Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Crisis of Masculinity: Andrew Tate and Donald Trump, two avowed Rapists, are their role models?

Andrew and Tristan Tate, two avowed rapists and sex crime proponents landed in the Florida today, I'm guessing most likely to request asylum from King Sex Criminal DonOld Trump.  I expect an announcement by Trump or Pam Bondi that America will not be prosecuting the Tate brothers to follow shortly, coupled with express pressure on the governments of the UK and Romania to drop their criminal proceedings.

Their flight was the most tracked flight as I'm sure the on-line toxic patriarchy wanted to proclaim Woke DEI Hillary Clinton Ninjas murdered Andrew Tate to blunt his messianic message to men everywhere.

Andrew Tate's toxic influence hasn't waned after three separate Nations charged him with rape, kidnapping, and human trafficking and despite Tate being such an emotional, overconfident, underpowered intellect leading to Greta Thunberg getting under his skin leading to his location and arrest; the fanatic zeal wasn't blunted.  Plus, he had other leading on-line reactionary rapists (Russell Brand and Jordan Peterson) chalking up his crimes as plots by the DeepState to undermine the message.

Tate's website and crypto coin were giant scams to fleece young men of their money and also involved a 21st century version of the old top-down pyramid scheme but, Trump's malignant influence on Romania led to his meme coin "DADDY" jumping in market cap value 80% as he flew to Florida to pay homage.

It's easy to see why young men gravitate towards Trump, Tate, Musk, and the misogynist right; they offer them the illusion of power and control, especially over women.  Just as with higher education, The Left and the Democratic Party have over the years become coded with the feminine, the LGBTQ, and cooperation instead of domination.  Indeed, these out and proud rapists often seem to their followers to not only do whatever they want they do so without fear of consequence and always seem to get away with it.


The four British women who have accused Andrew Tate responded to the news of the brothers' travel to the U.S. with a joint statement on Thursday, saying they were "in disbelief and feel retraumatized by the news that the Romanian authorities have given into pressure from the Trump administration to allow Andrew Tate to travel around Europe and to the U.S."

"We can only hope that the British authorities finally take action, do something about this terrifying unfolding situation and ensure he faces justice in the U.K.," they said.

The Republican Fraud: Angry MAGA Town Halls upset Republicans are going to eliminate Medicaid and dismantle America?

"Elon Musk was hired by Donald Trump and given
the authority. I would encourage anyone who finds
themselves in this situation to realize that
we are going to get this economy turning again.
There are jobs available.
God has a plan and purpose for your life.”
After Mark Alford told his Serfs Neo-Feudalism is here
he ran to Faux News to tell them he has no problem
calling out the SWAT to kill them 
I warned you.  President Biden warned you.  Republicans, once back in control of the Federal Government, are one vote away from slashing the merger Social Safety Net.

“Medicaid is hugely problematic because it has a lot of fraud, waste, and abuse. Everybody knows that, we all know it intuitively. No one in here would disagree,” - Mike Johnson.  Oh??? We know it intuitively? So Mike doesn't have to prove his claims of STAGGERING FRAUD WASTE and ABUSE, you the miseducated Republican voter just know it intuitively.

Well... here we are.  Republicans under Mike Johnson are scrambling to get their acts together to eliminate Medicaid.  Republican Millionaires lying to you to in service of Billionaires.  Now of course, rightwingers are going to lie and say Republicans and Trump cutting $880,000,000,000 from Medicaid is "saving it".

“I support any plan that helps Medicaid be sustainable. And the current trajectory of Medicaid is not,” said Florida Republican Rep. Byron Donalds.

Allegedly, over the past week as it's become obvious that Elon Musk and the Republicans are going to simply eliminate much of the Federal Government (USAID and Medicaid, the VA, Inspectors General, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) MAGA Voters are pushing back and yelling at Republicans in angry town hall meetings over the DOGE vandalization and ransacking of the Federal Government.

Scott F(ucking) Fitzgerald in a Town Hall in West Bend, Wisconsin responded with the current Republican catch-all Fraud, Waste, and Abuse.  "The end result of the fraud and abuse that has been discovered already..."

"There is waste, abuse, and fraud in Medicaid we are finding out through DOGE and the access to this data there is massive waste, abuse, and fraud." - Missouri Congressman Mark Alford told Kaitlin Collins as he is gladly going to vote to cut Medicaid.

“But let me tell you, we cannot get to where we need to go without Medicaid,” Rep. Keith Self (R-Texas) said Tuesday on Fox Business, adding that “Medicaid is where a lot of these savings could come from.”

"What Elon Musk is doing is truly revolutionary. As the DOGE algorithms find widespread fraud, waste, and abuse in the executive branch agencies that have been hidden from Congress for decades—it will allow us to restore the original intent of our Constitution: a leaner, more efficient, and more accountable federal government that is kept in check by the legislative branch.- Mike Johnson

Republicans believe the entire Federal Government is Fraud, Waste, and Abuse.  What MAGA and Elon Musk intend to do is nothing short of eliminating the entire Federal Government and replacing it with a shoddy simulacrum of a Democratic Republic.

“You can protest all you want outside of departments of this government, you can protest all you want, but the American people disagree with you. Those are not real jobs producing federal revenue, by the way. They’re consuming taxpayer dollars. Those jobs are paid for by the American tax people, who work real jobs, earn real income, pay federal taxes, and then pay these federal employees. Federal employees do not deserve their jobs. Federal employees do not deserve their paychecks. And these are jobs that can be fired at will.” - Congresswoman Major Traitor Greene 

You don't deserve a job.  There are two roles the Republicans see for the Federal Government; a domestic law enforcement apparatus ready to violently quell any and all domestic dissent and war crimes ready Military to be used to intimidate and coerce minor powers and threaten our allies into compliance.

