AOC please put your feet on this Nazi Plate |
For mendacious nitwit Ben Shapiro there is no level he will not stoop and no disingenuous story he will not concoct to defend the Plutocracy and Patriarchy. I guess this makes sense since the rich like having Shapiro defend the indefensible. But, you would think defending an actual Nazi would be a step too far for Mr. Shapiro.
Well, you'd be wrong...
"Well, the media have decided that it's not just enough to go after Thomas because it turns out that Thomas didn't actually do anything wrong. Crow is the -- Harlan Crow is Thomas' friend. And, apparently, he's a very, very bad man. You're not allowed to be friends with Justice Thomas because, apparently, they're now accusing him -- I'm not kidding you -- of being, like, a Nazi. The reason -- because this is what Nazis do. They make friends with Clarence Thomas. Nazis - famous for loving Black people. This is one of the things they're most famous for.
Well, apparently Harlan Crow collects, basically, memorabilia from defunct communist and Nazi states, and he has a garden in which he displays these things to show what the -- what the capitalistic free market and Judeo-Christian ethic has overcome. Apparently, this now means you're a fan of these things. So, if you own a piece of memorabilia from an evil regime in order to demonstrate to your children so that people remember from the future what that evil regime was, this means you're now a fan of that thing. He said that he's filled his property with these mementos because he hates communism and fascism. But, apparently this makes him a nazi and a communist. Okay."
That's 5 Apparently's from Ben and a bunch of bullshit. Shapiro affected to believe Crow collects this stuff too remind himself of the awesomeness of "the capitalistic free market" and Judeo-Christianity and the evil of Fascism. This level of incredulous nonsense is on par with believing the Nigerian Prince emails of the early internet era.
On par w/ the RV toilet wine Clarence normally quaffs |
Ben says these things because rightwingers accept their veracity by the simple act of Ben asserting them. It's the same thing with Candace Owens. These propagandists say things which white Reactionary and the Rich want to hear and for doing so they receive large compensation. But, Ben likes to conflate things and obfuscate the meaning of words and terms, that's why he constantly throws in "communism" because while rightwingers know they have to say they hate Nazis publicly, they actually are all in favor and support fascism 100%.
“Years later, I still shudder thinking about the Nazi uniform decorations in Harlan Crow’s house. And the painting. And the book. And the statues. And the ‘antebellum’ (pro-slavery) artifacts. I’m glad others are questioning the acceptability of those materials,” Danah Boyd said in a tweet, adding that she left the meeting after seeing the Nazi artifacts.
Harlan Crow collects this because he like many plutocratic Americans yearns for a Nazi-style regime in the United States.
And no..., Clarence and Ginni did not, in fact, do nothing wrong. ProPublica reporting that Billionaire Harlan Crow has been jetting, Supreme Injustice Clarence Thomas all over the world, and plying him with exotic locales and expensive wines, while Clarence refused for 20 years to disclose he was receiving millions in free gifts is, in fact illegal as well as highly unethical and immoral. But, to expect conservatives to care about this is a fool's errand. Conservatives don't give a shit about the things they supposedly cherish. Shamelessness and hypocrisy are the animating beliefs of rightwingers and Republicans.
I'm Hitler's Teapot Short & Stout
Fascism is here.
for insulting Harlan Crow, a rich man, whom they slandered by accurately displaying his decades long bribery of Clarence Thomas and his love of all things Hitler and Nazi. It's not shocking, rightwing propagandists are the Shock Troops of the Plutocracy and are paid handsomely to obfuscate and castigate any who would dare question their social betters.
The WSJ ran with the tired old lie of the poor being the "Lucky Duckies" for not paying Taxes* and declared pointing out Clarence Thomas unethical behavior is the real smear and scandal! While every Rightwinger on Twitter are proudly displaying all the Nazi and Hitler accoutrements they've collected.
Whenever the truth about a rightwinger is revealed, the plutocracy orders its paid propagandists to muddy the waters.
Candace Owens was given her rightwing Talking Points after Harlan Crow’s Nazi background was re-revealed and dutifully ran with George Soros is the real Nazi. Along with defund the police, hates America, blah, blah, blah
It's been a decades long experiment to confuse the narrative by reflexively accusing Democrats and the Left of precisely what Republicans are or are doing. but, also redefining words, concepts, and definitions they've succeeded in being able to obscure reality and allow a couple of generations to run with *ackshullay* the Democrats are real...
But, one of the problems these rightwing propagandists have is extrapolating instead of following the script so in 2019 when Owens was asked about Nationalism v. Globalism, she didn't have the requiste understanding to offer a critique and spouts gibberish about Hitler (making Germany great again) and Nationalist Socialism.
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