Thursday, August 1, 2024

King of the Weirdos Trump is lashing out in a racist panic against President Kamala Harris, and Republicans are so mad their Weird ideas are subjecting them to ridicule

Every post by Tim Pool is:
1) Trump in he-man fantasy attire
2) Civil War Civil War Civil War!
3) Women should be nice to me

"She will not show up for the prime minister’s joint session of Congress today.  She would rather address, in the summer, a sorority — a colored sorority — like she can’t get out of that. So that’s her decision..."  - Weirdo Brian Kilmeade of Faux Friends (07/24/24)

Trump is the King of Weirdos and in a full-blown panic over soon-to-be President Kamala Harris.  So, when given a platform during an interview with the NABJ, Trump lobbed a full-blown racist tirade in keeping with his utter bigoted weirdness.  

Trump is, of course, a sick, depraved, and criminal weirdo.  His latest attack on President Harris is the charge she isn't really black.  This is, of course, a standard bigoted Republican attack.  They put the onus on Kamala Harris to prove to them she is really black and as we saw with Barack Obama she can never reach the goalposts they will continually move.  Additionally, white Republican racists love to claim Kamala Harris is engaged in identity politics unlike them because white male couch fucking Republican is normal or standard and everyone else is a derivative, DEI HIRE!

Now, to reactionary white males huffing each others farts and reposting the same sexist memes about Vice President Kamala Harris this is a devastating attack and fits in with their blinkered weird worldview in which they are the final arbiters of other people lives, backgrounds, and rights.  But, to regular Americans it's gross and weird.

But, for Trump its' a rallying cry for his base of gross, weird, sexist, disgusting white men and a way for him to steal some attention off of the surging Kamala Harris candidacy.  And equally disgusting will be the Corporate Media response which will cover this latest Trump scandal without actually calling him the gross, weird, racist he is or for Trump to withdraw from the race.

The reason the Democratic charge about weirdo Republicans with weirdo ideas resonates with the American people is because it's true.  Republicans have for years claimed to be the Real Americans but, with the advent of Faux News and SocialMedia they are engaged in a escalating loop of "incestuous amplification" and are in a state of "Epistemic Closure".  Trump realized he's King of the Weirdos and capitalized with his Trump NFTs years ago, but this wasn't an awareness of his weirdness but of his constant grifting and con-artistry.

Republicans are an insular cult of weirdoes.  From top-to-bottom a cult of navel gazing incels and tyrants who yearn to foist and force their weirdo ideas onto everyone.  Republicans are not serious people.  But, their creepy unlawful weird ideas are very serious.  The weirdest and most serious idea percolating in the weirdo Republican world is their plan to thwart the Will of the American People and declare criminal Loser Trump the winner.

Kevin Roberts, the bloodthirsty villain heading up the Heritage Foundation, plan to eliminate millions of people, hinted that rightwingers have a plan to simply ignore Trump's upcoming electoral defeat and have him declared the winner in the 2024 Presidential election.

Kevin Roberts, you will recall said we are in the "midst of the second American Revolution", which will remain bloodless as long as the left acquieses to Fascist Republican Dictatorship.  The weird, off-putting, tyrannical ideas in the Project 2025 are illuminating the weird Republican agenda

Please don't write Vivek is mad!

Kamala Harris is going to win the Presidential election by 10 Million votes but weirdo Republicans aren't worried about losing the Vote as they plan to simply declare Trump the Winner.  I'm guessing this will somehow involve the Independent State Legislature theory and all the traitors that have been placed into key government positions to subvert the election and conduct a bureaucratic coup d'etat.

I really hope people inside the Biden Administration are planning for this contingency because it's a far greater threat than actual street-level violence form MAGA domestic terrorists.  Coups succeed because 99.9% of military and law enforcement does not get involved in the actual attempt to overthrow a government.

And your rightwing uncle has been a frog in the slowly boiling on-line reactionary soup.  At this point he's conditioned and ready to help overthrow the American Government (which he refers to as "The Deep State") destroy all law enforcement agencies (which he knows have been "weaponized" against Trump) and support the rounding up of migrants, Trans people, Kamala Harris, AOC, any other childless cat lady as determined by Couch Fucker Vance (because they are loons and criminals).  Republican politicians are weird.  Republican men are creepy.  Republicans don't know how to attack Kamala Harris other than with disgusting sexist and racist bullshit.

Louisiana Republican weirdo John Kennedy is a creepy phony foghorn leghorn, who spent an entire Faux News interview calling soon-to-be President Kamala Harris names.  Faux News journalist Neil Cavuto tried over and over and over again to steer weirdo Kennedy into not making personal sexist and insulting racist attacks against Vice President Harris and he could not do it.  None of them can because Republicans are weirdos.

What's really telling is as the Republicans are weird is taking hold  and the Harris campaign gains traction erstwhile liberals and journalists are all of a sudden worried about bullying and name-calling and concern trolling that calling Republicans weird is wrong.  It is precisely because Republicans are weird and pointing it out makes the Corporate Media uncomfortable because it shows how their bothsides bullshit and water-carrying for weirdo Republicans was done to help creepy weirdo bigoted Republicans get elected.

So, don't expect The Corporate Media to call for Trump's immediate resignation and just watch as they massage, rationalize, deflect, and continue taking him neither literally or seriously.  

But, Vice President Harris does and she is fighting them.  When we fight, We Win!

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