Of course, every now and then a Republican will also use the Illegal Immigrants line for their evil actions; 
"Let me give you an example, did you know that the VA was in charge of payments for illegals, for umm housing." Oklahoma Republican Congresswoman Stephanie Bice told a disabled West Virginia Trump Voting Veteran.

But, Republicans have always hated the social safety net because it gives Americans options and freedoms and the ability to not have to work themselves to death.  And make no mistake, Death is what Republicans want for millions of Americans.

First off, as always I remain highly skeptical of these white rage demonstrations because over the last 60 years, white people have proven over and over again their ability to swallow every shit sandwich Republicans feed to them while voting GOP more fervently each time.  White people (as an overall group) have not voted for a Democratic President since LBJ in '64.  I see no reason to believe whites won't return to MAGA-Land in 26 and 28, when Trump runs again.  Certainly, Republicans believe all they have to say is the magical incantation of 

Woke DEI Transgender Illegal Immigrant Biden Inflation Fraud, Waste, and Abuse

And MAGA Voters will nod sagely, and say Ah 'tis true, 'tis true, clearly I need to be fired from my job

Republicans do this because they know the voting electorate has the memory of goldfish and the goal is to win the day-to-day messaging war because in two years time White People will have forgotten whatever nasty, vicious, anti-freedom, fascist action Republicans did in the past and instead will get upset about the Rightwing outrage du jour, like those Transgender athletes. 

From the story of the MAGA Loving, three time Trump voting, now fired VA employee and his wife;

“I voted for Donald Trump. But this is not what I was expecting,” he said. “We didn’t think they were going to take a chainsaw to a silk rug.”

The man’s wife said they also believed his years of military service would have offered him more protection against DOGE cuts.

“I recognize there are a lot of cuts that need to be made, but this is not the one that you think will happen to your family,” she said. “I encouraged him to take the job there, because he loved working for the agency, and I think it has a good mission.”

I voted Trump and expected him to hurt those people not me!!!  So, sure protest and complain to your Republican Congressperson at a Town Hall for as long as they continue to hold them, but understand it's too fucking late.  We warned you, but the Corporate Media told you the 'Democrats are Lyin'! and White People said, 'FUCK OFF DEMOCRATS!  WE WANT FASCISM!  BURN IT ALL DOWN!!!'  

And here we are Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Mike Johnson and the Republican House and Senate, and Supremacist Court have soaked the Nation in gasoline and are throwing matches they call Fraud, Waste, and Abuse at it.   And come 2026 and 2028, those White People who have been directly materially harmed by Musk and MAGA will go back into the voting booth and vote straight Republican yet again.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Crowns & Chains

Article I, Section 9, Clause 8:

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

King DonOld and Grand Duck Elon Muck are engaged in the oldest con in World History trying to make themselves into Nobility.  MAGA is, of course, absolutely ready to bow down, curtsey, tug the forelock, and bend the knee to these Conmen and Traitors because the rightwing propaganda machine has conditioned them for years.  We are at the fulfillment of the 50 year Republican War on America.

We appear to have a new FDR in Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker,

“Tyranny requires your fear and your silence and your compliance. Democracy requires your courage. So gather your justice and humanity, Illinois, and do not let the tragic spirit of despair overcome us when our country needs us the most.  We don’t have kings in America, and I don’t intend to bend the knee to one,” Pritzker said to applause from Democrats. “If we don’t want to repeat history, then for God’s sake, in this moment, we better be strong enough to learn from it.”

Governor JB's speech had much more excellent substance to it but, predictably Illinois Republicans clutched furiously at their pearls and fainted all aghast that Governor Prtizker would accurately describe Trump and the Republican Party.  Remember that the worst offense one can do in America is to tell the truth about Republican perfidy.

I expect Trump will seek out a confrontation with J.B. at some point, probably using ICE and combining it with the lawsuit Trump's Department of Injustice launched against Chicago, Cook County, and Illinois. Traitor Trump will have a big press conference to declare he is having the Department of Justice and Tom Homan investigate Governor Pritzker for breaking The Law, knowing the Corporate Media will breathlessly report it.  This is, of course, the same tactic Trump wanted to use against President Joe Biden by demanding Ukrainian President Zelenskyy announce an investigation into Hunter Biden and President Biden. 

But, despite the blinkered Reactionary Left demands that the Democrats Doooooooo Something, while ignoring what Democratic leaders are in fact doing, New York Governor Kathy Hochul also spoke out against King DonOld,

“I’m here to say New York hasn’t labored under a king in over 250 years and we sure as hell are not going to start now,” Gov. Hochul said to cheers. “The streets of the city where battles were fought, we stood up to a king and we won. In case you don’t know New Yorkers, when we’re in a fight, we do not back down, not now, not ever.  This is an attack on our sovereign identity, our independence from Washington.  This is what we fought for – people like Alexander Hamilton and others fought for – to set up a system (where) we are not subservient to a king or anyone else out of Washington.”

Under King DonOld;
Are We the Baddies? is now We are the Baddies!

I spoke long ago that the Trump White House would release programming as though it were a tawdry television show and this vile dehumanizing video, posted to the official White House Twitter account, is absolutely what I imagined they would do.

Trump's showmanship is exactly what the Corporate Media wanted and why they so slavishly helped him regain the White House.

But, the cruelty, negging, and trolling is no longer merely words and "mean tweets" but, has moved to the rounding-up and cruel mistreatment of human beings.

A deportation flight leaving the United States on Thursday carrying 135 mostly Asian undocumented migrants is expected to land in Costa Rica in the afternoon. Almost half of the migrants will be children.  The deportation flight is the latest headed to Central America, as some 300 people — also from mostly Asian countries — are being held in a Panama hotel. 

Omer Badilla, Costa Rica’s deputy minister of the interior and police, said Costa Rica agreed to accept the migrants “because of our history and our customs as human rights protectors.” 

