Friday, November 12, 2021

The Rittenhouse Diaries: When do "We" get to use the guns?

Other outlets and on-line media persons (especially David Pakman) have covered the day-to-day Kyle Rittenhouse trial with better depth and analysis than I could sum up here in one post so I won't go into that instead let us focus on what Rittenhouse represents:

Kyle Rittenhouse is the fulfillment of the Dream; the answer to the eternal conservative question; When do we get to murder millions of Non-MAGA?

Over at No More Mister Nice Blog Steve M. points out so many of these rightwing domestic terrorist wannabes are waiting.

Most people who watched the clip, or read about it, focused on the threat -- but I'm wondering why this guy, and a lot of other people like him, haven't already grabbed their guns and just started shooting people.

He says, "When do we get to use the guns?" He's waiting for someone to give him permission.

The question is what are they waiting for? Most of this stems from the decades of indoctrination and propaganda which conservatives have absorbed; They are the patriots not the criminals.  It's those people who riot.  It's BLM and Antifa who break the law.  Not Us!  We on the right always follow the law.  Ergo if we engage in violence it is ipso facto Righteous and Lawful.  This is the not so subtle subtext of justification for George Zimmerman or Kyle Rittenhouse and violence from organized paramilitary conservative groups like the Proud Boys in Portland, or the Bundy Insurrections, or the Oathbreakers

It's part of the reason Republicans, like Paul Gossar, and Tucker Carlson repeatedly claim the January 6th terrorists were actually heroes.  Rightwing domestic terrorism is coddled and encouraged in the United States; look at the death threats, simmering violence at PTA and school board meetings.  Republicans and their compliant corporate media can not help but to frame the crimes and harassment as justified spontaneous expression of rights.

This, of course, runs deep through the veins of the American legal system;  It's why mainstream corporate media writ large can't decry the deeply fascist book burners because well if conservatives are calling for it, it must be okay, it must be legal.

But, before, conservatives can emulate Kyle Rittenhouse they need a Casus Belli, which they can point to as their justification.  Thus let me highlight the sentence right before the white rightwing criminal asks Terrorist Leader Charlie Kirk "when do we get to use the guns?"

"How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people? At this point, we're living under corporate and medical fascism. This is tyranny.  


It wouldn't be complete without the Bernie Bros favorite "Real" Democrat and the Twitter Rose Left preferred female 2020 Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard firmly endorsed White Domestic Terrorism with a disingenuous and gross defense of Rittenhouse as taking up the job of defending property because the government wasn't.

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