Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Guns Everywhere; there are no safe spaces

So where'd you dump the truck?
What truck?!?
The truck with the GUNS, fucko. - The Usual Suspects (1995)

There was a time in the United States in which Law Enforcement worked to keep guns out of the hands of as many people as possible.  Once the NRA thought gun ownership was only to be conferred onto a small cohort of those who were both safe and responsible and limited by strict government regulation. Because they knew more guns = more gun violence.  

Then, the Sixties happened.  Then the Gun Industry saw massive profits to be made.  Then professional politicians like Wayne LaPierre invaded DC for 40 years and subverted the NRA and took over the GOP.  Now, enough reactionary Sheriffs and Police Chiefs and Governors have grown up in an echo chamber which views all laws and regulations and limitations on guns as Unconstitutional.  And Republicans saw another wedge issue they could use (i.e. Firearm Ownership to "Protect" Oneself) to further their unceasing quest to Destroy the American Dream, and usher in an Evangelical Ethno-State run by Wage Slaves in perpetual Corporate Bondage. 

And now, conservatives see political violence as not only necessary but desirable and yearn for an opportunity to "See Kyle" and murder the Non-MAGA. 

Years ago I posed this following list as a question about gun restrictions:

  • Should a gun owner be able to bring a firearm into a house of worship?
  • Should a gun owner be able to bring a firearm into a bar?
  • Should a person charged (but not convicted) of a crime be able to bring a gun into a courthouse?
  • Should a gun owner be able to walk in and around Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois with their firearm?
  • Should a gun owner be able to bring a firearm into a Hospital Emergency Room? Into an MRI?  
  • Should a gun owner be able to carry a firearm inside Six Flags Great America in Gurnee? How about Rivers Casino in Des Plaines?
  • Should a gun owner convicted of misdemeanor domestic battery have to relinquish his firearms?
  • Should there be any restrictions on handguns, long guns, squad automatic weapon ownership whatsoever?
  • Predictably, a couple of gun nuts spammed my comments with yes guns must be allowed in all these places and no a person convicted of domestic violence shouldn't have to give up his guns.  Because the point of the NRA and the gun nuts in the United States is to remove all restrictions on guns.  For two reasons, conservatives believe they will *win* the Civil War 2 they yearn for "in the aggregate" and conservatives want the ability to murder people Kyle Rittenhouse or George Zimmerman style and get away with it.

    As is standard right-wingers shamelessly waited until they had the Reactionary Supreme Court in their possession to bring forth a concealed carry case in New York State.

    Currently, only Covid & Opioids are responsible for more preventable death and injury than guns.  Yes guns have replaced cars as a leading cause of unnecessary preventable deaths, especially among children in the so-called Greatest Nation on Earth.

    More guns and less restrictions has lead exactly to the case of more gun violence, injuries, and deaths in the United States.  John Lott and rightwing liars can claim differently or cite the bogus Non-CDC study from the 1990's which they always falsely claim supports 3,000,000 DGUs (defensive gun uses) a year.  But, the simple fact is more guns does not make anyone safer.

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