Saturday, September 28, 2024

If Voting changed anything they'd make it illegal... The Epic Ratfucking of RFK Jr and the Wausau Ballot Box Bandit Doug Diny

“My position is that this city
does not need [a ballot box].”
RatFucKer Jr

Everyone knows RFK Jr entered the 2024 Election with aspirations of draining enough votes away from Joe Biden to allow traitor Trump and his treasonous cabal of criminals a chance to steal various battleground states.  However, once President Biden placed the fate of the country over his own Presidency, RFK Jr knew he'd take almost exactly ZERO votes away from Harris and Walz and would be a drain on his partner in crime Donald Trump.  So, RFK Jr suspended his campaign and signed on directly with traitor Trump.

So, some of the details of Trump/Kennedy efforts to cause chaos in Wisconsin Presidential have come out during Kennedy quixotic Will He/Won't He Presidential Campaign.

As you are know doubt aware, RFK Jr wants to stay on ballots in States where he will not harm Trump's voter totals and be removed from ballots were he might siphon votes away from Trump.

So, in Wisconsin, which Trump has aspirations of stealing, RFK Jr now demands that his name be taken off the ballot.  In North Carolina, RFK Jr made this argument which delayed sending out of mail-in ballots but, in Wisconsin ballots are already out RFK Jr wants election officials to put a "sticker" over his name on the ballot,

He is currently urging the Wisconsin Supreme Court to take his name off the ballot in the state, rehashing the arguments that secured him a victory at the North Carolina Supreme Court earlier this month. Wisconsin officials, who have already printed ballots and begun mailing them out, say it is far too late to remove Kennedy’s name. But the candidate has proposed a work-around: He argues that county clerks should be required to cut out and place a sticker over his name on each ballot—all 4 million of them.

The sticker solution is, it turns out, no solution at all, but rather the recipe for a logistical nightmare. Election officials have testified that this scheme threatens to derail the preparation and tabulation of ballots. On the front end, it would require an immense amount of additional work for county clerks, many of whom serve in the role in a part-time capacity, and none of whom has the budget for such extra labor. It would lead to voter confusion, especially since clerks would inevitably place some stickers a few centimeters off by accident, failing to fully occlude Kennedy’s name and accidentally blocking out another. And it would halt the mailing of absentee ballots abruptly and indefinitely, even though they are already going out to voters.

Perhaps most ominously, Wisconsin officials warn that RFK Jr.’s proposed fix would also subvert the counting of votes. Multiple clerks have attested that stickers would weigh down ballots, causing tabulators—which are calibrated to the ballot’s precise weight—to reject them.

Brain Worms and Ratfuckers
RFK Jr and his legal team led by Jed Rubenfeld, wanted to jam the voting machines and throw the Wisconsin election into disarray.

Jed Rubenfeld, you will recall is a sexual criminal and husband of Amy Chua.  Chua, of course, groomed J.D. Vance at Yale and guided him up to his role as potential Vice President which the expectation senile creepy weirdo Trump will die in office. 

I've pointed out that Republicans are engaged in multi-state, multi-method effort at Stealing the Election for Donald Trump.  The architects of The Republican Plot Against America this time aren't relying on any Release the Kraken after the fact attempt to defraud the American people, nor are they pinning their hopes to the Hail Mary of Jan6th when Trump and his cadre of criminal co-conspirators attempted to overthrow the United States Government.  No, they've spent the last 4 years figuring out which buttons to press and which levers to pull and where they can apply pressure and how much pressure they can apply.  That's why in Republican occupied states, like Oklahoma or Texas, Republicans simply remove voters from the voting rolls.  While in Georgia, because the Governor and Secretary of State couldn't be counted on by the Trump team to simply steal the election, Republicans installed an unelected trio of thieves to help delay Harris victory there.

Meanwhile, minor villains like Wausau Mayor Doug Diny Dingleberry are more than willing to engage in petty acts of sabotage because they Have a Dream, a dream to overthrow and change the United States into a dystopian fascist hellscape of murder, subjugation, and white power.  As Diny referenced in his defiant statement justifying him disenfranchising Wisconsinites, Change has its' Enemies. 

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