Monday, November 16, 2009

Obama Don't Bow Down

President Obama don't bow down to the Republican Chicken Hawk Warmongers who want to continue to suck the life's blood of the American people by having you expand the war in Afghanistan. Be brave and strong enough to stand up to the MIC and not allow American lives and money to be expended futilely in Afghanistan.

President B. Hussein Obama your decision is easy, pull us out of the Wars and be remembered as the one of the Greatest American Presidents ever... You, like I, took an Oath to Defend the American Constitution not the Afghanistan or Iraqi ones!

Listen to General Powell, take your time don't let the Chicken Hawk Warmongers like Mitt Romney goad or bully you into sending hundreds of thousands of Americans (as long as they aren't any of Romney's 5 sons) into a war with no purpose to defend a CIA backed corrupt regime for ambiguously defined National Interests. (Surprise! The brother of Hamid Karzai, the Mayor of Kabul, Ahmed Wali Karzai is a CIA paid operative, despite also being a Opium Kingpin and possibly funding the Taliban and international Terrorism. The CIA also backed Ahmed Chalabi who played the CIA and Bush/Cheney like fools, getting them to remove Saddam for him, and then double-crossed the US by giving classified Intel to the Iranians)

Getting and Letting (Getting In, Getting Bin Laden, Getting Out, Letting the "Afghans" figure out the rest) was a better choice in the beginning but the Bush/Cheney Regime had no intention of starting a war and finishing it because Perpetual War is the prime way the REMFpublicans make money! For instance Condi Rice and Stephen Hadley are starting a consulting firm, a nice cover to receive their payoffs for using their offices to push War onto America.

President Obama, I know it will be difficult, the MIC has made Trillions on the Wars of Bush and Cheney and if you think the Fox News led outrageous attacks by the Punk Ass Bitch REMFpublicans and their Teabagging Birtherite followers has been bad over the last 2 years the open calls for your Assassination (Pray for Obama psalm 109:8) and Overthrow will be unending from the Extremist Right.

And even though The Equalizer passed away his line as Harry Harbord Morant in Breaker Morant is more apropos: There is an epitaph I'd like: Matthew 10:36. Well, Peter... this is what comes of 'empire building.'

Armchair Generalist: Afghanistan Corruption - Out of Control


Michelle's Fat ASS said...

Hey Dickhead, get the fuck off my blog and stat off.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Stat as in immediately? Or were your flabby chicken hawk fingers too fat to type correctly? Oh and your blog sucks because you are ignorant AND stupid...

Which blog again?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I've always found that fat asses hate truth more than anything Gene.

Serving Patriot said...

Breaker Morant... what a film!


Shaw Kenawe said...
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Shaw Kenawe said...

Malcontent is a troll. Anyone who would put up a post making fun of women's posteriors isn't worth anyone's time to read.

He's a sad, frustrated person.

I feel sorry for the jerk.

The Malcontent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Malcontent said...

Sorry I can't take the credit for that post written by "Michelle's Fat ASS"

I have no need to post Anonymously, I have no problem saying what I want to with my correct name. I guess that someone read my blog and got that idea. But can can either believe that or not, I really don't care.

As for me " making fun of women's posteriors" Shaw, I thought that was rather funny... So sorry you didn't agree, but I'd bet if I used Sarah Palin's name you'd love it.
Oh well, ya can't please everybody all the time.

Hey Grung_e_Gene, I know that you really love me so quit the false facade

The Malcontent said...

Shaw Kenawe said...

Malcontent is a troll. Anyone who would put up a post making fun of women's posteriors isn't worth anyone's time to read.

I feel sorry for the jerk.

I wasn't making fun, I was simply stating a fact!


Grung_e_Gene said...

Ralph the Malcontent you delete my posts yet come here and bandy about words like love?

Hmmmm, you must love me since you call me names to hurt me and as the old phrase goes; You always hurt the Ones You love...

Grung_e_Gene said...

A false facade would by definition be a true and substantive position?