Costa Rica has to act as a human rights protector because the United States is no longer a Nation which respects human rights or the dignity of the individual.  It's a precipitous fall from the shining city on a hill speech to the Long Live the King but, that is where 50 years of agitprop and lies has led us.

Meanwhile, Traitor Trump is revving up the next episode of his horror show as he and his Grand Duck are going to audit Fort Knox to see if the gold is there.

“Who is confirming that gold wasn’t stolen from Fort Knox?” Musk wrote Monday. “Maybe it’s there, maybe it’s not.”

Fat Nazi golfers stealing the gold out of Fort Knox is a real old plot device.  But, even Goldfinger wasn't going to be able to turn Gold into Bitcoin...

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Trump/Musk/Billionaires/MAGA the entire Federal Government is Fraud/Waste/Abuse

"This who own the country ought to govern it,"
 John Jay  ELON MUSK

The stalking horse the Republicans used for 50 years has been to claim they only want to eliminate Fraud/Waste/Abuse the corollary being if you are against Republican governance you are axiomatically for Fraud/Waste/Abuse.

What I have written about for years on this blog is for people to understand the Fraud/Waste/Abuse is cover for the destruction of the Social Safety net and the elimination of the American Dream.  Republicans and MAGA do not believe any American should ever get to retire and do not believe in an autonomous federal bureaucracy.  MAGA wants a government comprised of fanatics completely loyal to Trump and Musk (and their successors) who doles out government money to their friends and brutally cuts off funding for liberals and Democrats, and any program which they find against their interests.

Look at Elon's vile transparent lies about what he's uncovered in the Social Security administration.  It's all part of the plan where Republicans steal social security and then send it to the compliant states that enforce MAGA doctrine and deny it to those who resist their tyrannical dictates.  Your eligibility will be determined completely by your fealty to Trump/Musk. 

White people have been conditioned for decades to believe the Government is the problem, so as Musk and Trump hack off huge chunks of the US Treasury they will uncritically accept this as being good.  They've been told for 50 years the US Government is their enemy and while under Republican Regimes it most assuredly is but, what Republicans and Reactionary Leftists have done is a fascist inversion and placed the blame on the Democratic Party.

America has No Kings
DonOld Trump is a Traitor
You see it don't you?  Under Democratic Presidents Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden the rightwing propaganda machine and the Corporate Media go into high gear blasting lies and wholly made-up fraudulent "scandals" to undermine a Democratic Administration.  They become silent when a Republican is in office.  Rightwing propagandists on Faux, rightwing trolls on social media call everything Tyranny under Democratic officials and work hand-in-glove with Republican administrations.  Elon Musk is everything Republicans have claimed George Soros is...  Every accusation against President Obama Republicans made is an  action being done by Traitor Trump.

Now as Elon Musk and his cadre of co-conspirators hollow out Federal agencies it isn't with the idea of eliminating them but with the idea of staffing them with hard-core conservative zealots who will work to stop any potential future Democratic administration or progressive legislation.  As we saw with President Biden, the Supremacist Court and the rightwing minions who undermined his programs weren't blamed for their failure. Nor was uber-leftist cutie pie Kirsten Sinema for voting against Democratic legislation over and over and over.  No.  President Biden was blamed.  It was the same with President Obama.

The MAGA goal is to destroy the Federal Government at least the parts which help people because The Federal Government the Billionaires and MAGA want is one comprised of two things;  a fervent ever rapacious domestic law enforcement apparatus crushing and quashing domestic dissent and a robust military ready to extort minor powers and threaten our closest allies into obedience.  

Everything else is superfluous.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Ignorance was always going to be America's Downfall: RFK Jr. destroys the Department of Health and Human Services MAHA!

    I've never ascribed to "heightening the contradictions" or "Accelerationism" because that is not how Americans vote or think.  I've heard young Millennials talk glowingly about RFK Jr and his plan to just make Americans healthy again!  Who could be against that???

Palin is the John the Baptist to Trump's Jesus
A mere 12 years ago, Michelle Obama called for Americans to eat healthier and drink less sugary sodas and Republicans responded by calling her a man (which they are still doing to this day) and trotting out a visibly drunk Sarah Palin guzzling a 64oz Big Gulp.  Republicans also took to the Courts to get any bans on high-fructose corn syrup sodas declared unconstitutional.

The joy of being a Republican is having no memory.  The pride of being a Republican is being actively ignorant and aggressively stupid.

RFK Jr. the latest vandal to be elevated to a key position in the Fascist Regime of Donald Trump and promptly fired thousands of workers at CDC and NIH;

President Donald Trump’s administration today moved to fire 5200 workers at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), using supervisors across the vast agency to warn probationary employees that they would soon receive termination notices. It also fired the director and much of the staff of the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H), a $1.5 billion agency created 3 years ago to fund high-risk, high-payoff research.

The move came on the first full day in office of HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who had promised to eliminate hundreds of jobs at federal health agencies “on Day 1.”  At the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), where institute directors were hastily summoned to a meeting this morning to alert them of the imminent firings, some 1500 employees were initially scheduled to be let go; at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the number was 1269. 

RFK Jr is also going to apparently ban whole classes of anti-depressants and other drugs used for the mental health epidemic across America by claiming its' the drugs causing the mental health crisis in the first place.  

Of course, this comes as Musk, Trump, and other the other criminal co-conspirators he's surrounded himself with destroy other sections of the Federal Government. For Fucks Sake, Trump fired hundreds of workers at the Department of Energy.  MAGA scum don't care because they don't understand what's happening.  Department of energy???  Biden war on Coal!  They have no fucking clue this handles America's nuclear weapons arsenal!  Nor do they  know what the NIH does.  While they simply don't care what USAID did. They don't know anything other than the deliberate misinformation and false propaganda they've greedily consumed for decades.  Faux News merely came along at the mid-point of the 50 year Propaganda War Republicans have waged on America.  Now, Republican voters are so consumed with the Fear & Anger that's been trained into them and with the Magical Thinking, they support all of these Republican efforts to destroy the Federal Government especially by placating themselves with the mantra If the cuts made are wrong Trump will restore the funding, there is no reaching them. They respond to any counter claims with an immediate denial there anything is wrong.  While anything that threatens their blinkered worldview becomes an existential threat to their sense of self and they would rather die (literally) than ever admit a fucking liberal was right.

