Friday, September 27, 2019

In defense of Trump, Conservatives are ginning up their courage to round-up and murder millions

Projection: Conservatives always Project their desires onto the Left
Now, faced with his Impeachment Traitor Trump called for the extra-judicial murder of the Whistleblower. Traitor Trump routinely refers to Americans as the enemy of the people. Step-by-step Trump is inching ever closer to the 'Won't someone rid me of these radical Democrats?' It is merely a matter of time before Trump and the Banana Republican Party declare the US to be under MAGA Law and call for the rounding-up and elimination of the Non-#MAGA.

Conservatives have been yearning for years to kill Americans. They've successfully implemented their Stochastic Terrorist campaign of guided rightwing Lone Wolf murder sprees which have killed more Americans than any other group since Sean Hannity's Hero Timothy McVeigh killed 168 in Oklahoma City in 1995.

The Banana Republican Party long ago stopped sly allusions to Eliminationist Rhetoric and fully embraced the "Rope. Tree. Journalist" and "Second Amendment Remedies". Conservatives have a yearning deep down in their shriveled loins to round-up and murder Americans.

We've seen them adopt the boiling frog technique; first with the Dick Cheney Regime abducting "Terrorists" via extraordinary rendition and keeping them in GITMO for decades. Under Trump,  conservatives created Children Concentration Camps and have kept people guilty of no crime in conditions which would constitute War Crimes and human rights abuses, while also violating US Law, International Law, and the Geneva Conventions.

Conservatives have been satisfied with #OwntheLibs thus far but, make no mistake Impeachment is a certainty. So, as Trump's removal moves closer right-wingers are going to commit more and more Acts of Terror and begin explicitly and openly promoting #KilltheLibs

I expect, Republicans and conservatives in the media to condemn violence on BothSides, as they have already done when faced with the flood of MAGA Terrorist Attacks, while vociferously defending Republicans who call for violence but, as the attacks increase and Trump unravels completely the Banana Republicans will have to decide who they love more; the American People or the Trump Horde.

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