Thursday, February 6, 2025

Afghanistan & Gaza

The fact the Left gave President Biden exactly ZERO credit
for ending the Afghanistan debacle in the same way the Left
gave President Obama ZERO credit for ending the Iraq debacle allowed the Republicans and Corporate Media to smear and declare the actions were both Bad
DonOld Trump stunned the World and put the Corporate Media into a justification frenzy with his declarations the United States would be annexing Gaza and displacing the Palestinian peoples into various other locations.

" I do see a long-term ownership position and I see it bringing great stability to that part of the Middle East, and maybe the entire Middle East. And everybody I’ve spoken to – this was not a decision made lightly. Everybody I’ve spoken to loves the idea of the United States owning that piece of land...

We have an opportunity to do something that could be phenomenal. And I don’t want to be cute. I don’t want to be a wise guy. But the Riviera of the Middle East, this could be something that could be so – this could be so magnificent."

The ways in which the Corporate Media covered Afghanistan (and subsequently Gaza) and President Biden and Traitor Trump was nothing less than a complete inversion of reality and in keeping with the #1 job of the Corporate Media; i.e. to lie about Democrats and to lie for Republicans.

The Corporate Media and the moribund American Left simply ignored their goals, efforts, and outcomes of the plans of both men and the policies both Administrations were pursuing and would pursue.  Instead the American Left, the Corporate Media, and Republicans, while not working in tandem, worked in parallel placing all the blame onto President Biden for all the fallout both here and in Israel with the Left especially blaming President Biden for the War Crimes of Netanyahu and oft times even individual acts of depravity conducted by IDF soldiers.  The Left also castigated President Biden for the Police crackdown on College protesters and the follow-on Republican witch hunts against College Administrators.

Even now as Trump undoes Biden's limitations on 2000-lb bombs being shipped to Israel and talks about Ethnically Cleansing the region in order to make Gaza into the "Riviera of the Middle East", the Left is rabidly blaming Biden and Harris and demanding the Democrats Doooooooooo Something!, whilst ignoring everything the Democrats are doing.

    I'll need to curate my BlueSky feed a little better and possibly temper my responses.  A recent Patton Oswalt post attracted swarms of Leftists screaming GENOCIDE JOE!!!!  And every time anything relating to Gaza is posted swarms of booger-eating lefties descend in a non-stop barrage of Genocide and Democrats did a Genocide and you supported a Genocide.  And they've also claimed Trump's response to the Israel/Palestine situation is at worst the same as President Biden's and maybe better.  It's infuriating, and more to the point, it's precisely the language of MAGA.  Now, for years I've wanted to believe these accounts weren't real and were instead Russian trolls and bots designed to sow discord but, at this point it seems BlueSky like Twitter before it is a gaggle of Leftist Purity Ponies whose job is to undermine Democratic politicians non-stop.

When a dirtbag leftist screams Genocide they aren't looking to have a discussion, they're trying to establish dominance (moral, rhetorical).  They aren't looking for an exchange, it's not a conversation starter it's a conversation ender.  It's precisely what the MAGA thought leaders did by hyping #QAnon nonsense and abortion lies.  Both the unserious American Left and the very serious MAGA right attack the Democratic Party and blame Democrats and "ShitLibs".

In many ways, what's happening right now is exactly what the Left wanted;  they wanted Biden and Harris out of Office, they wanted Democrats to be unhappy, they wanted ShitLibs and cringe wine moms to suffer and cry, and they wanted Acclerationist destruction of the US Federal Government to result in the crumbling of the old order.  Precisely, the same goals of the MAGA party.

Anne Applebaum calls these people "The New Rasputins" in her February 2025 article in The Atlantic.  Applebaum argues convincingly the old terminology of right-wing and left-wing are outmoded and no longer properly describe Trump's "coalition" or the politics of 21st century America. 

While, I think the voting power of the Left across America is negligible, the fact that every Left media source took to castigating Biden (and Harris) daily and did everything they could to depress enthusiasm and turnout amongst the "Normies" matters.  Telling every person you know, especially those far less political engaged, that the Democrats are to Blame for everything (as the Left has done for decades) as well as the highly inflammatory "Genocide Joe" smears eventually gets them to accept your premise.

Now, the blame for Trump rests almost solely on white people, especially the overwhelmingly majority of white men who, when confronted with the mildest push for equity, equality, and diversity under Presidents Biden and Obama responded with FUCK YOU!  WE WANT FASCISM!  But, this election also saw white women vote to enshackle themselves, Latino Men vote to pull the ladder up, and Muslims voting for Ethnic Cleansing.

And that is what is rankling a lot of Liberals right now.  The American Muslim community voted for Trump and Jill Stein in 2024.  Am I supposed to feel pity for or solidarity with those who voted for this?  And even worse the American Muslim community has been steadily moving towards Republicans during elections since 2000.  I don't think the plurality the Left is trying to build can include a group which is diametrically opposed to many of the policies of the Left claims to espouse and the Democratic Party works to create

And right now, the response from Muslim leaders at least, is to excuse Trump's declaration to Annex Gaza, 

“People are taking a deep breath. It’s too early to render a judgment. But definitely the past two or three weeks feel unbelievable.  Many people expressed that concern, that maybe it was a mistake to vote for President Trump. And now this is an eye-opener to take into consideration to the 2026 elections," said Imad Hamad, executive director of the Dearborn-based American Human Rights Council. 

Now?  Now???  Nope.  Too Late, pal.  The time to support Democracy was last year.  The time to express concern was when the Left was bashing Biden and working to undermine Harris.

Leftists bristle and became belligerent when their actions are highlighted as contributing factors.  Which is simply a natural human reaction.  And there in lays the problem, the American Left, is highly Reactionary, and seeks to punish Democrats while ignoring what the American Fascists are doing, which is simply the way the Left has always operated, saving their sharpest vitriol for those who would seem to be their allies and instead helping to push the Rightwing agenda.

Anyway this is all terrible and everyone is lashing out as Trump and Musk undo the United States of America.  Many innocent people are going to suffer and I'm not going to take any solace in I Told Ya So.  Instead, I guess we are going to see the United States engage in Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza as Trump Makes America like the Trail of Tears Again.

1 comment:

mfasano said...

For leftist totalitarians and Muslim theocratic totalitarians it's totality that matters to them, and they are willing to accept fascist totalitarianism to get it.