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Oh... and we'll snag part of upper California, too! |
For decades the Republican Party has sought to shatter the Union and destroy the United States of America. This is an older scheme but while everyone is paying attention to the federal election it's goal is the same as Trump and Vance's Project 2025 plan; to utterly destroy America and create a simulacrum of a Democratic Republic, a sham Nation built upon the twin foundations of white power and fascist fundamentalism.
Unfortunately, Republicans are held back from their schemes by the explicit language of the US Constitution (for now at least).
This doesn't stop these backward recalcitrant counties from adopting a thumb your nose at authority resolution to secede from the State. So, 7 counties in Illinois are going to have a non-binding resolution on their November ballots declaring their intent to leave Illinois.
Seven counties in the state — including Jersey, Greene and Calhoun — will have a non-binding question on their ballots for the Nov. 5 general election about exploring the possibility of breaking away from Illinois.
The ballot item will ask voters whether their county board will "correspond with the boards of other counties of Illinois outside of Cook about the possibility of separating from Cook County to form a new state, and to seek admission to the Union as such, subject to the approval of the people?"
Resentment against Cook County has been fomenting in the region for decades, Jersey County Board member EricIvers said. The majority of counties in the state are Republican-leaning, with some — mostly in the Chicagoland area — voting Democrat, he said, adding that it feels "unfair" that a relatively small geographical area is able to make decisions on behalf of the rest of the state.
"We tend to disagree down here with most of the things that Chicago metro like(s)," Ivers said. "We have no say in it because they outvote us.
"They outvote us..." that's the key Republicans don't believe in Democracy and believe they are anointed by God to rule the United States. I'm guessing these down-state Republicans in these counties believe they will be able to function like Mississippi by being a mutinous State which get far more money from the Federal Government than they pay in taxes, and in fact that is exactly what a 2021 paper from two SIU-Carbndale Professors found,
Central Illinois received $2.02 back for every tax dollar given to state, with southern Illinois receiving $3.02 per dollar. By contrast, Cook County got 88 cents back for every tax dollar, while the outlying suburban counties got back 54 cents.
Republicans believe, with good reason, they'll be able to finance their regressive, culturally fascist policies on the backs of the wealthy liberal states and areas because they have been doing so, for decades.
Everything Republicans do, propose, legislate, adopt, and enforce is designed with one over-arching goal in mind, the destruction of the United States and the subjugation of the American people.
Would this plan reduce the number of Republicans in the U.S. Senate?
No, I think the Republican plan in California has been to create 5 Republican areas with populations like Wyoming while the 50 million other Californians get shunted into one big liberal enclave. Thus expanding the Republican Senate.
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