So, what's going to happen? Well, you know what's going to happen. Trump and Republicans will blame Biden and DEI. Eventually, this group of assholes, dilettantes, scam artists, terrorists and traitors will wear out their welcome and a Democratic President will inherit a fucked up mess at the Federal level and try to stop the hemorrhaging and reconstitute the institutions while facing a torrent of non-stop of attacks from Corporate Media and a firehouse of bullshit and lies from Musk. Or this time maybe that won't happen...

Friday, February 14, 2025

Trump (as well as Hegseth and Musk) shits on Veterans yet again

The Most Efficient Government for Billionaires
is the one that doesn't exist
Trumps disdain and utter disrespect for Veterans was apparent and palpable throughout his time in office last time and his disgusting run in 2024.

But, we are in the Era of Propaganda and Magical Thinking and people disbelieving the evidence in front of their own eyes.

Over the years, I've vainly hoped pointing out the repeated insults of wounded veterans, the despicable antics and desecration of Arlington National Cemetery, shitting on Medal of Honor recipients, along with reasoned commentary from distinguished Veterans would be enough to demonstrate to Veterans that Trump not only doesn't give a shit about them, he actively dislikes and hates Veterans.  

Trump's evisceration of the Veteran's Administration is not a new goal for Republicans who have always viewed active duty service members and Veterans as nothing more than pawns in their power game to destroy the United States of America and replace it with a Fascist Fundamentalist Nation.  The Second American Revolution as Project 2025 leader Kevin Roberts called it.

Contemporaneously, I received a letter from the VA apologizing for the repeated delays in processing my claim.  Some of this is my fault as I should have started a disability claim 20 years ago after serving in both Afghanistan and Iraq, but that's life.  Of course, if it wasn't for President Joe Biden pushing through the PACT Act I wouldn't have tried at all.

Slashing VA benefits and specifically cutting off disability for Veterans is a key component of the DOGE destruction of the Federal Government.

Here’s a story of young Marine vet Andrew Lennox, laid off by Musk from his job at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Understand maga doesn’t give a shit about individual veterans it’s all about the raw aggregate and ensuring that more than 50% remain with them.

What the 2024 election demonstrated is evidence and policies don't matter.  At all.  We are in a fervor of fascist hatred and that fever is untouchable by anything other than direct harm.  I hope we can minimize the harm and I sincerely hope as little harm comes to innocent people in the Nation.  Republicans, unfortunately, do not share that hope and are already rounding up people.  Hopefully, continued resistance from upper level judicial and prosecutors and the growing ground-swell against MAGA can delay everything until we have a chance to vote in 2026.  Whether or not we will vote or if Republicans continued lies and the Corporate Media's continued efforts to keep their Beloved Leader DonOld Trump in power coupled with EloNazi Musk's destruction of the Government make that untenable or impossible is anyone's guess.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

MAGA knowing themselves and Trolling their Enemies

The Left and MAGA believed both these things
    We, the People are the enemy of the MAGA.  Republicans have been so successful as of late elections because they know their enemy and they know how to Divide & Conquer Us.  In Super Bowl parlance, MAGA has done a great job of "Scouting" us and designed a playbook to hit at weaknesses.

During the election, Trump PACs ran contradictory ads about whom Vice President Kamala Harris supported in the Israel/Palestine situation.  Leftists, who are absolutely silent about Trump's plan to annex Gaza, forcibly eject Palestinians and turn it into a luxury resort area, again allowed themselves to be deceived by Republicans because the Reactionary American Left is in agreement and allied with MAGA against the Democratic Party.

Much of this works because the Democratic Party stands for Institutions and the US Government and for building things up whereas the Reactionary Left and MAGA want to tear down the United States Government and Federal institutions.  The American Left, of course, stupidly believes After Trump, Our Turn, whereas MAGA knows everything they destroy, like USAID, the Department of Education, an FBI with a loyalty to the Rule of Law instead of Personality Cult, can never be rebuilt.

50 years ago, when Richard Nixon was forced to resign, Republicans decided to destroy the United States of America.  We are still in the midst of their counter-reaction to the 1960's.  MAGA is still running on the Reagan concept of 'Government is the Problem'.  As a rhetorical device, running on the concept of "broken government", Republicans position themselves as outsiders.  Then once in power they break whatever parts of the Government they can.  Then future Republicans continue to run on the concept of a "broken government", in order to get back into power and break more parts of the Government.  

Kristi Noem in Gitmo on a Hungerstrike
Republicans know their voters.  Republicans know they just have to mouth the Reagan mantra of 'Government is the problem' and their followers will nod sagely and say, Truly this is Truth.  Republicans can even do this when they hold all the levers of power as they do now.  Face Filler Kristi Noem, went on the Sunday morning TV and when Dana Bash asked her about concerns with unelected Elon Muck stealing Americans personal data, declared without blinking, 

"Well, we can't trust our government anymore. That's our -- yes, oh, absolutely."

Just as with Trump and Drunk Van Orden and every other Republican, career politician Noem gets to be an Outsider not a Politician, bemoaning the Untrustworthy Government, even as she jets around the world, in a new outfit every day, for her "Bad Ass Bitch" photoshoots, showing just how tough she's on immigrants.

I was accused by Leftists on BlueSky of blaming the Voters for Democrats failures.  That, is if the Democrats adopted better policies, people would vote for them.  Once again I will point out that white men en toto have not voted for a Democratic President for 60 years, even since LBJ made his possibly apocryphal comment about losing the white vote.

