As the song goes, He's everything they want He's everything they need |
All it took for Republicans to fall for Putin was when Vlad affected a steely-eyed stare down with President Obama. In that moment, Conservatives realized Putin embodied everything they wanted in a leader; a "christian", capitalist, white ethno-nationalist, authoritarian homophobic, murderous bureaucrat.
Of course, the Republican Party began their flirtation with Vladimir Putin under the W(orst POTUS Ever) Maladministration, then fell in love when Vlad
infiltrated and purchased the NRA and Republican officials with Russian petrodollars but, finally gave themselves completely over to him when Vladimir Putin helped steal the 2016 Presidential Election.
“There’s …there’s two people, I think, Putin pays: [California Representative Dana] Rohrabacher and Trump … [laughter] … swear to God,” Kevin McCarthy said.
House Speaker Paul Ryan immediately responded: “This is off-the-record … [laughter] … NO LEAKS … [laughter] … alright?!”
On July 4th, 2018 GOP Traitors from all across the United States; Richard Shelby (Ala.), Steve Daines (Mont.), John Thune (S.D.), John Kennedy (La.), Jerry Moran (Kan.), John Hoeven (N.D.), and Rep. Kay Granger (Texas), spent Independence Day in Moscow's Red Square effusively groveling and paying Homage to Vlad Putin.
Despicable Tucker Carlson and Faux News immediately set the tone for their unthinking followers. Lawyers, Guns, and Money have covered Tucker Carlson and his menagerie of war apologists so I will send you there. Carlson's shameless 'Vladimir Putin never called me a racist' is especially vile when you realize it's a rip-off of Muhammed Ali's famous speech denouncing the Draft and the Vietnam War, with the immortal speeches, the Vietcong never called me the N-Word.
The best thing about
Tulsi "Putin's Present" Gabbard is she has openly shown herself to be everything I said she was years ago; a violent lying fascist, who loves War, and pretended to be a progressive to undermine the Left and the Democratic Party from within. The Neo-Tankie Brocialists over at Naked Capitalism continue to talk about the boners she gives them as they support Putin's War Crimes. Tulsi Gabbard's love missives to Vladimir Putin are way worse than any tiktok
"If I was your mother" love poem by former actress Annalynn McCord.
Traitor Trump continues to remain a loyal vassal to Putin repeatedly and effusively expressing his admiration and jealousy at Putin's smarts.
On-line phony progressives remain a mass of gibbering goo belching out their nonsense about Imperialism and then repeating the FSB and GRU propaganda about Ukraine history, about NATO, about "denazification". Glenn Greenwald has been completely idiotic and schizophrenic until you realize he's a paid Putin propagandist. I see two other Putin owned Propagandists Matt Taibibi and Edward Traitor Snowden have gone silent after repeatedly claiming there would be no attack by Russia.
The Grotesque Old Putin (GOP) Party yearns to be able to wield power like a ex-KGB Colonel. If conservatives had their druthers they would right now empower Police and the Military to round-up an massacre every Non-MAGA they could find. The simple truth is conservatives love Vladimir Putin because they wish they could emulate his murderous actions.
What's ironically hilarious is whenever Republicans and conservatives fall in love with a Dictator they imbue them with fantasy powers. Conservatives pretend Putin is an all powerful Moriarty level super-genius. So Putin scoring 8 goals in a Russian Federation hockey game or claiming to be an olympic level Judo and Sambo fighter is no different than the rightwing claims of Trump's prowess and powers. Republicans love nothing as much as they love false strength. Look at all the fantasy toughness they applied to that ignorant tub of orange goo Trump. Trump doesn't sleep!
He's the hardest working President ever!
But nothing makes Republicans sicker than losing. Republicans have groveled like worms to Putin, have dreamed of asking Spetsnaz forces to parachute into DC to aid the Proud Boys in the next Jan6th style insurrection and seeing Russian forces fail to conquer Ukraine turns them into sniping jackals
So, while the
Republican Party and conservatives want to support Russia, the incompetence of the Russian military, spirited defense by the Ukrainian people and the showmanship of their President Volodmyr Zelensky has conservatives attempting to backtrack and set up a new narrative where they don't support a loser.
What's especially heinous is the Republican response to President Biden's leadership of NATO. Joe Biden has been judicious and steadfast in keeping the alliances response tight and measured, while slowly ramping up pressure. Even Condoleezza Rice expressed admiration for Joe's leadership and flatly told Faux News she didn't think keeping NATO together was possible after the damage Traitor Trump had done.
There is so much more I could write about this illegal Russian War of Aggression and the buffoonish response from Americans but, it's still likely, Russia will be able to conquer Ukraine, despite all the missteps, mistakes,
faulty thinking, unrealistic assumptions and worldwide multi-phased pressure. But, it's likely Covid decimated (literally) the Russian War Machine and either way massive damage has been done to the legend of Putin and the image of a renewed unbeatable Red Army.