Monday, September 2, 2024

Balloons and Gus Walz demonstrate the marked difference between Republican scum and virtuous Democrats

 Ann Coulter wasn't the only Republican making fun of Gus Walz after last week's raucous DNC.  A low-light low-life Wisconsin I Heart Radio jockey Jay Weber did as well and he was removed from air (perhaps temporarily).  Besides him and the numerous rightwing villains who made fun of Gus Walz and Tim Walz, Chicago's very own Amy Jacobsen (a knock off Coulter/Faux News blonde clone) decided making fun of children is the bedrock Republican principle which typifies the Modern GOP and is the foundation of ugly old weirdo Trump's clarion call to destroy the Nation and replace it with a Totalitarian MAGA paradise.

After the DNC ,Jacobsen spent her radio program mocking and mimicking Gus Walz, but besides spreading rightwing lies and agitprop via Talk Radio 560 The Answer Jacobsen was apparently the head coach for the Amundsen High School Boy's and Girl's varsity volleyball. 

Was in the operative word because Jacobsen was given the dignity to resign, a dignity she doesn't extend to children, after numerous parents complained to the school.

Amundsen Principal Kristi Eilers notified parents in a letter stating, “Effective immediately, Coach Amy Jacobson is no longer part of the athletic program at Amundsen.”
 Republicans are disgusting cretins and despicable cowards.  After they received blowback for making fun of Gus Walz, they all retreated to the defense we didn't know he was ADHD or mentally divergent.  As if, making fun of a "regular" child, is okay.  But, to Republicans it is because they are all in on making Trump President again so they can institute a Fascist Nation.  In fact that's the exact defense Jacobsen's on-air co-host used,
“I’m not a guy who would make fun of somebody with a learning disability or some sort of developmental condition,” Proft said. “It was not intentional, but I should have probably investigated it and known to exercise restraint there, and I didn’t, so I apologize.”

The Social Media age has resulted in an explosion of Republican influencers who infest Elon Muck's Twitter (X) like a horde of shit-eating flies.  Because of this each has to ramp up their rhetoric and make more and more over-the-top insults, provocations, conspiracies, slanders, and doxxing attacks all the way from senior Democratic officials to their families, to small town liberals, and anyone who impedes the rightwing agenda of enshrining the Rich and Racist into permanent power in America.

Now, juxtapose this with the story of the giant balloon drop at culmination of the DNC 2024.  I saw it live and was worried a bunch of Sean Hannity and knock-off Hannity clones on Faux News would start in with the limousine liberal crap and decry this giant environmental disaster and then I read what the community which gathered to prep the balloons had done,

For decades now, the celebratory balloon drop has been the metaphorical exclamation point that punctuates the end of every U.S. political convention, and Thursday night’s finale to the Democratic National Convention was no exception.

As the red, white and blue baubles — all 100,000 of them — rained down on delegates at the United Center, a few dozen of the country’s foremost balloon artists were logged onto Zoom for a watch party, thrilled to see their handiwork play out in front of a global audience.  

They’d gathered in Chicago last week, traveling from 18 states and Canada to pitch in on the DNC installation, inflating something like 1,000 balloons every 10 minutes. (All the balloons were made from a biodegradable latex obtained from rubber trees.) 

Besides the environmentally sound balloons the community gathered to help a local balloon artist fighting stage 4 cancer,

But there was so much more to the balloon drop than professional satisfaction. This job was personal.

Treb Heining, considered by many the king of balloon art, had assembled a hand-picked crew of his peers to work on the DNC installation, marshaling them not just for their skills. He brought them together in support of Tommy DeLorenzo, owner of Balloons by Tommy, one of the Chicago area’s premier balloon artists.

DeLorenzo has been battling Stage 4 lymphoma since 2022 and received a stem cell transplant on Tuesday. 

I can not express enough how disgraceful, dishonorable, debauched, despicable, Trump and his cabal of criminal con-conspirators are;  every thing Trump touches dies and he's got his hands wrapped around the throats of the United States of America.  If Traitor Trump and his vicious team of thieves, weirdos, racists, and cut-throats manages to steal back into the White House the United States will be finished and the ramifications for millions of people across the globe will be dire.

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