Thursday, October 3, 2024

Sane-Washing towards Fascism: the slick smooth lies of J.D. Vance and the Plot to steal the 2024 Election

The corporate media continues their policy of purposefully misunderstanding what Trump (and Vance) represent because it would mean their entire existence and careers as courtiers and stenographers.

I'll never forget (or forgive) the Media for hemming and hawing after it was clear Biden/Harris won the election by not calling it that night or early on November 7th, instead they played footsie with Trump and his claims of victory and didn't want to upset their Republican contacts.

Do you recall on November 10th the Washington Post running this insane quote from an anonymous Republican in DC,

“What is the downside for humoring him for this little bit of time? No one seriously thinks the results will change,” the official said. “He went golfing this weekend. It’s not like he’s plotting how to prevent Joe Biden from taking power on Jan. 20." 

Given the latitude to claim he won in 2020 then allowed traitor Trump the 4 years he and his criminal co-conspirators needed to set themselves up to steal the 2024 Election; which is fully underway now.  The Republican Party is a fully fascist organization now dedicated to destroying the United States of America and installing an Evangelical EthnoState built upon the pillars of white supremacy and corporate hegemony.

Now, Ross Douthat isn't "the" corporate media but he's been writing for the FNYT for almost 15 years.  And everything he writes is under the rubric of "this is good news for the Republicans and bad news for Democrats".

But, the corporate media was ready to award Vance the Debate Crown before the debate and declared it official the first time Tim Walz stumbled during an answer.

Vance then simply and slickly repeated the memorized 3x5 note card answers blaming Vice President Harris for everything and crediting senile traitor Trump for everything which meant he "won" the Vice Presidential Debate.

Vance claimed housing would be cheaper with seizing federal lands and drilling for oil.  Fortunately, soon-to-be Vice President Walz asked him if that meant drilling and building on the same plots of land.  But, more ominously it demonstrates just how captured Vance (and the Republican Party) are towards the Fossil Fuel Industry.  Vance had the gall to claim Chinese Made solar panels are dirtier than Coal!!!  That's shades of Racist Rush Limbaugh claiming Priuses caused more pollution than the odious H2 Hummers and coal-rollin' diesel pickups.  And, of course, was a dishonest lie because 80% of the solar panels are made in the United States.

The most brazen lie was Just Dishonorable Vance crediting Trump with getting his MeeMaw private healthcare coverage and then having the temerity to praise Trump for "saving" Obamacare.  But, since Vance had pouted earlier, "You guys aren't supposed to fact-check me!!!" like a 7 year old caught by the teacher, no one pointed out that Trump's DayOne Agenda was eliminating Obamacare which Republicans had spent the last decade voting to repeal.

The most reprehensible moment was Vance being unable to answer the question of who won the 2020 election.  Now, unsurprisingly, the question didn't originate with the moderators just as no one in the Corporate Media has ever put Trump on the spot and asked him directly who won the 2020 election.  But, then Republicans throughout the Federal Government and party members at all levels have all evaded, elided, and generally avoided answering the question whenever it's brought up and since the media isn't interested in Democracy it rarely comes up from them anymore.  And those out-and-proud Fascists in the Republican Party when asked who won the 2020 election openly declare it was Trump.

But, the Debate is already old news and the lies Vance told are already mostly forgotten; so, the corporate media can go back to coddling the Rough Beast as they sane-wash us towards Fascism.

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, 
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

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