Friday, September 20, 2024

Eric Hovde better call Saul because he’s laundering Mexican drug cartel money

“Wealthy folks have no need to steal or engage in corruption.” - Larry Kudlow

Worst Tom Selleck impersonator
It must be nice knowing that no matter how big of a scumbag you are, you are guaranteed 45% of the vote by simply putting an (R) after you name.

Colossal criminal and rich asshole Eric Hovde running for US Senate in Wisconsin on a platform of being too rich too bribe has been laundering Mexican drug cartel money;

MADISON, Wis. — A bombshell report this morning from Dan Bice of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel revealed that Banco Azteca, a bank reportedly tied to the Mexican cartel flew $26 million of cash across the U.S.-Mexico Border to Eric Hovde’s bank in California.

As the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel detailed, Banco Azteca was cut off by several other U.S. banks over “risk and compliance concerns” after reporting linked it to cartel activity. An executive of the bank was recently implicated in a federal indictment detailing his attempts to bribe a member of the U.S. Congress to get U.S. banks to once again do business with the bank. Despite this, Eric Hovde’s bank in December, flew $26.2 million of cash on four airplane flights from Mexico City to Irvine, California as part of a deal with Banco Azteca.

This revelation of laundering drug cartel money comes on the heels of the California Banker Hovde brazenly dismissing concerns about all the foreign money being moved into his banks by foreign governments and companies.

Sunwest Bank, a commercial bank for entrepreneurs based in the West Coast worth $3 billion, began reporting foreign government deposits totaling nearly $250,000 in December 2023, coinciding with Hovde’s confirmation as a Senate candidate 
This disclosure follows a trend seen on the company’s call reports since March 2017, indicating holdings of more than $118 million from undisclosed foreign banks, which began only after Hovde assumed the role of CEO. 

Again it must be nice to be a billionaire asshole and know you can engage in money laundering and financial crimes and absolutely have no fear about being arrested (let alone being asphyxiated to death over a phony $20) and have a shot at winning a spot in the Senate all because you stick that Scarlet R after your disgusting puke name.  Fortunately, Senator Tammy Baldwin retains a 6-7 point lead over Better Call Saul Hovde.

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