Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Twitter & Crypto

"The reason today's sale of Twitter is big news; the reason it could turn out to be a pivot point in our history..." all you need to know is conservatives are ecstatic about the sale as Tucked in dick Carlson explained on his racist agitprop show.

As everyone knows Elon Musk "bought" Twitter yesterday.  Twitter isn't essential or anything new.  Now, I don't know if Musk, the man who's taken credit for many things he hasn't done, used his leveraged Tesla holdings to make the purchase or spent worthless Cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency is a terrible terrible thing.  It's a computer solving puzzles and people declaring it's "MONEY!"  The way it makes actual money by it's holders and/or creators is to convince (scam/fool) people to invest real money when Crypto is high and then laughing as the Crypto craters.  Then those people "buy" it back and resell it when it goes up in "value" again.  Stealing old people's pensions and getting people who are too financially immature or unversed in risk/reward thinking.  Of course, the problem is on an individual level some people will end up with big windfalls, meanwhile society loses out because of the number of investors who make poor choices in the aggregate and the damage computers running 24/7 sucking in huge amounts of power and producing huge amounts of heat*.  But, one of the things which has emerged is the sheer hatred conservatives have for society writ large (a topic for another post). 

It's ironic the 21st Century Billionaires have made their money by manufacturing nothing.  It's all hype as the production is elsewhere.  As manufacturing jobs were sent away from the Nation so was any sense of Noblesse Oblige, obscenely rich men felt towards America and society in general.  Elon Musk's fanboys have always grossly exaggerated his actual contributions.  To be fair Tesla cars did fill a niche that the Big Automakers ignored or moved away from because of the non-stop lies and pressure from rightwingers or the to lucrative Chinese Market.  

But, what will Musk's purchase of Twitter mean?  The reason GETTR, GAB, or Trump Social fail is because there are no liberals on those platforms.  Sure conservatives love getting together to plot assassination attempts on Democratic Governors and Congresspersons but, the constant conservative circle jerk bores them after a while.  What they yearn to do is to insult and threaten Liberals.  To see their most hated enemies scared and upset.  To waste peoples' time.  To get you to engage with them.

Twitter is for the Fash.  So is Fashbook.  So is Youtube, which consistently and forcefully recommends rightwing lies and propaganda.  Techniques for monitoring assholes are far behind the assholes techniques for flooding the zone with shit.  So, Twitter may or may not descend fully into the fascist cesspit that so far it has barely avoided but, conservatives definitely believe their MAGA God will resume his Tweeting and that their violence and harassment of "The Left" shall be able to commence unbound and unimpeded.

Certainly, pyschos like Twitter's wrongest man Alex Berenson, fake physical and real terrorist Simone Gold and all-around loon Naomi Wolf expect to be reinstated to peddle Covid nonsense. Personally, I think Musk bought Twitter to keep people from saying mean (and true) things about him.  

*- The Bitcoin mining destroying towns is an eerie echo of past historical injustices and harbinger of future atrocities.  From Open Veins of Latin America, you can read about Potosi and the silver mines of the Cerro Rico, which consumed 8,000,000 souls in the rapacious pursuit of wealth.

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