The idea that Policy sways Voters is sheer nonsense but, the Left will never, ever admit they have been repeatedly played by Republicans and  phony Leftist bad actors like Jill Stein and Kirsten Sinema.

The Democratic coalition is diverse and our diversity is our strength.  Republicans, on the other hand, are ideologically monolithic with a rigid hierarchy. "Diversity is not our strength," as Pete Hegseth recently said.

Republicans years ago hit upon the twin doctrine of Fear & Anger to keep their ghoulish voters in a constant acute state of stress.  Recall how often Trump claimed he is fighting for them and remember his Fight! Fight! Fight! camera moment when a Republican tried to shoot him in Pennsylvania.

And to reward their constant frenzied arousal Republicans will feed them the dopamine hits.   For instance, Pete Hegseth hit upon the oh so clever move of renaming of Fort Liberty back to Fort Bragg!  But, ah ha we got ya libs!  It's named after a PFC from WW2 named Roland Bragg and definitely not Braxton Bragg the confederate traitor!  Gotcha!  Checkmate Libs!

While Elon Muck and his army of GamerGate Chuds continue to steal data and unlawfully eliminate whole departments and jobs in the Federal Government look at the other dopamine and endorphin hits he offers MAGA;

Trump signed an executive order stating we are "going back to plastic straws" because paper straws "explode".  Plastic is probably going to be the death of the planet but, remember all these fucking Republicans don't give a shit because they won't be here and if using plastic straws as a wedge issue gets them more power right now well they are going for it and fuck everything.

Georgia Congressman "Buddy" Carter introduced legislation to rename Greenland into "Red, White, and Blueland" once Traitor Trump acquires is.

It's all nihilistic trolling, all the time, all in the service of Making the Libs Cry!  Bread & Circuses have been replaced dopamine...

Monday, February 10, 2025

Dismantling America: MAGA Sowing and MAGA Reaping

"As a matter of history, it has always been easier to destroy than to create," Spock, 
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)

    Elon Musk certainly sees himself as Khan from the Star Trek Universe.  Genetically superior both physically and mentally, and unconstrained by the ethics and morals which control and constrain lesser mortals.  His whole upbringing made this clear and his meteoric rise to untold wealth (whether its' real or not) and control of vast expanses of the United States Federal Government only confirm this metaphysical certainty.

Now, surrounding himself with young edgelord criminals who cut their eye-teeth on the toxic rightwing internet he plans to enact Khan's plan for the World.

There is a whole class of people in the United States, mainly white men, who don't know how anything works and don't know the aid and privileges they are receiving from various Federal Departments, and don't understand direct and indirect consequences and so as these things are by Trump and Musk destroyed they won't know why and they won't understand who did it.

This is entirely in keeping with the Republican modus operandi for the last 50 years.  Republicans have made their base not uneducated, but deliberately miseducated.  And now their miseducation machine is self-sustaining and their minions are running around breaking laws, smashing into sensitive areas, and being goaded and cheered on by elected Republicans.

Just look at the people who were enthusiastic Trump supporters who are now acting surprised at his evil actions:

Venezuelans in Doral, Florida are shocked he's ending the Biden TPS policy which welcomed in refugees from violence in Venezuela and kicking them out, She knew Trump had vowed to deport immigrants who committed crimes and singled out members of Venezuela’s feared Tren de Aragua gang as initial targets. That was something she agreed with and welcomed. But she didn’t expect Trump to conflate criminals with Venezuelans like her parents and younger brother.

Latino voters and supporters of Trump were just like Arab/Muslim Trump supporters absolutely aware of what evil shit Trump had planned but, totally certain MAGA would go after Others, like Haitians and wouldn't come after them! 

Meanwhile, the Grain Belt states have voted for Republicans for decades and Farmers are some of the most Reactionary intolerant fuckers you've ever been around.  But, man do they love them some Government largesse and those subsidies they received and have received for years from USAID and USDA aren't Socialism;

Farmers report missing millions of dollars of funding they were promised by the U.S. Agriculture Department, despite promises from the Trump administration that a federal funding freeze would not apply to projects directly benefiting individuals.

But, midwest Farmers aren't the only ones Trump's already screwed over, when Trump ordered the Army Corps of Engineers to open the Central California dams holding back millions of gallons of water held in reserve for growing season he did so either knowing it would fuck them over during a drought this year or simply for the lie he opened the floodgates to stop the L.A. fires. 

Katie Britt, best known for her fundamentalist breathy baby voiced anti-State of the Union address last year, expressed concern about the NIH funding cuts Trump has already promised and which RFK Jr if confirmed will definitely enact.

“While the administration works to achieve this goal at NIH, a smart, targeted approach is needed in order to not hinder life-saving, groundbreaking research at high-achieving institutions like those in Alabama,” Britt told 

My Republican states federal grant money is Earned and Necessary. Your Democratic states federal grant money is Waste, Fraud, and Abuse.

Republicans are the 'Soft Men creating Hard Times' they’ve been blubbering about for years.  Pampered and Privileged.  They’ve never experienced real hardship.  Never missed a meal.  Always had access to fresh fruit, ample meat, clean water at the turn of a faucet.  Someone always available to baby sit their kids.  Roads are clear of trash, broken down vehicles, snow and in good repair.  They've always had a government backstop working without fanfare so they could spend their days listening to millionaires and now billionaires lie to them.  And there are many other things across the Nation which Republican voters would never believe would stop functioning.

But, since Republican voters don't understand how anything works and don't care to understand.  They don’t care about the damage being wrought. Because things have always worked and will always work. Understanding things is for losers.  Real Men do, not think.  Like Elon and his Infant Army.  Go in and fuck it up and watch the nerds cower in fear at your masculine manly take charge energy.

So, MAGA is going to tear down a bunch of institutions which Republican voters have come to expect as part of the "natural order" and are going to be angered and perplexed why things haven't gotten better.

