Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Republicans really hate Black Americans

"The fact that he is willing to make a promise at the outset that it must be a Black woman I've got to say that's offensive," - Ted Cruz, (R)acist of Texas, burped forth on his podcast

“The irony is the Supreme Court, at the very same time, is hearing cases about this sort of affirmative racial discrimination and while adding someone who is the beneficiary of this sort of quota. The majority of the court might be saying, writ large, it’s unconstitutional. We’ll see how that irony works out. I’ll guarantee you this, Paul. This new justice will probably not get a single Republican vote," Senator Racist Wicker reveals Republicans hate and will never support Black Women.
"Well the concern is misplaced, because if you look at the statistics, African American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans," To Republicans like Mitch Son of the Arch-Traitors McConnell, African Americans will never be Real Americans, hence the distinction. 
That's Three Sitting GOP Senators speaking in 2022! Black History Month seems to bring out Republican Racism.  Of course, I could post hundreds of public statements Republicans, in and out of office, have made belittling, denigrating, besmirching, and otherwise insulting black people going back years.  Here's an unexceptional comment from 2014,
"For almost three generations these people, in some cases, have been given handouts.  They have been ‘enabled’ so much that their paradigm in life is simply being given the stuff of life, however meager. No one has the guts to just let them wither and die. No one who wants votes is willing to call a spade a spade. As long as the Dems can get their votes the enabling will continue. The Republicans need their votes and dare not cut the fiscal tether. It is really a political Catch-22." Klansman John Johnston, Indiana Republican and disgrace to the United State Marine Corps.
Look don't expect any of this rabid racism and blatant bigotry to hurt Republicans.  The Corporate Media expects it from the GOP, therefore Republicans' racism is barely a footnote in the fight to besmirch Joe Biden's SCOTUS appointment.  I don't know how to combat a Media invested in equivocating Republican perfidy, in bothsides-ing everything, in uncritically accepting bad faith Republican claims that actually Joe Biden and an unnamed Black Woman are the Real Racists!  Meanwhile, conservatives have been yearning for this kind of raw racist red meat from the Republican Party and are not satisfied with Lee Atwater dog whistles or euphemisms anymore.

MAGAland was giddy with glee and unmitigated joy when conservatives thought only the Big City libs and minorities were dying from Covid in 2020.  When Jared "666" Kushner declared the Trump Government would not be helping THOSE PEOPLE in the early stages of the Pandemic, conservatives celebrated and laughed.

Republicans really, really, really hate black people.  But, they get away with it because the media does not want to acknowledge the truth about the Republican Party; it's a death cult of fascists and racists edging closer and closer to outright political violence and barely satiated by the political shenanigans and bureaucratic legerdemain Republicans in office pull off to keep the GOP in power.


  1. The media does not want to acknowledge the truth about the Republican Party because they are them too!

  2. It's unfortunate One Fly but, the Journalists either let themselves be hypnotized by the Rightwing claims of LIBERAL MEDIA or really are wedded to fame and money! So they adopt and push the rightwing agenda to seem Fair & Balanced. Their unwillingness, or inability to call out the Descent into Fascism means when it happens Normies will be taken aback and wonder why they weren't warned of Mango Mussolini and his TrumpStapho plans to round up and murder them by the "4th Estate".

  3. Musn't forget - and of course yes Republicans really hate Black Americans and bunches of other stuff too.
