Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Staging Grounds 5: Calls for Mass Deportation is a Republican code word for Mass Murder

Faux News and Republican bullshit about "illegal" immigration were always nothing more than a rhetorical cudgel to bash the left.

The Haitian refugees in Springfield, Ohio are here legally.  But, Just Despicable Vance and traitor Trump have declared they will simply continue to call them illegal immigrants.  As I'm sure you are aware Vance flatly stated he made up stories about Haitians eating cats and dogs after hearing from his Neo-Nazi constituents.  And Republican Governor Mike DeWine isn't willing to cross Trump, Vance and the MAGA faithful by forcefully pointing this out.

Trump, Vance, and Faux News obviously see immigration and scaring White People back into voting Republican as the key to getting close enough to steal this election.   

However, while Trump and Vance are going to continue lying and inciting racial xenophobic hatred and while the Corporate Media is never going to call on Republicans to disavow Trump or for Trump and Vance to withdraw out of a sense of shame, at least one small organization, the Haitian Bridges Alliance, is willing to stand up to Rising Fascism,

The Haitian Bridges Alliance filed the charges in Clark County Municipal Court on Tuesday. The nonprofit organization is based in San Diego and advocates for migrants and immigrants, especially those in the Black and Haitian communities. The charges laid out in the filing include:
  • Disrupting public service by "causing widespread bomb and other threats."
  • Making false alarms by "knowingly causing alarm."
  • Committing telecommunications harassment "by spreading claims they know to be false."
  • Committing aggravated menacing "by knowingly making intimidating statements" and "knowingly causing others to falsely believe that members of the Springfield, Ohio Haitian community would cause serious physical harm to the person or property of others within the Springfield, Ohio community."
  • Violating the complicity statute by "conspiring with one another and spreading vicious lies that caused innocent parties to be parties to their various crimes."
Deport = Murder
Meanwhile, Trump’s sickness continues to filter down into every Republican even those at small local levels. 

Green County, Wisconsin is a small county on the Illinois border and would be unremarkable except it is home to New Glarus which makes the most popular (and perhaps best) beer in Wisconsin.  Now, that might seem to you quite a bold assertion but, if you've even gone anywhere in Wisconsin you've seen people from all over order a Spotted Cow.

Get it out of your mind that the calls for "Mass Deportation" are a call for Law & Order or any kind of legal issue.  The Republican deportation call is the language of ethnic cleansing. 

Now, let's be clear.  Despite the intense racism and hatred Republicans are swirling up, any Mass Deportation scheme spoken about by Vance or Stephen Miller or detailed in the Project 2025 fascist agenda is doomed to fail.  And that's most likely what Trump et al want to have happen.

Similar to his Muslim country ban, Trump is counting on court injunctions, lawsuits, and resistance by Democratic Governors, especially Evers in Wisconsin, Whitmer in Michigan, Prtizker in Illinois, and Newsom in California, to stop this deportation scheme.  Because then Republicans can go on a 24/7 non-stop propaganda blitz on Newsmacks or Faux or have Elon Musk host Trump on Twitter again talking about how the evil Democrats want immigrants to murder you and rape you wife, mother, daughter, and steal your F-150, and get housed in the Waldorf-Astoria and every other rightwing trope you can recall.

Because when Prtizker orders the Illinois State Police not to assist the Trumpstapho roving Border Patrol or load migrants into buses to be processed at "The Staging Grounds", he'll have the next 2 years of demagoguery ready to go.

Now, of course, this doesn't mean Republicans won't make the lives of immigrants a living hell.  The threat of Deportation would be a massive threat to keep them docile and servile and unwilling to take any chances.  And businesses would love to have a permanent underclass frightened and willing to undermine labor in the United States while also cutting costs, going without benefits, while denied retirement options.

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