    As a matter of course, Republicans always have the advantage because destroying Government because that's what they run on and that's what they do.  Trying to build a coalition in a Non-Parliamentary Democracy is next to impossible and now we are seeing all the so-called guardrails and walls and institutional protections were so much gossamer wings.  

But, Faux News, and Trump are ready to place the blame on ready scapegoats like DEI and Trans athletes and white people and every other Republican voter is going to swallow this tripe.  I don't think their fever for lies and propaganda is going to break.  And when the Nation and institutions which have been built up laborious over years of sweat and blood vanish and don't function as they expect then the violence against the Other and Democrats will be the next call from J.D. Vance and Elon Musk.

TLDR Version:

A lot of pissant white motherfuckers take a lot of shit for fucking granted and unprepared for what their burn it all down decisions will do.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Sweden isn't Free like Us!

In the wake of the worst mass shooting in Sweden's history, the Nation and political leaders plan to enact stricter Gun Laws.

Sweden's government has announced plans to tighten gun laws, as police confirmed for the first time on Friday details of those killed in the worst mass shooting the country's history.

Seven women and four men between 28 and 68 died in the attack, police said, including the gunman. All were from Orebro county, the region where the shooting took place.

Police also confirmed that the killer was a 35-year-old man. He has been widely named by Swedish media as Rickard Andersson.

It was previously confirmed that the gunman legally owned four rifles, three of which were found at the scene alongside 10 empty magazines. 

Sweden’s government , like other civilized Nations in the world, responded to this by trying to protect its’ citizens, restrict gun violence, and stop future mass shootings.

Looks and sounds just like a Taliban fighter
raging against Gays and Abortion
Because they hate Freedom!  Not like here!  Here you are free to be gunned down in a school!  In a church!  In a grocery store!  Or maybe shot by your significant other!  In Maine, a white power conservative gun nut beat up his child bride and then engaged in a standoff and gun battle with Police, ultimately killing a poor K-9 service dog in his Blaze of Glory.

"My name is Steven Righini. I am a resident of Maine, and I had the cops called on me. A SWAT team showed up, and I'm now engaged in a shootout," Righini said in the video.

It seems quaint to talk about the way Republicans inverted the concept of Freedom in America as they are in the midst of Their Coup to replace the United States with a simulacrum of a democratic republic.

The Republicans bamboozled men into believing Guns = Masculinity, Liberty, Freedom and a bunch of other nonsense.  Now most white men believe if they don't have a gun the Other or the Democrats will get them.

Of course, when presented with facts about how owning a gun makes you less safe in a home, or that guns are rarely used in bonafide defensive gun use (DGU), or that guns are most often used to kill women before the "loving" husband turns the weapon on himself?  Well, they choose not to believe .

But, I gotta be able to protect my family, is the most often shouted rejoinder!  Oh really?  If you really wanted to protect your family, you'd get vaccinated, you'd eat healthier, you'd do some laundry, you'd wash the floor and counter-tops!  Well... No that's not what I meant.   No, what these men mean is I gotta be able to live out my Fantasy of pulling my sidearm and dropping that intruder!  While, in the real world most intruders, are juveniles sneaking back into the home only to be shot and killed by their fathers.

Instead men cling to this fantasy world in which Transgender Athletes are more dangerous than Guns.  Which is why Republicans are dutifully passing laws and Trump is issuing Executive Orders to ban Trans persons.  How they will accomplish this, beyond a thorough genital inspection, is anyones' guess;  but, we all know it's theater and those Trans athletes are going to self-exclude themselves from Sports rather than face the possibility Nancy Mace will grab their crotches.

But, the real reason Republicans flooded the Nation with Guns and undermined Law&Order over and over was for the political power having a potential stable of paramilitary armed fanatics at their disposal provides.  And don't believe those people on Social Media who claim paramilitary domestic terrorists don't have power.  We are currently witnessing Elon Musk army of infants seizing control of multiple agencies and gaining access to vast amounts of data which should be confidential and doing who knows what to the computer systems and servers they've simply seized without firing a shot.  And then we saw a single Triple Canopy Rightwing Terrorist stymie the elected House and Senate Democrats by blocking their access to the EPA HQ a department of the Federal Government.

Well... it certainly seems like the End has Come as so many warned but, White People are fucking loving this.  Like Vandals, they see nothing worth saving in the Federal Government.  Incensed by the gentle steps towards a more perfect union taken by Presidents Obama and Biden, white men have responded to the whiff of equity and equality with a full-on Fascist furor and either their burn it all down fever breaks or the Nation does.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Afghanistan & Gaza

The fact the Left gave President Biden exactly ZERO credit
for ending the Afghanistan debacle in the same way the Left
gave President Obama ZERO credit for ending the Iraq debacle allowed the Republicans and Corporate Media to smear and declare the actions were both Bad
DonOld Trump stunned the World and put the Corporate Media into a justification frenzy with his declarations the United States would be annexing Gaza and displacing the Palestinian peoples into various other locations.

" I do see a long-term ownership position and I see it bringing great stability to that part of the Middle East, and maybe the entire Middle East. And everybody I’ve spoken to – this was not a decision made lightly. Everybody I’ve spoken to loves the idea of the United States owning that piece of land...

We have an opportunity to do something that could be phenomenal. And I don’t want to be cute. I don’t want to be a wise guy. But the Riviera of the Middle East, this could be something that could be so – this could be so magnificent."

The ways in which the Corporate Media covered Afghanistan (and subsequently Gaza) and President Biden and Traitor Trump was nothing less than a complete inversion of reality and in keeping with the #1 job of the Corporate Media; i.e. to lie about Democrats and to lie for Republicans.

