Monday, April 25, 2022

The GOP Plan for America: Death & Taxes

Republicans will Rule or they will Ruin America. 

I *am* taking notes on a fucking criminal conspiracy - signed Rick Perry 2020-2021

The only thing Republicans have to offer the American people is Death & Taxes.

The Paleoconservative wing of the Republican Party, once typified by racist Hitler-loving zealot Pat Buchanan is mainly passé.  However, one canard which remains active in the rightwing propaganda network is some people don't pay enough taxes and the rich pay too much in taxes.

Rick Scott, a colossal thief who bilked old people and the US Government out of Billions of dollars but got off Scott free with a $300,000,000 severance package (Brett Favre's mistake was going for too low an amount so while Favre's a HOF football player he's a Rookie grifter) has concocted an 11-Point Plan to further fuck over the American People.  It's an unholy mess which is designed to destroy the US Government.  No, that's not hyperbole.  One of the key points is sunsetting every piece of legislation in 5 years.  This alone would end the US Federal Government.  But, besides drowning the US Government in the climate-change rising tides of Florida, instead of a bathtub, Scott wants to ensure the mistake of the Post World War 2 America is repealed as well, raising taxes on the ever shrinking middle class, until all of Us are reduced to Wage Slaves.  

It's no different from every revelation that Donald Trump was an epic tax cheat and financial conman.  MAGA treated each piece of evidence with orgazmic approval and joyous expressions of admiration, 'That just proves he's smart!'  They yearn to be like him; an outright bigot, a contemptuous scofflaw, a tax cheat, an unctuous criminal with Fuck You Money who get to ignore laws, rules, regulations, and constraints whenever they feel like it.

While much of the Republican Party thought they could use Trump's rise to rubberstamp tax cuts and appoint ignorant petulant children to Federal Judges they also got an Insurrection and appeals to Fascism and Violence which initially frightened them but, they learned to stop worrying and love the Mob.

Everyday comes new revelations of what was obvious; elected Republicans conspired with Donald Trump and his criminal cabal comprised of his executive branch and family to overthrow the US Government.  The mob which attacked the Capitol was damn certain they had not only Trump's blessing but, were in communication with Republicans inside the Government.  147 GQP Senators and Representatives voted to   continue the Coup by Bureaucratic means after the violent January 6th Insurrection failed.

As a microcosm, in Nevada, Democratic Governor Steve Sisolak was accosted and threatened with hanging and bodily harm by two conservatives.
Nevada State Republicans, especially the loathsome Michelle Fiore, rushed to defend this and said the Governor brought it upon himself and deserved it.

It's an incident which shows the accelerating nature of rightwing discourse.  Threats of Violence are de rigeur for conservatives.  That's why January 6th was "legitimate political discourse".   

So, that's why two conservative psychos in Nevada felt not only within their rights but, righteous in threatening to murder the Governor of Nevada.  That's why a Republican running for Attorney General in Michigan feels not only comfortable but, confident her call to arrest and execute Doctors will help her win the election.

If the Republicans retake the House and Senate in 2023, everything you thought was won during the 20th century and all the way back to the Civil War is up for grabs.  Republicans in numerous states will roll back every labor protection, civil rights, education, worker's rights, EVERYTHING, because they know the Republican Congress will be busy throwing fuel onto everything and investigating Hunter Biden's TRUE CROSS Laptop while impeaching President Biden daily.  Republican State run legislatures and Governors will expand their "laws" to encroach and infringe upon other States knowing that any challenge that goes to the Supreme Court will go their way.

And then the Paramilitary Rightwing Domestic Terrorists will tag-in and relieve Police Forces of the onerous job of executing minorities and gathering up dissidents for relocation and reeducation. 

Death & Taxes are coming your way America... 

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