Sunday, October 13, 2024

Stealing My Valor - the incredible pettiness and shamelessness of Trump's Core Supporters

Clown to the Left of Me
My home is bracketed by two rich recently retired old white men and their dutiful wives.  Now, everyone on my block knows I'm a Police Officer without me telling them.  So, it came as a massive surprise to them when in 2016, I didn't support the racist rapist senile criminal traitor for the White House.

So, when I got my VoteVets for Harris/Walz sign for my front yard, they each responded with a Trump/Vance sign!  And since then every week they've added a new Trump sign and now each has 5 signs in his yard including the pictured Law Enforcement and Veterans for Trump signs.

Now, here's the thing neither of these two are law enforcement and neither are Veterans.  Yet they have no compunction in placing those signs in their yards.  I really want to troll them and get a Blacks for Trump sign and put it up next to theirs...  but, it's quite possible they might add that one themselves.
Joker to the Right

Of all the most pathetic displays of servile obsequiousness by Trump supporters, the flood of signage and flags festooning their mansions and massive $100K coal-rolling trucks has to be most pathetic. 

Remember, Trump's MAGA core strongest component are the well-to-do American Boyars.  These types comprised the core Jan6th supporters, like these two rich sons of the Northbrook based Kulas Maids, wearing their most chic Burberry attire to the riot. 

Veterans, of course, recognize Trump for what he is and voted against him in 2020.  Of course, Trump lies constantly and claims Veterans and active-duty Service Members support him.  Traitor Trump is a boorish asshole who's never cared about anyone other than himself and views every interaction in terms of how he can get the "best deal" for himself by whatever means it's been no surprise to see Trump repeatedly shit and spit on Veterans, their families, and military service members.  Trump also routinely exploits peoples' grief and trauma, as seen in his despicable desecration of Arlington National Cemetery and the rampant lies and falsehoods he's sowing around FEMA and the Hurricane relief. 

Now, Cops are a different matter entirely.  I'm probably one of the furthest left Officers I've ever encountered in almost 20 years and I've encountered some outright fascist wannabes.  And of course there's segment of "Law Enforcement" who yearn to be unleashed in the same way MAGA fantasizes about getting Trump in the White House so they can visit all manners of evils on the people.

And that's the entire key to Trump's charisma and his cult;  Trump says all manner of evil lies as a way to give his most hateful the permission structure they are going to need to do the evil things they want to do.

But, one of the reasons I don't believe there will be any large scale uprising; despite the dreams of paid Putin operative Tim Poole, is what would these two old turds would be willing to do?  Certainly, in this age of rightwing stochastic terrorism you can never guess when one registered Republican will conduct a terrorist attack on America but, battalion-sized or higher concentrations of conservative traitors?  Led by that coward Josh Hawley in Missouri?  Or Tom Cotton?  Or even Mike Flynn at his traitorous compound in Sarasota, Florida?  I'm doubtful.

Tom Filipkowski points out what a sham all these 'This or That Group for Trump' stunts are:

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