Monday, October 5, 2009

Evolution of the Bible and Creation of Origin of Species

The mob, having heard Christ, turned against him, and applauded his crucifixion. What it yearned for was the old comfortable balderdash under a new and gaudy name. The result was a code of doctrines so discordant and so nonsensical that no two men since, examining it at length, have ever agreed upon its precise meaning.
~ H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy

Conservapedia hath begun the de-liberalization of the bible; stating Liberal bias has become the single biggest distortion in modern Bible translations.

It's an evolving 10 step process starting with Framework against Liberal Bias and ending with Prefer Conciseness over Liberal Wordiness.

It's an admission from Conservapedia of their desire to have a different set of "facts" from which to believe in, a further insulation of mind, an ossification of their belief system.

But, the perhaps unthought implication which escapes the anti-liberal hate foam sloshing 'round the brains of the Conservapediacs is that the bible is not actually the perfect word of god. So where does it's authority come from?

Similarly, Ray 'Banana' Comfort and Kirk 'Croc-a-Duck' Cameron have created a new and improved Special Edition of Origin of the Species in which Darwin's ties to Hitler, ignorance of DNA and the axiom evolution=racism are explored, through the addition of a special introduction. Comfort and Cameron will distribute the 50,000 altered texts on 11/22/09 at dozens of universities.

On the plus side, fortunately, and despite British fear of invasion and reconquest by the religious fanatics who fled across the pond to America, the Darwin film Creation finally got a US distributor. So Americans can perhaps think of Charles Darwin in human terms (he was a human being with a family and passions, thoughts, torments) and not view Darwin through the christian fanatics prism of Ultimate Evil!

The fervent need to change ideas to fit one's own prejudices is strong in humanity. It's a human failing that once you come upon an idea or belief it is very hard to shake that belief and contrary evidence often serves to reinforce the belief. Unfortunately, the petulant ignorant religious fanatics who ignore and distort evidence don't go gently into that good night and would rather burn down The Library of Alexandria than allow knowledge to exist when it does not conform to the bible or koran...


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I normally don't like quoting or using Bible passages as argument points. But...

I think it was in Revelation that said you're not allowed to alter the Bible or else. ( Something like that) So if the righties that alter it go to hell for it, wouldn't that be some great ironic justice Grunge Man?

TAO said...

"conservapedia" you mean wikiedia isn't enough?

Everyone thinks the world centers around their assholes and that they are the 'deciders' of what is truth and what is truthful...

Obviously a whole bunch of people were raised to believe that they were pretty special...

Sadly, their parents lied to them!

The longer I blog the more radical I become and the more I remember how much I really never liked most people!

ran said...

Cool. I wonder if they'll finally include the woefully neglected passage about the Philistines' high capital gains taxes being the real reason for their defeat.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Goddamn that was good Ran. I'm pissed I didn't think of it.

Relax TAO. Take comfort in knowing that no matter how nice we try to be, at heart, we're all selfish pricks. Some pricks are bigger than others. It's a curse and a blessing at the same time.

)O( said...

Can you believe any republican having the nerve to open the mouth about Obama..... after 8 years of lies , Deceit , torture, illegal war for oil , treason , creating a dictatorship , censorship of Government policies and actions , transferring of our wealth and power to Global empires and even foreign terrorist countries , outsourcing over 3.5 American jobs and totally destroying our country.

911 the greatest terrorist attack on our soil in history and they claim their administration was good...

Greater destruction to our country , economy , jobs , national debt , military , democracy , freedom and they are bragging about what they have done in the past 8 years. The only bragging should be coming from the elite , global corporations and the foreign countries in which Bush has sent all of our jobs and wealth to.

Yes , when you see their mouth opening , you know their mind is a closed empty chamber of nothing less.. I don't even talk with rightwingers anymore. They tend to lie a lot making it impossible to argue.
As Michelle Malkin for Every picture I see of Malkin looks as if she just escaped from an insane asylum......and she always has that ugly Cheney mouth. How anyone could find this woman attractive is beyond me. I always associate her look with one of those inflatable sex dolls.

)O( said...

TAO, You are as dumb as that winger shithead Pitbull.
I knew you were pretty dumb, but I'm so happy that you showed me I was right.
It only goes to show that you don't have to be a wingnut to be stupid.

ran said...

Thanks Truth. I'd normally say you're free to use my line, but by the time Conservapedia has finished their Great Work, foregoing my intellectual property rights might be a sin.