Saturday, May 28, 2022

Texas Republicans: Fuck Them Kids!

“What are we going to do about assault rifles?” Mr. Trump asked.
“Not a damn thing,” Mick Mulvaney, Acting chief of staff, replied.  Reportedly Trump asked this after the 2019 El Paso Mass Shooting.  Even spirochete-addled Trump understood there is no reason to have AR-15s strewn about the country and Gun Control was a necessary and correct response. 
It hasn't even been a month since Republicans took to Faux News and every platform available to declare their unbreakable devotion to the Sanctity of Life.

Besides shooting kids themselves, I don't know what else Republicans have to do and say to prove to you that they don't give a fuck about kids. Don't give a fuck how many people die brutal, painful deaths from gunfire.  Don't give a fuck if one of their 2nd Amendment Heroes shoots kids in the face; because up until he pulls that trigger he's a lawful gun owner.  Republicans DON'T GIVE A FUCK and won't do ANYTHING as they attempt to deflect and run out the clock on the latest AR-15 Massacre.

It's always interesting (as well as infuriating) to see what excuse and deflection Republicans will adopt to defeat gun control.  After Uvalde, Republicans are invoking 911 and making an analogy to securing the schools like we secured the cockpits.  As well as the ridiculous one door in and out and having multiple armed Officers on scene.  Turning schools into prisons. It's always been a dream of Republicans to destroy public education and reinstitute child labor as well as being an added bonus of removing the "pipeline" in the Republican School-to-Prison pipeline.

The two latest spectacular mass shootings are directly tied to Republican Policies, Republican rhetoric, and Republican laws; so Republicans responded Fuck Them Kids...

Republicans don't care.  Republicans aren't going to do anything to stop or curb Gun Violence.  

In response to 21 deaths, Ted Cruz said,
"Why is it that people come from all over the world to America?
Because it’s the freest, most prosperous, safest country on earth."
And then Ran Away...
"I hate to say it, but there are more people who are shot every weekend in Chicago than there are in schools in Texas,” Texas Chief Executioner Greg Abbott said.
Chicago!!! Chicago!!! Chicago!!! The immediate and most often used response every time a mass shooting occurs.  It's a shorthand which encompasses so many rightwing shibboleths about the guns.

Republicans always respond that gun laws don't work.  Now, if this was true "Governor" Greg Abbott wouldn't have spent the last 7 years of his Governorship signing legislation to ensure guns can proliferate across Texas.  But, Abbott during his despicable tenure as governor has cut funding for mental health and loosened all restrictions to limit the spread of firearms.  At this point I'm sure some "smart" gun nut will invoke Natural Law and "Negative Rights" as though this was a frosh policy course endnote real life and death but, as Jeremey Bentham noted centuries ago Security is what matters in society and Natural Rights/Law is nonsense.  

But, of course Republicans actually don't give a shit about real justifications or a fundamental legal grounding for their lock-step support for the unfettered proliferation of firearms.  Everything in the Modern GOP is about the exercise of raw power and the Owning of the Libs.  It's why the GOP and NRA gleefully held their annual meeting in Houston, Texas.  Republicans DON'T GIVE A SHIT about gun violence and gun deaths.

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