Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Pete Buttigieg points out the Institutional Racism trucked in on the Highway system


One of the tools of rightwing liars is to out wait history and then substitute something currently en vogue or palatable to the modern conservative.  Time has been on their side ever since conservatives decided to undo their loss in the Civil War in 1865 via subversion of the United States Government and domestic terrorism.  And they've been right.  Rightwing revisionist history is the dominant idea in numerous historical studies and is the current cause of conservatives pushing to undermine education with the CRT boogeyman.

Thus we have right-wingers and Republicans everywhere attacking Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg for correctly pointing out the incredibly racist history of urban sprawl in the 1950's.  Right-wingers know all they have to do is post 'Dumbocrat thinks highways are racist hurr durr durr' and they brain-washed violent mob will immediately believe and swallow their daily rightwing pablum and agitprop.

Secretary Pete was correct in his remarks for New York and it wasn't limited to New York City either.  Anyone who has driven in on the Ike (I-290) into Chicago is struck by the wrong side exits in Oak Park.  This was not an accident or constraints of the land available requiring the left-hand exits.  But a conscious choice to ensure the white drivers would not have to exit on the black side of town.  The Ike and numerous highways across the country were specifically run through black and brown communities.

But, enough time has passed since the 1949 to 1961 construction of the Eisenhower Expressway to afford modern Republicans to lie, ridicule, and obfuscate.

The goal for Republicans is the same as it always has been; to stand astride History and Yell Stop. Conservatives have the Reactionary SCOTUS necessary to undo Lawerence v. Texas, Loving v. Virginia, Brown v. Board of Education.  Conservatives are coming for the 20th century.  Conservatives are coming for every advancement post-Civil War.  If you are scoffing at this, don't.  Conservatives are coming to undo the American Dream and create the Neo-Confederate Nation of oppression, intolerance, and worship of the rich.

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