Friday, September 20, 2024

ABC News Affidavit and Whistle Blower as a part of Republican Campaign to destroy America

 Republican propaganda sometimes adopts a very clever angle.  Republicans under President Biden decided to pretend they had insiders blowing the whistle on fraud, waste, abuse or crimes in various Governmental bodies because by calling these liars "whistle-blowers", Republicans knew their word and that title, in an of itself, contained the seeds of its' own credibility and veracity despite or even in opposition to the absolute bullshit lies Republicans would be peddling.  I've written before how using the term "Whistle Blower" was designed to get the pliant Corporate Media to frame Republican conspiracies as true from the get-go for the low information voters who hear the term "whistle-blower" and think that they must know something or they wouldn't be referred to that way. 

Now, remember the goal of each piece of agitprop the Republicans produce isn't to be the Sunday Punch knock-out blow to swing the election but, a battle of attrition.  First, for 50 years Republicans know that just asking questions gets media attention.  J.D. Vance blatantly and proudly admitted he created the entire Haitian eating pets storyline, in order to get the Corporate Media to talk about it.  People point out that President Kamala Harris successfully baited senile traitor Trump throughout their debate this September but, then fail to understand or recognize the Republican Party has been successfully baiting the Mainstream Media for decades to report everything via a rightwing slant.

Looks like they sprung for the full 
Microsoft Word subscription
So, when a Elon Muck Twitter (X) account named "Black Insurrectionist", in fits-and-starts between insane temper tantrums and vitriolic insults towards anyone who disagreed with him, produced a 6 page document purporting to be a 10 year ABC employee who overheard and recorded the diabolical plan between ABC executives and Kamala Harris' campaign to rig the 09/12 debate, by only fact checking Trump, by providing Harris the questions, and by agreeing not to ask her about certain topics which are hot-and-bothered in the fevered imaginations of rightwingers on-line, Republicans everywhere exploded into a fury.

But, not only did Harris receive the answer and still get rounded by their godly-protected Trump, ABC news executives refused to answer the Just Asking Questions (colloquially known as JAQ-offs Republicans who demanded answeris, and now the ABC "whistleblower" was killed in a fiery car crash!

It is now, Received Wisdom, that Kamala Harris had a specially crafter Tiffany-esque earring funneling her answers and was given all the questions beforehand, too.  The Musk Bots on Twitter viciously shout down anyone who claims to the contrary.

Recognize that Republicans have no principles.  ZERO.  Any claims to contrary are false pretenses aimed at achieving their real goal;  POWER.

To Republicans there is only POWER and those to weak to take it.

Republicans plan to destroy America.  PERIOD.  Anyone who says differently is part of the plan or willfully ignoring the Republican Terrorism campaign roiling Springfield, Ohio and the plans laid out in disgusting detail in the Trump/Vance PROJECT 2025.

I have no predictions or illusions about the days after the November election, but violence from Republicans is already here and whatever the outcome and however much Republicans undermine the United States of America it is clear for the conceivable future Republicans plan to either Rule or Ruin the country.  Be brave if you can but, be prepared because Republicans are going to unleash more and much worse on to Us.

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