The Corporate Media and the moribund American Left simply ignored their goals, efforts, and outcomes of the plans of both men and the policies both Administrations were pursuing and would pursue.  Instead the American Left, the Corporate Media, and Republicans, while not working in tandem, worked in parallel placing all the blame onto President Biden for all the fallout both here and in Israel with the Left especially blaming President Biden for the War Crimes of Netanyahu and oft times even individual acts of depravity conducted by IDF soldiers.  The Left also castigated President Biden for the Police crackdown on College protesters and the follow-on Republican witch hunts against College Administrators.

Even now as Trump undoes Biden's limitations on 2000-lb bombs being shipped to Israel and talks about Ethnically Cleansing the region in order to make Gaza into the "Riviera of the Middle East", the Left is rabidly blaming Biden and Harris and demanding the Democrats Doooooooooo Something!, whilst ignoring everything the Democrats are doing.

    I'll need to curate my BlueSky feed a little better and possibly temper my responses.  A recent Patton Oswalt post attracted swarms of Leftists screaming GENOCIDE JOE!!!!  And every time anything relating to Gaza is posted swarms of booger-eating lefties descend in a non-stop barrage of Genocide and Democrats did a Genocide and you supported a Genocide.  And they've also claimed Trump's response to the Israel/Palestine situation is at worst the same as President Biden's and maybe better.  It's infuriating, and more to the point, it's precisely the language of MAGA.  Now, for years I've wanted to believe these accounts weren't real and were instead Russian trolls and bots designed to sow discord but, at this point it seems BlueSky like Twitter before it is a gaggle of Leftist Purity Ponies whose job is to undermine Democratic politicians non-stop.

When a dirtbag leftist screams Genocide they aren't looking to have a discussion, they're trying to establish dominance (moral, rhetorical).  They aren't looking for an exchange, it's not a conversation starter it's a conversation ender.  It's precisely what the MAGA thought leaders did by hyping #QAnon nonsense and abortion lies.  Both the unserious American Left and the very serious MAGA right attack the Democratic Party and blame Democrats and "ShitLibs".

In many ways, what's happening right now is exactly what the Left wanted;  they wanted Biden and Harris out of Office, they wanted Democrats to be unhappy, they wanted ShitLibs and cringe wine moms to suffer and cry, and they wanted Acclerationist destruction of the US Federal Government to result in the crumbling of the old order.  Precisely, the same goals of the MAGA party.

Anne Applebaum calls these people "The New Rasputins" in her February 2025 article in The Atlantic.  Applebaum argues convincingly the old terminology of right-wing and left-wing are outmoded and no longer properly describe Trump's "coalition" or the politics of 21st century America. 

While, I think the voting power of the Left across America is negligible, the fact that every Left media source took to castigating Biden (and Harris) daily and did everything they could to depress enthusiasm and turnout amongst the "Normies" matters.  Telling every person you know, especially those far less political engaged, that the Democrats are to Blame for everything (as the Left has done for decades) as well as the highly inflammatory "Genocide Joe" smears eventually gets them to accept your premise.

Now, the blame for Trump rests almost solely on white people, especially the overwhelmingly majority of white men who, when confronted with the mildest push for equity, equality, and diversity under Presidents Biden and Obama responded with FUCK YOU!  WE WANT FASCISM!  But, this election also saw white women vote to enshackle themselves, Latino Men vote to pull the ladder up, and Muslims voting for Ethnic Cleansing.

And that is what is rankling a lot of Liberals right now.  The American Muslim community voted for Trump and Jill Stein in 2024.  Am I supposed to feel pity for or solidarity with those who voted for this?  And even worse the American Muslim community has been steadily moving towards Republicans during elections since 2000.  I don't think the plurality the Left is trying to build can include a group which is diametrically opposed to many of the policies of the Left claims to espouse and the Democratic Party works to create

And right now, the response from Muslim leaders at least, is to excuse Trump's declaration to Annex Gaza, 

“People are taking a deep breath. It’s too early to render a judgment. But definitely the past two or three weeks feel unbelievable.  Many people expressed that concern, that maybe it was a mistake to vote for President Trump. And now this is an eye-opener to take into consideration to the 2026 elections," said Imad Hamad, executive director of the Dearborn-based American Human Rights Council. 

Now?  Now???  Nope.  Too Late, pal.  The time to support Democracy was last year.  The time to express concern was when the Left was bashing Biden and working to undermine Harris.

Leftists bristle and became belligerent when their actions are highlighted as contributing factors.  Which is simply a natural human reaction.  And there in lays the problem, the American Left, is highly Reactionary, and seeks to punish Democrats while ignoring what the American Fascists are doing, which is simply the way the Left has always operated, saving their sharpest vitriol for those who would seem to be their allies and instead helping to push the Rightwing agenda.

Anyway this is all terrible and everyone is lashing out as Trump and Musk undo the United States of America.  Many innocent people are going to suffer and I'm not going to take any solace in I Told Ya So.  Instead, I guess we are going to see the United States engage in Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza as Trump Makes America like the Trail of Tears Again.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Musk and Trump and the Collapse

Musk hates USAid because it ended Apartheid 
      The Wired revelation today that 6 Goons, all born after the year 2000, working for Elon Musk have taken over control of several US Government departments and accessed classified information via the U.S. Department of Treasury was simply flabbergasting.

Coupling this with Musk granting himself Line-Item Veto power to stop Congressionally approved funding including for such critical Governmental bodies like USAid created a deep pit of despair in my stomach.  And then to read that Musk fanboys invaded the USAid offices and threatened to call the US Marshals if they weren't given complete access and control to every office and file and computer and that it worked was astonishing.  Each of those little punks should have been grabbed by the collar and thrown out into the street.  Instead they ransacked the place and made off with who knows what data.

USAid is an arm of the Foreign Diplomacy and helps immensely in the gathering of intel and getting contacts and local support for advancing American Interests. 

But, that style of statecraft is so 20th century and Musk knows we don't need to develop allies on the ground when he has Twitter, xAI, and Starlink and whatever other 21st century wizardry to cultivate foreign lands for himself.

