Thursday, October 1, 2009

Quit Attacking Chicago

Fuck man, I know you flabby assed Republican Punk Ass Bitches hate Obama and need him to fail in order to regain power and control over the Government so you can continue to use the Federal Power to funnel Trillions to your families and cronies but quit it with the short hand of "when I mean corrupt I say Chicago".

Chicago politics is corruption just like every other city and area in the United States.

Personally, I'd rather not get the Olympics here but if we do maybe we can finally upgrade the El and get that damn 100 year old Kinzie Street Railroad Bridge down from the open position over the River...

Chicago lost the 2016 Olympic Bid and the Punk Ass Bitch Right Wing Republican Party of Chicken Hawk Traitors cheer because Obama "lost". More Cheers for Obama's Loss from 3xTime Medal of Honor winner Bill Kristol's Weekly Standard...

Republicans and their Ilk hate America and the majority of the American People. The really hate you. Republicans want Americans to work themselves to death. They want you to use up the flower of your youth in Industry or the Military and die quickly when you become sick, old and tired. They support Profit over People at all times and fight all attempts to stop the Corporate Ownership and Slavery over the poor and middle class.

Republicans hate you, fight to profit on your death, work to have you die overseas and ensure you don't get medical coverage at home. Republicans want you to die.

Here's Chicago Public Radio story showing how Republicans hate people and support the Corporate Kleptocracy by allowing Corporations to profit on your death:
Until the 1980s, companies could take out life-insurance policies only on key personnel. Then many states started allowing employer-owned insurance on rank-and-file workers. That coverage became known in business circles as janitors insurance or even dead-peasants insurance.
Rep. Luis GutiƩrrez (D-Chicago) is raising a red flag. He chairs the U.S. House Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit. GutiƩrrez introduced a bill that would ban employer-owned life insurance unless the worker earns at least a million dollars a year from the company. He presented the legislation Wednesday on the House floor.


ran said...

Yep. No Olympics here. My guess is they'll deal with the Kinzie St. Bridge (circa 1907) in about 15 years...they just got around to replacing the dilapidated Roosevelt St. Metra station which dated back to 1892.

ME said...


And FUCK his Fat Wife as well

Grung_e_Gene said...

Well said ME you Punk Ass Bitch...

JollyRoger said...

Michelle Malkin, better than anyone, embodies the dangers of inbreeding.

Why anyone would still listen to her is beyond me. What was that inbred waste of oxygen EVER right about?

JollyRoger said...

No now ran... what is more important, bridge repair and safety, or giving enough money back to Paris Hilton to allow her to purchase an extra couple of kilos of blow this year?

I think you know the answer.

ran said...

Let's get real's not like the bridge has done anything to earn the money. All it ever used to do was keep going up and down whereas that I think about it, I guess she's just like the bridge.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I used to live in Chicagoland when I was a kid. Still have relatives there. I'm struck when driving through McHenry County how shitty the two lane roads are despite high property taxes and republican rule. These freaking idiots aren't getting much for their tax dollars. Typical republican rule.

)O( said...

The right has to attack what happened in Chicago, it's their style to hate America.