Friday, May 27, 2022

The Assassination of 21 Uvalde residents by the Coward Texas Police Officers (Defund the Police)

"If they are going to start this, they cannot expect us to sit silently while they try to strip our Second Amendment rights," In response to the latest Gun Massacre in America, Florida Republican Representative Randy Fine justifies threatening to assassinate President Biden as Republicans continue to descend into Pure Fascism.

The Copaganda Narrative of Uvalde has fallen apart.  The timeline of events does not correspond at all with the bullshit narrative Police, Authorities, and Texas Republicans first presented.  This whole thing is fucking unbelievable.  The shooter was outside firing rounds for 12 minutes prior to entering the school.  The Officers saw him enter and followed but were repulsed by superior firepower.  At this point once you have eyes in the shooter or once you know his location from the gunfire you are receiving you must maintain contact to keep his location fixed.  Yes, I'm sorry Boys you're going to get shot at with rifle rounds.  But!  Don't fret!  I hear from gun nuts on-line all the time that an AR-15 is just a 22!  A pea-shooter!  

Instead the Officers retreated, lost containment and waited an hour for the more heavily armed QRF to respond.  A fucking hour! 

The entire incident appears to be a mixture of sheer incompetence and pure cowardice.  The stories coming out of dithering, of handcuffing parents, of other Texas Deputies going into the school and retrieving their children, of incompetent attempts to reach students hiding and exposing them to the school shooter.

David Simon said in the film The House I Live In, that the War on Drugs and the Police State associated with it, could claim to be worth it if, we also had safety and security but, we don't.  So, instead we get the dehumanization of America from the War on Drugs in addition to the tyrannical authoritarianism of a fascist internal police.

The same is true with the bloated Police budgets and obsequious fealty Police Departments demand.  It might be worth it, to bow and scrape, and pay police exorbitant overtime pay for safety and security but, instead Police Budgets take away from other more vital services which can better address the issues facing society and because of the Republican policy of flooding the Nation with 400,000,000 easily obtainable firearms we have no safety and no security.

And I'm not even talking about the payouts for egregious violations of law and misconduct just the amount of money dedicated to keep the precious feeling of The Cowardly Thin Blue Line from being hurt when Police are criticized for gross misconnection, law breaking, and violations of rights.

40% of Uvalde's city budget goes to the Police Department.  They have a SWAT equivalent team.  This would be a great time to talk about Defunding the Police, but right now rightwing media would love nothing more than to change the subject to violence in Democrat Run cities and disgusting Republican slobs like Sarah Suckabee Sanders could get on Faux News and say Chicago Chicago Chicago!!!

"I think if you look to Chicago, where you had over 4,000 victims of gun-related crimes last year, they have the strictest gun laws in the country. That certainly hasn’t helped there." Suckebee Sanders after the Las Vegas Mass Shooting in 2017

And I haven't even mentioned the concerted conservative on-line disinformation campaign by Candeath Owens and other rightwing influencers. using random pictures of innocent Transgender women "Sam" from Georgia and others to deflect, distract and, delay in order to run out the clock on gun control efforts and stoke the fires of anti-trans bigotry which conservatives will employ for the next mass shooting.

I know Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick, Ken Paxton, Ted Cruz, John Cornyn are shameless and have no compunction about giving these petulant interviews oozing bad faith and uncaring sarcasm but how can Texans, tough talking, god-fearing, giant belt buckle wearing, self-reliant frontier folk vote for these slimy fucks?  Has the non-stop GOP rhetoric and propaganda worked that fucking well?  That these doughy, wide-waisted, flabby-assed, cowards are the epitome of Texas?  How can you look at Ted Cruz and go Yep! that's who I want as a Senator!

The Truth is Greg Abbott and the Texas Republicans don't care.  They don't fucking care.  They don't fucking care about this latests mass shooting with Kids and Teachers blown to pieces.  Just like they didn't care about the last mass shooting in Texas.  And just like they won't fucking care about the next mass shooting in Texas.  And why should they?  Playing tough guy, helping to flood Texas with guns, and ignoring gun violence has made them rich and powerful.  They get to talk tough and scream at Beto O'Rourke and then laugh at Liberal Tears because of Guns.

The sad truth is I expect the Faux News spun propaganda and righting on-line discourse to turn to those cowardly Cops failed to do their job!  If those Cops had done the easy brave thing, this never would have happened, and our theory of Guns making people safer would still be 100% correct.  Also anyway the Democrats are to blame! 


I understand why Republicans like Randy Fine, threaten the President of the United States in service to their masters the NRA (the need the power, influence, and money of the NRA to win elections) but why does Mitt Romney with his bullshit holier-than-thou sanctity of life not break with the Gun Lobby?  He doesn't need their money.  Why doesn't Susan Concerned Collins break and support Gun Control?  She doesn't need the rightwing propaganda machine to win elections.  No, what the lock-step Republicans deference and obedience to the NRA shows is there are NO Moderate Republicans.  The Republican Party is a wholly Fascist Organization which rapidly advancing on the prospect of subjugation and wholesale murder of millions of Americans.

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