Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Senator Mark Kirk please recover from your terrible Stroke so you can be kicked out of the Senate for Ethics Violations

Senator Mark Kirk snagged the former US Senate seat of President Obama back in 2010. Republicans placed a high value target on the seat because... well, probably because it fueled their deluded, self-absorbed, narcissistic attitude that America really doesn't love President Obama.

Senator Kirk suffered a massive debilitating stroke several months ago. Unfortunately, his recovery appears to be going poorly as Seantor Kirk, who is also a Commander in the US Navy, had to cancel his appearance at an Arlington Heights Memorial Day Parade. In fact, Kirk has made no public appearances in the 4 months since his stroke.

While I wish Senator Kirk a return to good health and a full life afterwards he needs to leave the Senate.

Kirk suffered serious damage to his brain, is going to have long-term impairments and, of course, recent news has emerged that Senator Mark Kirk engaged in possible criminal behavior while running for office in 2010.

Senator Kirk used his campaign to funnel money to his then girlfriend, Dodie McCracken.
The girlfriend, Dodie McCracken, who works in public relations, has acknowledged receiving more than $143,000 in fees and expenses for her campaign work. A former live-in girlfriend, she is no longer romantically involved with Kirk, according to a campaign aide.

At the heart of the matter is Vertolli's assertion that the Kirk campaign may have improperly hidden money to McCracken by paying her through another company working for the campaign. Because the money was not paid directly to McCracken, her name does not appear in Kirk's federal disclosures.
Kirk knew he was proceeding along an unethical and probably criminal path when he decided to use a shell company to pay his girlfriend.

Is R. Limpballs going to call McCracken a name? Is this going to be mentioned by any of the right-wing media? Of course, not.

Besides the up-coming Ethics charges for his campaign violations Kirk's medical issues clearly indicate he needs to be removed from the Senate if he will not do the honorable thing and step down.

But, Mark Kirk is a Republican. Thus, while he has repeatedly lied about his military service, Senator Kirk claimed to have "misremembered [sic] it wrong", [See My Post: War Records], the bet here is Kirk will not step down and will rally the hypocritical conservative base to defend him even though he has engaged in multiple behaviors which right-wingers claim to abhor.

IOKIYAR isn't an acronym for nothing...


  1. Isn't criminal behavior in office mandatory in Illinois?

    The Corrupt Chicago Democrat Machine is a professional criminal syndicate that leaves the mafia green with envy.

  2. Yeah, except President Obama whom right-wingers know is violating the constitution except for the lack actual evidence problem!

    However, as Kirk struggles with a dauntingly long recovery buttressed by his FREE GOVERNMENT HEALTH CARE COVERAGE, I wonder if he even feels the slightest twinge of conscious about his despicable stance from 2010 with respects to Obamacare,

    Kirk ran on this slogan in 2010, “I’m Mark Kirk and I can’t wait to vote against the health care bill next week.”

    When asked by an audience member what he would do if the health care bill is passed and signed into law, Kirk said he would lead the effort to repeal it.

    Of course, Republicans in the Congress don't know where their healthcare comes from! Republican Ann Marie Buerkle, who voted to repeal the health care reform act, was twice asked about the health insurance she receives as a government employee. At first she said she couldn't understand why people were so interested in her health insurance, and that taxpayers didn't pay anything for it.

    But, it'll be a good day when Republicans repeal Obamacare and leave millions of Americans without Healthcare cause that is Freedom!

  3. Fiddle- Chicago political corruption holds no political party affiliation. We have our corrupt Conservatives as well.

    "Senator Mark Kirk snagged the former US Senate seat of President Obama back in 2010. Republicans placed a high value target on the seat because... well, probably because it fueled their deluded, self-absorbed, narcissistic attitude that America really doesn't love President Obama."

    Dis- This statement is 100% inaccurate. Roland Burris snagged Obama's Senate seat. Actually, the seat was pulled out for him by then Governor Blagojevich. Kirk won it from him in the first "Election" since Obama's presidency. Liberals can blame only one group for Kirk's win. Themselves. When you have a Democratic Governor on wire taps talking about his Golden F##king Ticket, who did you think would win?

    It's almost sad that we've come to this point in our country politically. You have Democrats saying "What about Mark Kirk?" Too which Republicans will reply "How's that John Edwards thing working out?"

