Sunday, September 1, 2019

Dave Chappelle, Jussie Smolett and the Only Crime that matters in America

"There ain't a white man in this room that would change places with me. None of you. None of you would change places with me, and I'm rich!" - Chris Rock.
There is only one unforgivable offense in the United States; being black. All other things can be forgiven, as long as you are white and conservative. Immigrating while brown has almost reached the level of unforgivable blackness, but there is no worse crime in America than being black.

Apparently conservatives are trying to put a claim on Chappelle or something. As Dave Chappelle's new Netflix special Sticks & Stones drills down into the "Juicy Smolett" issue. Chappelle's insights are sharp and witty, as befits him, especially his recreation of the Police interview and Nigerian #MAGA hat supremacists but, he also focuses on a little covered aspect of the situation; namely that the African-American community at large was very, very quiet when the details of the so-called racist incident came out.

But, the reason conservatives have such a hard-on to get Jussie Smolett is far less nuanced than Dave Chappelle's insights into America; it's to teach every other black person in America that they are subject to the whims of white America. Destroying Smolett will teach black people that when they get out of line or commit an infraction, white America will never forgive and will never forget and will spend money, time and effort in crushing any black person who dares not bow to White Supremacy.

Sandra Bland learned the lesson in Texas when she was held in a local lock-up for a long weekend and denied bail for the victimless "crime" of not bowing to white authority  to teach her "black ass" a lesson.

Colin Kaepernick aroused the same white hot fury, but Kaep had righteousness and morality on his side and he won. Which only enraged conservatives further. Because underneath all the rightwing complaints about black people protesting wrong, all the tut-tuting over #BlackLivesMatter is the simple truth that conservatives will not accept any protest by black people. Period. And to conservatives Kaep 'got away with it'.

Smolett won't. Jussie is going to learn his lesson and expect his name to be invoked for the next 30 years in the same manner conservatives invoke Al Sharpton and Tawna Brawley. Smolett, in the same way the Duke Lacrosse Rape case, has provided the rightwing with their necessary cover as they continue their campaign of intolerance and oppression; the counter card they will play over and over and over to dismiss the rise in violence by the right towards minority communities.

To conservatives what Smollett did was far worse than Dylann Roof and will be punished by White America far harsher and for decades to come.

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