Monday, September 23, 2024

The Straight Nazi rhetoric from Donald Trump (Blaming the Jews and tattooing serial numbers onto people)

Don't ever say, You did Nazi See this coming

Trump's biggest failing, by far, is his absolute inability to imagine that everyone else in the world doesn't think exactly like him. Trump is a conniving scheming thief who believes everyone else treats their interactions with other people in the sense of getting the best deal for themselves by whatever means.

Introspection and self-reflection are not part of his vocabulary.  He can not imagine, can not believe, can not accept people do things for other reasons, for other purposes, or with morals, ideals, or principles in mind.

This is why Trump has no qualms or hesitations in desecrating Arlington National Cemetery and using the grief of families to advance his evil campaign.  It's why Trump feels no shame in "waving the bloody shirt" because its' other peoples' blood.

It's also why he's getting testy about The Jews not upholding their part of the bargain.  Senile traitor Tump believes since he gave an award to Miriam Adelson and moved the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, The Jews owe him.  And Trump will have his pound of flesh.

So, with his upcoming election defeat becoming more and more certain everyday Trump declared the preemptive guilt of The Jews,

“With all I have done for Israel, I received only 24 percent of the Jewish vote,” Trump whined, referring to the results of the 2020 election. “I really haven’t been treated very well, but it’s the story of my life... if I don’t win this election…[then] the Jewish people would have a lot to do with a loss,” 

Worse, than that traitor Tump told lunatic Sharyl Attikson he intends to put women and children onto buses to death camps with serial numbers.

“We know who they are, and the local police know their names, and they know their serial numbers. We’re going to get all of those people out, and we’re going to get them out fast.”

Who knows what these "Serial numbers" he's talking about mean?  If I cared to parse Trump's Nazi allusions I could guess he means FBI or SID numbers but, it's been a long time since weirdo Trump deserved the benefit of the doubt or an analysis of his gibberish.  Attkinson pointed out that images of crying women and frightened children being herded onto buses to be sent to "The Staging Grounds" for slaughter is a bad look and Trump agreed which is why he won't let the Media cover it.  Straight Nazi Rhetoric is all that Trump speaks at his fascist rallies now.

However, the Corporate Media dare not call this what it is a Holocaust in the Making because the rightwing media machine will vociferously shout them down, Social Media influencers will cry, 'Godwin! Godwin! Godwin!' and Republicans on-line will issue their standard death threats.  And anyway the Corporate Media is fully in the bag trying to carry Trump back into the White House so they aren't going to take Trump's straight Nazi rhetoric either seriously or literally.   

Meanwhile, the viability of the plan or ability to carry it out isn't even questioned; a key component of Fascism is the issuing of impossible, contradictory, or flat out illegal orders without giving a methodology other than get this done.  Trump has adopted this fascist model for decades but, especially when he attempted to overthrow the United States Government and called on Georgia to find him the 11,780 votes he needed.

But, understand Donnie and his minions will simply order local law Enforcement; Immigrants Out! Kick Ass!  And because most people don't have the ability, or fortitude to resist, therefore such immoral and unlawful orders will be carried out.  Of course, some people, perhaps the vaunted III Percenters, will gleefully put immigrants, refugees, loose women, Democratic officials, teachers, and other dissidents onto trucks to be liquidated in what Stephen Miller euphemistically called "The Staging Grounds" but, most everyone else will go along out of apathy or fear.

Republicans can't govern, hate America and have nothing to offer the American people.  We need to defeat these monsters because the Republican Party knows after 2024, it will be harder and harder for them to institute their fascist agenda of oppression, intolerance, and perpetual bondage.  Trump and Vance represent the best opportunity to destroy the United States and replace it with their NeoConfederate horror.


  1. It was blatantly obvious this fucker need to go away years ago. Big Whore Media is the reason we are in the shit we are in now.

    1. The "sane-washing" critique of the Corporate Media is so spot on just like how the Corporate Media finds it convenient to not release the hacked data from Trump and Vance unlike in 2016 when everything in the "But Her Emails" was a front page story up to and including the Late October Surprise from James Comey. The Media yearns to get senile Trump and weirdo Vance back into office because you never know what will happen it'll be great. And the people who will suffer well that's just the price of showmanship.
