Sunday, October 20, 2024

Don't be caught unawares; the Elon Musk led Department of Government Executioners (DOGE) Corps will come for you

“I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within.  We have some very bad people. We have some sick people, radical left lunatics. And I think they’re the big — and it should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military, because they can’t let that happen.” 

Musk knows he who controls
the Media controls the Law
Rightwing political science, as it were, these days is to invent some grand lie or some racist false story to get mad about, repeat those false stories to each other, and then get mad.  Fear & Anger thus rule every waking moment of the Republican mind.  Listen to Trump's rhetoric these last few months as it became clear he won't win the 2024 election.

And let's be clear,  Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are going to win the 2024 election.  Then Traitor Trump and his cabal of Republican criminals are going to try and steal it.  

But, in the run up to his defeat Trump is now engaged in straight Nazi Rhetoric at every rally he's able to attend, though his flagging energy, weakness, and blatant senility are now an open secret amongst the Corporate Media and Republicans.  Traitor Trump is also in the phase of promising everything to everyone knowing if he can just get back into office he can simply fail to deliver while proclaiming greatness and the US Political Press will cover for him non-stop.

I can't make an accurate prediction of what's going to happen after Trump loses but, be prepared.  I doubt any group of Republicans have the gall or courage to openly declare a Civil War;  they'll invent lies about election fraud to get angry about, seek and engage in bureaucratic delaying tactics, and invoke all manner of byzantine undemocratic claims to try and get someone else (ultimately probably the Supreme Court) to seize power but, most likely conservatives won't attempt widespread violence.

There might be pockets of violence, similar to the Bundy Insurrections and yes psychotic madman Mike Flynn is repeatedly calling for violence from his Sarasota bunker in Florida, threatening the "Gates of Hell" and he can probably call upon several hundred brain-washed partisans to conduct a rightwing domestic terrorist campaign but, eventually we will settle into the same pattern we've seen Republicans do after 2008, 2012, and 2020 engage in all manner of lies and Faux News supported propaganda efforts to undermine a Democratic Administration and to tire out the American people while fracturing the slender institutional guard rails keeping the Untied States from descending into the preferred Republican Fascist States of America.
You can take the Apartheid out of South Africa
But, then bigoted South African racists come to
America and team up w/ senile treasonous Fascists

But, if Trump is to win or "win" his way back into the White House we can expect a rising tide of State-sponsored and State-supported domestic terror campaign.  This will be accomplished slowly, at least at first, as Trump and the Republicans enjoy a period of breathing room, or Lebensraum if you prefer, to enact the first stages of Project 2025.

At the beginning sure, a few more women will die of treatable pregnancy complications, of course assorted Trans people will be killed and the Police will do nothing more than a cursory investigation, tangentially a few more blacks will be gunned down and die near Police from a bullet induced "excited delirium" or hopped up with (legal) cannabis in their system, a few more Lone Wolf rightwing gunmen will go on shooting sprees, some Central American immigrants will be separated from their children and be deported back to Mexico, some overly privileged college students will lose their scholarships, some elitist College Presidents will be fired, some Generals sacked, and some service members will be court-martialed for not following the shoot on sight order against "Dissidents".  But, for the vast, vast majority of white America things under a Donald Trump Regime will go on pretty much the same.

Republicans looked from Elon to Trump and
Trump to Elon and from Elon to Trump again
and it was impossible to say which was which.
Already we see how conservatives rush onto Twitter to pushback in a coordinated way against any news story critical of traitor Trump.  Now, imagine Musk's Nazi Bot Army weaponized via Department of Justice money and power to employ professional Doxxers, on-line smear merchants, buttressed by legions of Russian troll accounts to stifle dissent and frighten the American people into acquiesce of the new world Trump Fascist order. This social media and internet battlefield will be the key space in controlling the battlefield.  And white people are all ready predisposed to accept rightwing framing of every issue and when they are largely unaffected by Trump's domestic terrorism will conclude the Dems are being hysterical and the media is lying to them about those people that are supposedly suffering because other media tells them nothing bad is happening.

The digital battlefield has been written about for years but what Republicans have done is clear away all impediments and open their flock up to accept any piece of propaganda while entrusting them to fight (and die) to defend that propaganda at all costs.  There will still be on the ground rightwing terrorists, including in elected office, like Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski in Portage County who wanted addresses of residents with Harris/Walz signs willing to engage in classic East German Stasi techniques of terror and intimidation but, the digital model of the Musk Auskunftspersonen, will ruthlessly and semi-anonymously provide the Trump Secret Police with the information and data they need to round-up and disappear anyone threatening the MAGA Fascist Utopia.

But, fascinatingly grotesquely, I think many in the Republican Party are already planning and positioning themselves to take on the Trump Mantle.  I don't think any Republican believes Trump will make it through 4 more years.  Look at him, his rally schedule has him exhausted and there won't be enough adderral and Diet Coke in the country to keep him awake and active if he's President again, even though we all know Trump did nothing in the White House other than sleep til noon, play golf, watch Faux News, embarrass the Nation worldwide, and yearn to be the next Hitler.

Obviously, Peter Thiel believed Trump is going to die soon, which is why he positioned his thrall Just Dishonorable Vance to seize power and be his Cat's Paw in remaking the Nation into a Saudi style Billionaire Paradise.  But, Elon Musk in his meetings with traitor Trump has obviously come to the same conclusion.  Musk is a creepy weirdo, ketamine-addict but in his meetings with senile DonOld he's probably come to the conclusion that Trump isn't going to survive his Presidency and Musk has positioned himself as the next real power in the United States.  With his multiple Government subsides propping up his companies and with his Trump created position as Head of the Department of Government Efficiency Executioners (D.O.G.E.), Musk will be positioned to unleash his Digital Nazi Army on anyone who resists him. 

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