Saturday, July 27, 2024

Traitor Trump's syphilitic brain is jello, he doesn't know who he's facing in the Election; but he guarantees his followers he'll Destroy America

Thank goodness Kamala Harris is going to be President because Traitor Trump is panicking and is willing to promise anything, say anything, and do anything to get people to vote for him.

Trump may not know who he’s running against but he promised to destroy the United States of America 

"Christians get out and vote. Just this time.  You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It'll be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore my beautiful Christians. I love you Christians and I'm not a Christian. I love you, you got to get out and vote. In four years, you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you're not going to have to vote."

Trump's beautiful christians threw themselves at the feet of the Antichrist, turned their backs on Jesus and his message, and yearn to be granted the go ahead to engage in murderous bloodlust against all their enemies. 

"We'll have it fixed so good..."  Surely This Scandal will end his political career.  Look, you understand how this works.  Trump says something so extreme and if it gets pushback, his marketing team massages it into lies spread by the Fake News and if it gets traction he quintuples down on the message.  And anyone who dares to speak out against Criminal Donald Trump receives Death Threats and Harassment until they silence themselves.  With Trump's latest declaration of his Dictatorship, MAGA media will claim he meant after his election win you won't have to vote for him a 4th time. Of course, the Corporate Media will never call for Trump to withdraw based on his compete lack of coherence and Nazi style rhetoric.

Stop giving this fucking criminal rapist racist traitor the benefit of the doubt.  Trump means what he says, his jello-brain means he no longer has the filter which made him sound at least a little sane or sensible years ago.  Trump is fully into sundowning Alzheimer's now.  He says exactly what he means;  Traitor Trump is already on record claiming his first Term didn't count because the Democrats were mean to him.  And obviously even though he won the 2020 election (He Didn't) that doesn't count.  So this election is really his first.  Trump plans to be a Dictator who will never leave the White House.

And understand, the Heritage Foundation, and numerous other Reactionary rightwing groups, and elected Republicans at all levels of Government are working on curtailing voting for more than they already have.  So, yes Trump is saying you won't have to vote again because Republicans will make sure voting isn't something Democrats, liberals, or the other get to do anymore.  

But, as Trump's lack of a verbal filter, full-blown cognitive decline, repeated speaking glitches, and total lack mental competence are now readily apparent; the salient question is why is the Corporate Media silent?  Where are the dozens of daily stories and Op-Eds picking apart everything foible, misspeak, verbal gaffe for Traitor Trump?  Let alone, Trump openly saying he'll have it fixed so good you won't have to vote anymore as Trump will be the final President in American history.

The answers are easy;  Reactionary MAGA doesn't care.  Or more accurately, conservatives reveal in the power Trump grants them.  Trump promises them the power and freedom to be their most vile wretched selves and as we've seen in their racist misogynist response to soon-to-be President Kamala Harris they are wallowing in their wretchedness.

And the Corporate Media has always held Trump to no standards at all (Still waiting on the Epstein Documents to be discussed by the so-called Fourth Estate) so I don't expect the Media to call on Trump to drop out because he's thoroughly mentally incompetent.  But, as important the Plutocratic owners of the Media want Trump to be President because they know he will slash taxes, allow them to freely manipulate capital markets, speculate wildly, ignore Federal regulations, and aggregate more wealth in power in their hands.

So, don't expect the FTFNYT to run a story calling for Trump to withdraw or calling for "sane" Republicans to rescind his nomination.  The New York Times is fully in Trump's camp(s) and Republicans are wholly sworn to MAGA body and "soul".

Trump confused Nikki Haley with Vice President Kamala Harris.  Trump described the long sought Republican Party plan to raise retirement age so, Republicans and their Plutocratic Owners can steal social security from the American people, and claimed Vice President Kamala Harris supported it, instead of Nikki Haley.  Now, this could be garden variety lying but, the most likely, explanation is Trump can't tell one haughty Indian woman challenging him from another.  Hilariously Haley Voters for Harris, a super PAC which supported Haley over Traitor Trump in the Republican Primaries, told Nikki to eat it when she demanded they stop using her name.  Too bad Nikki, also a candidate coordinating with a PAC is illegal according to campaign finance rules so Nikki better stop telling the PAC what to do!

David Pakman came up with a good explanation why Jello-Brained Trump keeps invoking Hannibal Lecter.  Pakman theorizes Trump recalls the out-dated term "Insane Asylum" and then upon learning migrants are coming to the United States for "asylum" his jello-brain mashes the two things together.  Or it could just be racism.

Childish criminal Trump continues to mispronounce Vice President Kamala Harris' first name.  This is, of course, intentional. 

Despite, the outstanding success of the White Women:Answer the Call Zoom call I have almost no faith in white women voting for Vice President Kamala Harris, white women have had 2 previous elections to get it right and we've seen Trump for years now.  This isn't new.  If white women were going to reject Trump's vile bigotry, grotesque sexism, his disrespectful meanness, his hatred, his convictions for rape and theft they'd have done so by now.  His latest tirades of sexist bigotry and confused Fascist screeds aren't likely to sway them.

The choice is clear as it is frightening; a mentally deranged, authoritarian wannabe Hitler loving Donald Trump and his gang of murderous thugs or the genuine moral, decent, capable, strength of Kamala Harris and the executive branch She and President Biden assembled.

We aren't going back.  Kamala Harris is going to be President.  Let's Fucking Go!

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