Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The Stupid Gnosticism of Joe Rogan

And I know an eighteenth charm, and that charm is the greatest of all, and that charm I can tell to no man, for a secret that no one knows but you is the most powerful secret there can ever be. "Odin", American Gods (2001) (adapted from the Old Norse poems Hávamál)

Third Eye Blind 

There is a subset of righting on-line blabbermouths, e.g. Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Bari Weiss, Dave Rubin, Jack Posobiec, Tim Pool, Paul Joseph Watson, Gavin McInnes, Steve Crowder, and others who pretend to be the possessors of secret knowledge.  Their entire paradigm is they are sharing secrets too difficult, too mind-blowing, too powerful for the Soy Boy Woke Left to handle. 

Stupid Gnosticism. 

The current collator and propagator of Stupid Gnosticism is Meathead Joe Rogan.  He's really digging in on misinformation and lies about Covid.  Again he's not as smart or interesting as he and his fans claim he is.  Instead he's high on his own supply.  Rogan is convinced of his own brilliance.  Everyone else is just behind the curve but, he's too controversial!  What you call misinformation Joe Rogan calls future wisdom!

But, it's an inflationary model... once you share a secret its power is lost. So rightwing internet troglodytes have to keep ramping up the secrets and keep ramping up the conspiracy that is keeping those secrets from you!

Ivermectin! Bilderburg! Illuminati! Qanon! And up and and up and up, until you end up at Alex Jones Lizard people territory.

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