Thursday, September 26, 2024

If Voting changed anything they'd make it Illegal... Republicans from Wausau, WI to every state in the US declare, That's a Great Idea!

Wausau Mayor Doug Diny Dingleberry

Wausau, Wisconsin Mayor Doug Diny is facing scrutiny after video surveillance footage showed him carting the city’s outdoor ballot drop box inside on Sunday while sporting a Department of Public Works jacket and hard hat.

Diny on Tuesday admitted he moved the drop box to his office on Sept. 22 and “took a few photos to memorialize the action.” Initially, he said the box “was relocated to a safe indoor location until certain issues that the clerk is aware of are addressed.” He also provided a photo.

You will be utterly unsurprised that Mayor Doug Diny Dingleberry is a hardcore rightwing psycho who hates the Wisconsin Supreme Court decision granting people the right to vote and will simply deny it via performative disenfranchisement;
On July 5 the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that municipal clerks do, in fact, have the authority to establish secure drop boxes for absentee ballots in their district. Wausau Clerk Kaitlyn Bernarde made that decision, which Diny took exception to.
Like all Republicans, the Wausau Mayor seeks to suppress, interrupt, deny the franchise to as many people as possible because when the people vote, Republicans lose.  Of course, Diny photographed his LOL publicity stunt because he believes he's untouchable by laws and declared, 
"This action is consistent with my overall position and what I heard from residents when I was knocking on doors.”
Diny is a special kind of rightwing asshole who ran on a platform of blaming the previous Mayor Katie Rosenberg for a water rate price increase after Rosenberg cleaned up the cities wells of PFAS.  Diny Dingleberry won 5222-4798.

While everyone knows that Boomers fell prey to the vile lying propaganda of Racist Limbaugh, then Faux News, moving onto Facebook memes, to eventually just swallowing Russian agitprop wholly;  Generation X failed their own critical thinking skills test and then willingly fell for the cynicism of being too cool to care about politics, which was specifically peddled to them.

Thus, GenX ignored their nascent political power in the 1990s, fell for the jingoistic GWoT of the 2000s, and now we’re smaller than the Millennials and Zoomers and less committed than the rabidly rightwing dwindling Boomers 

Having grown up under Ronnie Rayguns Department of unEducation,  GenX lacks critical thinking skills in the face of non-stop barrage of rightwing propaganda and unfortunately, having grown up under repeated Republican economic failures and Plutocratic tyranny from the Newt Gingrich's Contract on America, the financial and housing economic failures of George W Bush to the Tax Raises and ruinous Tariffs of traitor Tump we also don’t have the comfort and assured finances of the Boomers and so we want to blame the immigrants.

Now, Republicans continually wreck the economy and Democratic Presidents Clinton, Obama, and Biden fix the Republican failures and sabotage.  

You know about the extra-legal powers the 3 Republican members of the Georgia Board of Elections granted themselves to slow down the certification process.

But, several other Republican occupied States have engaged in their own Voter suppression tactics as we are less than 6 weeks from the 2024 Presidential Election.  Louisiana, Texas, and Oklahom have engaged in Voter Purges removing millions of viable voters under their you didn't reply to my latest email scam.

It's really one of the things which shows how false and fake our Democracy is when North Carolina can remove 747,000 voters because the Board of Electors determines their voting status is "inactive"

In Nebraska, Republicans sought to ensure the 1 Electoral Vote of the Omaha Congressional District didn't go to Kamala Harris by having the Nebraska Congress adopt a last minute change.  Prime Trump suck-up Lindsey Graham flew out from South Carolina to try and persuade the change.

In Pennsylvania, Republicans have sued to stop voters who've sent in mail in-ballots which may have errors are denied a chance to correct the potential errors in a practice known as "notice-and-cure"

There's going to be more ratfvcking and attempts to at least delay certifying Kamala Harris and Tim Walz victory this November.  If those hopefully fail and it appears at least the Harris/Walz team and the Biden Administration as well as staunch defenders of freedom and liberty like Marc E. Elias are fighting the Republican voter suppression efforts in the Courts. 

Even if these efforts are defeated or if they are unsuccessful in stealing the 2024 election for senile weirdo traitor Trump, Republicans know by destroying faith in elections and alleging all sorts of impropriety without any evidence will ensure that one day when Republicans again take to the pulpit to announce a repeat of January 6th enough Fascists will rally to the Republicans cause and overthrow the United States government.

This is what We, the People are facing now...  There are no more "normal" elections.  Every election is a struggle unto death with the Raging Fascist Racist Republican Party.  You have to do everything you can from here on out; because if we do not, the Republican Party will annihilate the Nation and replace it with a murderous death cult built upon the foundations of white supremacy and fundamentalist terrorism, funded by Apartheid billionaire assholes who will LOL as you're sent to "The Staging Grounds" for liquidation.  Eternal Vigilance...

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