Monday, September 2, 2019

Hey, hey NRA how many kids did you kill today?

If it bleeds, it leads...

I don't know why the media even covers Mass Shootings anymore. The causes of gun violence are clear. As are the solutions. More Guns = More Gun Violence. Less Guns = Less Gun Violence. Nightly news should just roll out the body count as they did during Vietnam to indicate how much winning we are doing. 8KIA and 19WIA in Midland, Texas and now for the local feel good story of a child selling lemonade for her cancer treatment here's Chet...

The shootings give Republicans further chances to tell America they are not going to do anything to staunch the flow of blood. Because if it bleeds... it sells more guns. And the more guns that sell the more blood money the NRA and their paid-for politicians make.

I suppose I should include the so-called President's comments,
"As bad as it was, it could have been worse, but it was certainly bad, very very sad situation. So it’s a big problem. It’s a mental problem. It’s a big problem."
In 2017, Traitor Trump and the Republican Party got rid of President Obama's regulation designed to halt gun sales to those adjudicated mentally ill. Because "reasons"... Now Racist Trump can't stop talking about mental health as he claimed "mental illness pulls the trigger" after the Rightwing domestic terrorist killed 22 people and wounded 24 more in El Paso less than a month ago...

On some level the cynic in me would state oh well, but that's exactly the attitude which has allowed the Firearm Industry and Moron Labe gun nuts to dictate the regulation and gun laws in the United States. Unfortunately, as has been observed once conservatives told the country 20 dead kindergartner's at Sandy Hook was the price We were going to have to pay, the gun control debate in America was effectively over.

The Republicans are not going to do anything about Gun Violence in the United States; because they have wedded themselves to the NRA and the policy of unrestricted gun violence but, also because Republicans, whether they admit it or not, are counting on the heavily armed rightwing domestic terrorist acting as a paramilitary enforcement arm for them as they continue to lose elections but, maintain political power.

Right now, conservative "lone wolves" act as a Terror Squad with the implicit backing of the Republican Party. But, perhaps very soon, say when Rapist Trump loses the 2020 election, the Republican Party is going to explicitly and directly call upon their rightwing terrorists to kill people so they can maintain political control of the Nation.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure as shit this is the way it will play out too! These sonsofbitches want to shoot people on the Left. They really do it's a goddamn fact.
