Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Sarah Huckabee Sanders called Vice President Kamala Harris ‘uppity’

 I told you this would get ugly.

So, besides guzzling gallons of Ozempic during her Governship, Sarah Suckabee Slanders has also engaged in Republican predilection of stealing tax-payer money to fund her and her friends lifestyle, except like all the pale imitations of the Their Orange Hitler, Governor Suckabee Sanders got caught stealing a paltry $19,000.

So, now after she successfully undermined the people of Arkansas and kept a valid abortion referendum off of the November ballot, Suckabee Sanders decided to jump onto the Just Despicable Vance train of insulting women without children, but had to make sure her crowd of disgraceful bigots knew that soon-to-be President Harris isn't properly "humble"

"So, my kids keep me humble.  Unfortunately, Kamala Harris doesn't have anything keeping her humble!"

'That Harris!  Trump pointed out she isn't really black!  And now Governor Slanders points out she ain't properly 'umble!' What an ugly sentiment by a Party of Ugly Weirdos.

Republican hate women and see their worth only in terms of their ability to produce children.  Republicans hate America.  But, Trump didn’t make Republicans this way he merely showed them there are no restraints

While, for years Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito knew they would were untouchable, most Republicans understood they couldn't be openly corrupt, openly contemptuous of women, openly criminal.  But, Trump destroyed all those false conceptions.  Now, Republicans understand The Law won’t restrain them, the Corporate Media won’t restrain them, their laughable so-called personal ethics won’t restrain them, there is no Code of Conduct which will restrain them.

Republicans are going to destroy America

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