Sunday, March 18, 2012

Rick Santorum obviously didn't learn anything in school

How is Sick Rantorum going to face down the Barack Obama supported Porn Kingpins in his Crusade against Ladyparts, let alone Al Qaeda, if 3 Hersey High School students in Illinois asking questions make his election chairman cry, “We threw him into the lion’s den — all three questions were negative,” Al Salvi said afterward.

What dastardly questions did those High Schoolers spring upon poor, poor Rick? Here they are:
Question 1 - “You recently commented on how you don’t believe everyone should go to college,” Becky Pauwels, 17, told Santorum. “Yet countries such as Germany and Japan, whose governments offer college to any motivated student, experience high rates of socio-economic mobility, which, by your own admission and all academic studies, is lagging in the United States." Since President Barack Obama proposes expanded access to college and training programs, how do his proposals differ from Obama’s, she asked.

Ricks Answer - "I didn’t say people shouldn’t go to college." Quotes and recording devices are part of Satan's plan to defeat Republicans!

Question 2 - “Your main competitor, Mitt Romney, donated 16.3 percent of his income to charity and you donated only 1.7 percent of your $923,000 salary to charity,” Vucicevic said. “Your explanation was that you have to provide for seven children, one of which has special needs. … How do you expect middle-class Americans who are in similar situations to pay for it? Isn’t your situation the exact reason why we need a universal health care system like most other nations have?” The auditorium erupted in applause at the question.

Rick's Answer - "No." If you were wealthy you'd be healthy...

Question 3 - Hannah Johnstone asked if Santorum’s economic policies weren’t “just giving the upper 1 percent more of the advantages they had under George Bush’s lower tax rates and deregulatory policies which is very similar to what you are proposing?”

Rick's Answer - 'Obama's Regulation is ruining the economy.' Nice Rick! Deregulation, privatization, lower taxes on the Rich spoken just like a servile genuflecting ball-gagged gimp of the 1%.
And in an explanation in his War on All things Woman, Sick Rantorum relayed, "I graduated from Carmel, which was an all-boys school."

Old Sick Rantorum hates higher education because even though he got 3 advanced degrees he's still a dunce.


  1. Next time Rick will probably go to a grade school. Those eight year olds won't ask such difficult questions.

  2. Poster child for birth control -
    Santorum's picture should be on every box of rubbers made in this nation.

    Great post!

