for small government they can get hog-shit stupid conservatives to vote away their rights while the Rich use the government to enrich themselves and their cronies.

Silverfiddle said...

And when oh when did the members of government govern within the boundaries of the constitution and act as impartial referees? This nation has always had an incestous relation between the upper echelons of government, the military and business.

Nothing is perfect. Government has exploded over the past 100 years and is now too big.

So what's your solution? More government?

Phil said...

When you find yourself neck deep in a hole, the first rule is to quit digging.

Ducky's here said...

Hey Gene, you following the way that hypocritical stiff, Schilling is working over Rhode Island.

Should be a short time before we find out if the voted Mr. Galt another bundle for his dead company.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Ducky's here,

Reportedly Schilling gave a $1.1 million check on Thursday last week to the Rhode Island Economic Developlment Agency and told them 38 Studio didn't have the funds to cover it.

The RI EDC returned the check.

Financial Responsibility is for the Poor! Curt Schilling is the 53%!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I hope the Cubs move so Comcast will televise all my White Sox games and the local radio station will carry them.

To Silverfish, I have no problem with the government helping through investment programs to create and [reserve jobs. The matter here concerns the hypocrisy of Curt Schilling and Ricketts for wanting government aid while cursing others who ask for it.