Saturday, March 4, 2023

Shall Not Be Infringed 4: Republicans love Guns and want you Dead

Jon Stewart's interview with an Oklahoma Republican has garnered lots of attention; While certain easily duped centrists and Corporate Media drones will hail this as a watershed moment when Republicans realize their slavish obedience to the Firearms Manufacturing Industry is foolish, ahistorical, hypocritical, and dangerous what's more important and more salient is Nathan Dahm responded with the flat affect of a Republican Psychopath and his every answer was designed to cause you to "Seethe & Cope", to pull your hair, to fume, to respond with shocked exasperation, because every time you were stunned by his callousness he OWNED THE LIBS. 

That is all Republicans & Rightwingers care about; Owning the Libs, getting you upset, causing you distress.  But, sadly when confronted with actual Republican policies and the actual language of Republican politicians, regular Americans recoil and dismiss it as too over-the-top to be true.  Stop lying Liberal!  No way a Republican actually believes that or are actually proposing that! It must be Democrat lies!  There's no way Republicans would espouse Something Like THAT!!!

But, sadly as has been shown time and time again, Republicans will do that.

We've had numerous examples of Republicans expressing their fervent desire to turn women into walking incubators, to incarcerate and forcibly "de-transition" LGBTQ persons, to steal Social Security, to eliminate child labor laws, to summarily execute black people, to kill millions of Americans and yet, as long as they have their rightwing Media to claim GOP policies are "saving" Social Security, GOP policies are "pro-life", GOP are for Law&Order, regular Americans chalk up the black-and-white laws written and passed by Republican Legislatures as lies told by Joe Brandon and those kooky Squad members.

In Alaska, Oath Breaker Republican David Eastman wondered if society wouldn't be better off if abused children were just killed instead of wasting precious taxpayer dollars on things like care and post-abuse treatment and whatnot.  "It's actually a cost-savings!" Pull yourself up by your bootstraps has morphed in rightwing thinking to strangle people by their bootstraps.

It's the same reasoning and logical fallacy the NRA and their blood soaked Republican harridans use to convince people gun control is not needed.  The fallacy of large numbers.  Sure 40,000 or 50,000 will die by guns and another 250,000 will be wounded but it's America and we have over 320,000,000 people so there's really no way it's going to be you or your family members and after all, everyone knows only Chicago and other Democrat Cities are were all the gun violence happens wink-wink-wink.

Shall Not Be Infringed is now Holy Law ordained by God himself.

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