Thursday, March 9, 2023

Republicans love Workers, especially when Republicans can work you to death

"You're a nice guy and I'm sure that you are a salt of the earth guy but since you asked, What I am supposed to do, go back to work at 67? No, you're not supposed to retire when you're 55. You sound to me like you are totally capable of still working. You got no business retiring at 55 IF you can't afford to retire. The American Dream is retire at 65. People are retiring now at 50 and 55 and so forth when they are still capable of working. According to the tables at 55, you've got 22 years left..."  Back in 2008, as Republicans were building up their racist tirades against President Obama, Racist Limbaugh laid out the pure hatred Republicans have for the American Dream and people retiring instead of working until they die.
Elitest scumbag Ted Cruz, who routinely spits on hard-working baristas, has been the most vocal voice in his nasal pitch proclaiming the Republican Party is now the party of the working man.

And Cruz is right.  The Republican Party does want you to work, from the time you are born right up until the time you die.  No prospect of retirement.  No relaxation.  No education.  No free time.  No union protections.  No, American Dream.  Because what Republicans want you to do is work from cradle too the grave.  

Senator Mike Lee, the descendant of a mass murdering Mormon War Criminal, explicitly ran on a platform of putting children too work saying federal "child labor laws are truly stupid" and of course on destroying social security, "It will be my objective, to phase out Social Security, to pull it up by the roots and get rid of it."

And having elected scumbag liar Sarah Suckabee Slanders as the Governor of Arkansas, Republicans have begun their slow and steady march to destroy child labor laws.  Governor SS Sanders signed into law the "Youth Hiring Act of 2023", removing protections for children under 16 being put to work without receiving clearance from the Arkansas Dept of Labor.  The underbelly of this law is immigrant children are going to be put to work instead of being able to receive any kind of education.  The hopes of the Republican Party is to create a permanent underclass of revolving immigrant children who come to the United States, with minimal education, don't get a chance to be educated here and then work themselves to death in a perpetual kind of second-class status sans protections from laws and Government. 

So, even while Republicans work via multiple avenues to ensure Americans work from 10-65 and then die, Republicans realize they have to pretend to be in favor of workers and still have to play up an imaginary Horatio Alger backstory for themselves so that the White Working Class continues to support them as "regular" guys.

For a long, long time Republicans have been allowed to get away with declaring they are something when their actions conclusively demonstrate they are not.  Thus, Republicans have had a 40 year run of proclaiming themselves to be staunch constitutionalists, die-hard patriots, and proponents of law & order when in reality Republicans denigrate and violate the Constitution at every opportunity, Republicans are traitors who have worked for decades to subvert and destroy the United States, and Republicans are rapists and criminals who treat laws as unenforceable guidelines.

Thus, Donald John Traitor Trump can claim to have received a small loan of $1,000,000 in the 1970's.

Elon Muscovite can claim to have come from modest beginnings with a family emerald mine worked by slaves.

Oklahoma stumblebum Markwayne Mullins, supreme anti-Union punk, claimed during a Senate hearing where he tried to burnish his Tough Guy credentials, that he "started with nothing, ab-so-lute-ly nothing, in fact I started below nothing".  Besides lying about what UPS drivers make, Mullin's father gave him his plumbing business.

A key thing to remember about the Republicans is they don't believe the vast majority of the American people or immigrants should ever "retire".  Certainly, Rich and moneyed types (Elon Musk...) can retire whenever they please.  But, the Republican Plan is and always has been to Work. You. To. Death.  This is why Republican hate Medicare.  This is why Republicans have tried in the past to eliminate Social Security and are still trying to eliminate Social Security today.  Republicans don't believe in a social safety net, no they believe in the dignity of work and the "freedom" for you to work from childhood right up until you die.  Preferably not on the job site.

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