Saturday, March 4, 2023

Shall Not Be Infringed 5: If only Republicans treated Guns they way they treat Transgender Persons

"[F]or the good of society… transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely,” - Michael Knowles calls for the Eradication of Transgender Persons to raucous applause at CPAC and he's been ramping up the murderous rhetoric for a while now, because first they came for transgender Americans...

If only, Republicans sought to restrict guns they way they are passing laws to eliminate Transgender and non-conformist persons, we might not be losing 40,000+ Americans to gun violence every year with an additional quarter million or more wounded. 

So, here in Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker has been busy cleaning up the damage wrought by Mr. 1% of the 1% Billionaire Bruce Ruiner as well as the deferred maintenance required for a proper functioning State.

One of Governor Pritzker and the Democratic Legislatures signature accomplishments was to sign into law restrictions on AR-15 under the Assault Weapons Ban.  But, unfortunately as we have seen numerous times Republicans choose Guns & Death over the lives of Americans.  Thus, with no sense of shame a podunk Republican Judge decided he has the authority to overrule the State Legislature and the Governor,

A judge in Macon County struck down the law, finding that it violates the equal protection and special legislation clauses of the Illinois Constitution.  Governor JB Pritzker responded in a statement Friday night, saying in part, "We expected political grandstanding from those more beholden to the gun lobby than to the safety of their constituents and today's ruling comes as no surprise. It does not apply statewide." 

Fortunately, Governor Pritzker and Illinois Attorney General Kwame Rauol were not caught flat-footed by this bullshit SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED ruling and have prepared to defend the law and work towards its' implementation.

Of course, this highlights the Republican plan of using Judges to thwart the will of the Voters and American people, which has borne it's most bitter fruit with the Unaccountable Supremacist Court and the rogue Sinister Six Supremes.  But, it also demonstrates the continue rightwing predilection to invert every topic they entwine themselves with.  The so-called Pro-Life Republicans are absolutely beholden and wedded to the concept of Unrestricted Gun Violence everywhere and as Jon Stewart correctly observed, "Don't give a flying fuck to stop it".

In the wake, of the revelation rightwing gun nut Bobby Crimo, who shot up Highland Park on July 4th last year, had bomb making materials at his home but, decided not to try and use them because bombs are difficult to build, employ, and use effectively. 

When interviewed about the bombs Crimo allegedly stated, "If everything lined up correctly then I would use it.  But it didn't."

Especially, when compared to the ease of obtaining an Assault Rifle, especially when your rightwing criminal asshole father is more than willing to buy it for you, well it's much easier to be a rightwing domestic terrorist with a gun in America because Guns SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. 

Understand Republicans hate you.  Republicans want you dead.  And they are ferverently working towards that end.  Don't kid yourself that after rounding-up and eliminating Transgender persons that Republican bloodlust will be sated, Republicans will do what they always have done, go after the next group, and after they deal with that group (whomever it is) Republicans will expand their circle of death and violence and get the next group of Non-MAGA.  Rightwingers are yearning to set up death camps and kill millions of Americans.  It's all part of the plan to Make America Great Again; turning the United States into the Charnel House the Republicans have always dreamed it could be.

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