Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Revenge of the Thin Blue Line 8: The Rittenhouse Diaries

You never know what, the match, which ignites the conflagration will be...

I guess the 1970's are back because, one thing conservatives learned from the Sixties was they could no longer trust the Federal Government to help them in subjugating minorities.  That was the one lesson learned.  So conservatives created Dirty Harry and Death Wish to act out their Vigilante fantasies. 

Since the 1960's various reforms, legal precedents, oversight, constraints and landmark SCOTUS rulings have been placed upon agents of the government to stop them from wantonly and brazenly violating peoples' rights; especially and specifically minority groups.  Barriers to the Use of Force by Police Officers (i.e. the agents of the state whom minorities are most likely to interact with) have been established piecemeal to stop Police abuse.  As with all radical challenges to the established order a counter reaction spearheaded by rightwing Reactionaries has occurred to res-establish white power.

Conservatives (Reactionaries) unquestionably support each and every extrajudicial killing of black and brown people.  Conservatives believe the police exist to kill or incarcerate every black person in the United States primarily because conservatives believe every black person is a priori guilty of some crime and hence should be meet with violent force at every opportunity or interaction.  Conservative full-throatedly support Stop&Frisk, Broken Windows and every insulting violation and targeted micro-aggressions directed at black people.  Every time a black man doesn't stop resisting is a reason conservatives see for that black man to be killed by the Police.

Unfortunately, Police Officers continue to this day, even in the age of body cameras, digital recordings and clearly ellucidated restrictions on excessive force, to kill and brutalize.  T. Greg Doucette has a long running twitter feed documenting various unlawful acts.

But, the Federal Government (as flawed as it is) has curtailed this unjust behavior.  So right-wingers and Republicans across the great United States are crafting legislation to get around this problem.

You might know these laws as: Stand Your Ground or Run Down Protestors in your way or any number of use of force laws which have been crafted to grant white people the power to take the law into their own hands and kill this or that black man.

Right after the Rittenhouse killings, the rightwing Wurlitzer went into work crafting fake 20/20 hindsight justifications for the killings.  The two killed were child rapists!  They threw Molotov cocktails at Kyle!  One was trying to kill poor Kyle with a skateboard!  The smears and slanders on the dead victims weren't true but, the goal in these types of killings is always the same.  Claim the victim was a criminal thug and repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat.

Rittenhouse is clearly guilty.  Rittenhouse went to Kenosha to kill people and he did.  As a matter of justice and laws, you can't put yourself into a violent confrontation, you can't start a fight, and then claim self-defense.  It's akin in law enforcement to, "Officer Induced Jeopardy".

But, whether or not Rittenhouse gets acquitted (unfortunately, in a massive miscarriage of justice I think he will) what conservatives are trying to get ensconced into law is Vigilantism and a process where they kill someone and are indemnified with the "legal justification" of Dead Men Tell No Tales.  Conservatives know they can not rely on Police for unfettered extrajudicial killing, so using state legislatures they've decided they have the right to take law into their own hands. 

Conservatives "See Kyle" and are aching to go were he has gone before.  Conservatives are asking openly and in large forums, "When do we get to use the guns?"  Ricky Schroeder wants to lead a militia on Veterans Day to overthrow the US Government.  Conservatives are yearning, begging, pleading for a general civil war to break out so they can round-up and liquidate every Democratic official, liberal, feminist, minority, LGBTQ person they can.

Murderers like Kyle Rittenhouse always lie about their crimes; Rittenhouse started the confrontation.  And Rittenhouse did everything with the expectation that not only would it be okay, he would be praised, and when he killed 2 people he'd be able to surrender easily. Rittenhouse was only wrong about the surrender part because the assembled Police simply let him walk away that day after killing people. 

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