Oh, and Trump and Vance casually threatened Canada with Invasion while Marco Rubio threatened Panama with Invasion.  The question is how long does Trump abide by any constraints?  He's already made incredibly stupid orders like open the reservoirs in central California;  If Trump orders a military strike into Canada or Greenland or sends the Navy to seize the Panama Canal?  I don't believe the Nation continues.

For the first time, I felt it was possible my country might collapse.  And I don't know what that looks like.  The USSR crumbling into various successor states would seem to be the likely outcome but, I don't think Republicans and Rightwingers are going to let this all go peacefully.

The thought of U.S. Federal Government collapsing in on itself because a bunch of chuds and fascists decided to start throwing switches and pulling plugs and firing large swaths of federal workers made me realize quite unexpectedly the United States may crumble from within.

Remember, Fascism only works early on because it hijacks an existing bureaucracy and usually after a few years of mismanagement, and purges of non-fascists it begins to fail because workers are chosen for their ideological fanaticism and not their ability and competence.

The young white fascists fucking love what's happening.  Seeing Musk tweet out his elimination of this or that and watching Trump neg Canada while older Republicans justify this is what they’ve yearned for, for years.  It appears obvious either the white peoples Burn it all down Fascist Fever breaks or the Nation does.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

MAGA replacing FBI and Federal Prosecutors with MAGA party loyalists in order to facilitate the liquidation of millions of people

All Good Things...

Trump told all FAA Air Traffic Controllers to quit and look for work elsewhere.  Now he's telling the FBI and Department of Justice Prosecutors their work investigating January 6th criminals and insurrectionists is a fireable offense.    

When you want to describe a professional federal agency to Normies you probably invoke an FBI agent or a Federal prosecutor, as an example.  They go through background checks and have high education and proficiency in order to get hired in the first place as well as advance through the ranks.

The reason the Soviets were able to seamlessly takeover the Russian State was because they stepped into roles and organizations already established.  Decades before the 1917 Revolution, the Tsarist Secret Police (the Okhrana) had stepped into their role in the 19th century based on the "Third Section" which was created in the wake of the Decembrist Revolt.  Thus, a hundred years later it was easy for the early Soviet NkVD (the forerunner of the KGB and thus the FSB) to step into the role and actions done by the Tsar's Secret Police.

It is this model the MAGA and Trump Party loyalists are expecting to move into.  FBI agents insufficiently loyal and "weaponized" Department of Justice Prosecutors have been sacked.

Trump administration officials have forced out all six of the FBI’s most senior executives and multiple heads of FBI field offices across the country, current and former FBI officials told NBC News. 

They included the high-profile leader of the Washington, D.C., field office, which was involved in the prosecutions of President Donald Trump, and federal prosecutors who investigated Jan. 6 rioters. A congressional aide said the number of prosecutors impacted is roughly two dozen.

In a separate memo to the FBI workforce sent out Friday night, the bureau’s acting director, Brian J. Driscoll, Jr., informed employees that acting Deputy Attorney General, Emil Bove, had asked for a list of all FBI employees who worked on January 6 cases for "a review process to determine whether any additional personnel actions are necessary."

Trump and his Aides will pick replacements based solely on Zealotry and MAGA Fervor.  That'll be the background check.  So, expect a large amount rightwing criminals to be handed a badge, a gun, and a clearance to investigate you.  If you thought it was bad when Kyle Rittenhouse was able to shoot three people, killing two and not only be lauded by the right but exonerated.  Or when Daniel Penny was found not guilty of murder by reason of black men have no rights he was bound to respect.  Or when Greg Abbott pardoned convicted killer Daniel Perry (who broadcast his intention to commit first degree murder).  Well, now imagine all of them doing this under the auspices of "Homelnad Security".

I think many on-line forget how little violence is actually needed to quell dissent.  Or how a small act of direct violence done at the correct time can disrupt even the best run organization or strongest protest.  In 2020, Trump sent a deputized Hit Squad to assassinate Michael Reinoehl.  Reinoehl was suspected (not convicted) of a murder which he claimed was self-defense in a clash Trump supporters in August 2020.  After he was shot down without being arrested, Trump took a victory lap and gloated at the killing.

Now, with Trump back in power his Tom Homan and Kash Patel are going to advocate for this sort of Police Action towards any resisters.  Homan has already complained that Chicago people were too aware of their rights under the Constitution;

“For instance, Chicago—very well-educated,“ Homan continued. ”They‘ve been educated on how to how to defy ICE, how to hide from ICE. I‘ve seen many pamphlets from many NGOs: ’Here‘s how you escape ICE from arresting you. Here‘s what you need to do.  “They call it ‘Know Your Rights.’ I call it ‘how to escape arrest,’” Homan added.

I don't think I'd ever hear an ostensible Chief Law Enforcement Officer complain about people knowing their Rights, at least not openly!  Meanwhile, unidentified goons of Elon Musk are entering Government offices, simply taking over and doing who know what.

Obviously, no one wants to openly declare what's really going on as anything different than the early days of a new President and change of government.  The entire edifice of American Life rests upon the slender reed of a Peaceful Transfer of Power.  That reed was shattered on Jan 6th 2021 but, everyone acted as though the broken glass in the Capitol Building wasn't a symbol of the broken American fiction of Government.

So, a bunch of thugs and rightwing terrorists are going to be "deputized" into the FBI, CBP, ICE, and wherever else Trump needs his brutes to do what brutes do.  There's a lot of bluster and bravado on BlueSky about fighting back and Trump doesn't have enough Domestic Terrorists at his disposal to assault Englewood or Compton or hold large sections of America.  Well, tyrannical occupiers don't need a large Standing Army to pacify and control large populations.  Almost everyone America is simply going to go along with Trump's liquidation of millions of people, as he is the duly elected President and since Lindsey Graham said, "That's just the way it goes when you win an Election."