    An A##hole is an A##hole. It doesn't matter if there is an R, or a D after his name. If Kirk is found guilty, then he should we removed immediately. I just wonder if our Democratic Governor will appoint someone, or go ahead with a special election. Since he's running on borrowed time, I'm guessing special election.

    Nice typing to you guys.

  4. At first she said she couldn't understand why people were so interested in her health insurance, and that taxpayers didn't pay anything for it.

    I agree with you that that is colossal ignorance, but you are mixing apples and oranges, people who work for the federal government get government bennies. Maybe we could agree that they are way too lavish for our elected officials.

    Also, that congresswoman displays a common American characteristic of not understanding where government money comes from, and it ain't Obama's stash.

  5. When I first heard of Mark Kirk, he was a congressman who was trying to INCREASE the penalties for marijuana possession. The next thing I heard, he was running for the Senate as a "moderate."

    Two-faced "This Space For Rent" prostitutes like Kirk are despicable.

  6. Mark Kirk is actually a very moderate Republican. His views on conservation efforts and guns are very Liberal leaning. I do not remember his record on marijuana. Or any opinion for that matter.

    "Two-faced "This Space For Rent" prostitutes like Kirk are despicable."
    You may be right about this statement Tom. He's not the first Senator from Illinois who "two faced" in order to garner votes. The most notable is our President. You may disagree, but tens of thousands of homosexuals in Chicago would call him two faced as well.

  7. J.O.B.
    Seeing as how you are Marine and a father, I would like to know how you conclude of President Obama, "tens of thousands of homosexuals in Chicago would call him two faced as well"?

    As fro your earlier comment that the opening of my post is 100% inaccurate, you misread my post

    Senator Mark Kirk snagged the former US Senate seat of President Obama back in 2010...

    "Snagged" not handed to it by Convict Blago.

    The Republicans put a high symbolic value on Obama and Ted Kennedy's senate seats...

  8. Gene- How you doing Bud, I fornd your blog through Ron. Hope you don't mind. I am guessing by your reply that you checked out my blog. So I will do my best to clear anything up.

    1st- I did a post on Obama's flip flop of Gay marriage. I don't buy into it. Here's why.

    Here's a direct link to the article in Windy City Times.

    Obama at first was for Gay marriage (When it suited him). Then against Gay marriage (When he needed the votes). Now, He is for it (When he needs the votes more than ever).

    The Homosexual community sees right through this. This community is estimated to be in the 10's of thousands.

    2nd- I am a Father, but was never a Marine. I have a Nephew who is gay, and I feel he should have the same marriage rights as I have. I did try to join the Marines, which may have been the post title that you read.

    3rd- Unless I misread the comment from your post, I think you may be misunderstanding me. All I meant is that Burris got Obama's Senate seat, not Kirk. Blagojevich awarded it to him. It wasn't an election. This is what led to Blago serving 14 years in prison. All this dirty Sh#t going on at the time was so bad, that the incumbent (Burris) didn't even win the nomination. Kirk ran against Giannoulias(D). Make no mistake about it. Kirk is one of the GOOD Republicans, but this cover up s##t does not surprise me. Which leads me to.....

    4th- The things you will learn about me are:
    I am pro Gay Marriage, always have been. (Unlike our President)
    I am very centralist. (I will vote for a Liberal or Conservative)
    I am passionate about Chicago politics and the Bulls##t that comes with it. (Which is why I will NOT vote for Obama)

  9. Hey, J.O.B.

    Thanks for your additional comments and your stated positions. Of course, I don't mind you posting!

    Everyone is welcome to comment, even those who vehemetly disagree with me (although only Silverfiddle appears to be the conservative who will grace my blog with dissenting opinions).

    Anyway, you might be correct about President Obama's position on gay marriage, I tend to think his "evolution" was genuine but I'll read your post for your opinion.

    I do know the slimy history of Blago and the pay-to-play for the Senate seat. My contention based on the blitz and emails from the RNC were the Republicans put a highly symbolic meaning to Obama "losing" his seat to a Republicans as if the rapid switch to the right was indicative of the country's rejection of President Obama.

    I think the Right has lived so long in the blog-o-sphere echo chamber that they are convinced a vast majority hold the same twisted ideas about Barack that they do, and I'm fairly sure we will see President Obama re-elected in 5 months.

    Anyway thanks for your input looking forward to more comments!
