Wednesday, September 18, 2024

When rapist Donald Trump, best friend of Sean P Diddy Combs, says "I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT" what Trump means is

"That one right there is the woman you get to
Rape Donald," - Sean Puffy Diddy Combs

Republicans hate Taylor Swift (and Caitlin Clark) because Republicans hate women.  Republicans are utterly contemptuous of women.  Absolutely loathe them.  And if or when a rich or somewhat powerful woman speaks out?  Oof... well then it’s time for casual rape threats in order to let that woman (and any other who thinks she's got influence) know where real power lies.

Remember Elon Musk is a huge fan of Dune and forced Breeding, and a well-known secret in the Dune universe is the Axlotl Tank of the Ixian Homeworld is a horribly mutated "female" turned into a breeding chamber devoid of her own volition.  This is precisely what Trump, the Republicans, Musk, Project 2025 plan for women in the United States.

Now, of course, if you are a good little girl (like Nancy Mace for instance) and support the King of the Pedophiles Trump, best friend of Jeffrey Epstein and Sean P. Diddy Combs, while doing everything you can to advance the Republican cause to destroy the United States of America and replace it with a Fascist White Power Patriarchy, well then Republican daddy will help advance your career.

When it comes to women, Trump considers himself a 10 and always has, so anytime a woman rejects his advances he insults the woman.  Of course, sometimes racist rapist Trump also sexually assaults them.  Senile traitor Trump used to love Taylor Swift, 

"She’s got a great star quality.  She really does.  I think she’s beautiful—very beautiful! I find her very beautiful. I think she’s liberal. She probably doesn’t like Trump. I hear she’s very talented. I think she’s very beautiful, actually—unusually beautiful!” 

Like most Republicans, he and they believed her to be a conservative as, rightwingers claimed her as their "Alt-Right Pop Icon" and "Aryan Goddess", and declared she secretly voted for GOP candidates and in private shared Hitler quotes and racist memes like them.

A few months ago, Trump and his minions began to share AI-generated images claiming to be Taylor Swift (and/o Swifts) for Trump, which culminated in Taylor Swift releasing a semi-endorsement of and her personal decision to vote for Kamala Harris after she destroyed Trump during his lackluster and lie-filled debate on 09/12/24.

Caitlin Clark, another white woman rightwingers thought would of course be on their side as she battles mostly black women in the WNBA, also spurned their Fascist advances and was excommunicated by Rightwing Twitter in response

In the short week since, King Rapist Trump has shown the wisdom of her decision by his emotionally immature and violent denunciation of her, which led Elon Muck to joke he was going to rape Taylor Swift as he also told people someone should kill Kamala Harris.

Who knows what comes next, but as Trump, Vance, and the MAGA throng feel the election slipping further and further from their grasp; their convoluted conspiracies, lies, claims of fraud, and eventually calls for outright violence will grow.  Until then we have work to do to make this election as big a blow-out as is possible in the 21st century.  Signs look promising but, Voter suppression, outright cheating, and a bureaucratic coup are still in the offing for the Enemies of the Republic and the

Meanwhile, another rapist and serial sexual criminal close friend and ally of Donald Trump was recently arrested;  Every Accusation is a Confession by Republicans.

On the left: a serial rapist
On the right: a Russian asset
In the center: BOTH

Donald Trump is a friend of mine, and he works very hard,” Sean Puffy Combs said in an interview published in 2015 in The Washington Post.

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