So, a standard defense by Chicken hawk Warmongers is, "Does one need to have been in the military to have an opinion on the military?"
This comment is usually left anomynously on blogs by those who feel it's some how a trump card.
The answer is: Of course not. But, I'll question everyone and anyone, who is willing to send Men off to war, with no intention of placing their own precious lives at risk, interrupting their own dreams and pacing their own aspirations on hold to fight "Islamo-fascism", and who have never "seen the elephant".
For the problem is one of perspective. If you have never seen a person bleed to death, be blown apart, or seen friends return from in-country and watch them drown themselves in booze or broads, expose themselves to X-Game like activities so the adrenline rush breaks through the dull ache of "normal" life or just let the melancholy overwhelm them so they slip away...
When I hear Warmongers talk about the need to stay in Iraq, I know you have no idea what you are talking about. Or you simply don't care because it won't be your friends and family in harm's way...
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