Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Right-Wing heads explode! Michele Bachmann a citizen of a Foreign Nation

I'd warn you to watch out for flying grey matter but Right-Wingers have no brains.

Half of the anger directed towards President Obama from Birthers, Tea Partiers, and Right-Wing Extremists, was the claim that his father's citizenship confered dual-citizenship or a possible allegiance to a Foreign Nation onto Barack and thus invalidated Barack as a "Real American". The other half of their anger was because right-wingers disliked his skin color.

But, now what are conservative domestic terrorists to do? How can the Tea Party craizes trust their darling Congresswoman from Minnesota who has volunatarily chosen to become a citizen of a Foreign Nation? It turns out that while running for President of the United States, Michele Bachmann was in secret negotiations to become a citizen of a Switzerland!

Switzerland! A Nation with 3 official languages, one of them being French! Switzerland, with it's famous Armed Neutrality and 200 years of not being at war! Switzerland the land of the Half-Direct Democracy!

Easy! Right-Wingers are nothing if not willing to contort themselves into ideological pretzels in order to justify their base hypocrisy and evil machinations. From Kevin Drum at MotherJones conservatives are ready with the Always Blame the Liberals canard,
From right-wing anti-immigrant activist Mark Krikorian, reacting with dismay to the news that fellow right winger Michele Bachmann has acquired dual Swiss-American citizenship:

The fact that even a patriot like Bachmann would do something like this is testament to how thoroughly the moral relativism of the post-national Left has permeated our culture.

Somehow, it's always the left's fault, isn't it?


  1. Them nanny state parasites done drove that poor woman out of her own country. Her life is over now. Socialism is contagious, and it's only a matter of time before Michele succumbs to that horrible disease in her new homeland.

    R.I.P. Michele.

  2. Perhaps she did it to escape the bird flu virus started by President Jimmy Carter in 1975?

    Or to see the battlefields in the Cantons of Lexington und Concord?

    Or maybe to bask in the birthplace of Jean Wayne?

    Or maybe, just maybe! This is a plan to inflitrate UBS and steal back the Billions of dollars the Bush Administration let their Plutocratic Masters ferret out into Banks of Switzerland? A plan so crazy it just might work!

  3. "The fact that even a patriot like Bachmann would do something like this is testament to how thoroughly the moral relativism of the post-national Left has permeated our culture."

    When we do it, we should take responsibility for it. When they do it, it's our fault. So when I eat ice cream, who gets the yummy? I'm confused about this whole thing, life, now.
