Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Drunk Van Orden shits on a fired Veterans Affair employee as he shits on America

There is so much horrible shit happening it's easy to miss the little insults.  With vast firings of federal employees, by the head of DOGE, Tony Ruiz a terminated employee of the Veterans Affairs, who was fired on February 3rd just days before his year-long probationary period was about to end, reached out to Wisconsin Drunk Van Orden a member of the Veterans Congressional Commitee asking about the firings.

Well in response, Drunken Derrick Van Orden disgraced the Naval Service yet again.  Van Orden is a mean drunk.  He's always intoxicated and always lashing out at people. 

Drunk Van Orden responded in the petulant despicable way all Republicans act now, insulting, condescending, and threatening.  Van Orden couldn't even be bothered to note Tony Ruiz had already been fired by a DOGE Incel when he threatened to report Ruiz to DOGE for daring to contact him at 1:46pm and "posting trash" about Traitor DonOld Trump.

Like all Republicans, Van Orden hates America.  Like, all Republicans he is given undo credit for claiming to "Support the Troops" when his every action is to shit and piss on Veterans.  Like all Republicans, Van Orden's goal in government is to harm and fuck over as many people as possible in service to bigotry and the wealthy. 

But, I have no faith, exactly ZERO, in the supposed backlash in these angry town halls.  White people have shown a dogged determination to eat as many shit sandwiches the Republican Party can serve up to them, as long as they get the Trump speeches extolling and promising bigotry and harm will be done to the Other.  So, despite being a mean and disrespectful drunk Van Orden seems in little danger of losing his Congressional seat as he shits all over Americans and helps to enact the Republican agenda of hatred, oppression, and subjugation of America to the Rich.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

MAGA destroying NATO in order to create the Trump-Putin Axis

Rus and Us; The Two Towers
It doesn't take a particularly astute analyst or access to TS/SCI intel to see Trump is aligned/allied/enthralled with Vladimir Putin.  He asked for Putin's direct help on television during his 2016 campaign.  Having gotten tangible and direct aid from the leader of hostile foreign power, Trump has spent the last 9 years denying it.  During his February petulant tantrum against Volodmyr Zelenskyy, Trump angrily defended War Criminal Putin to the assembled rightwing and foreign media.  His ardor having been raised by Zelenskyy pulling his punk card, Trump screamed about the Russia Hoax, "Russia! Russia! Russia!"

The "Hoax" of course being that what happened didn't actually happen.

Trump and Vance wanted to ritually humiliate Zelenskyy, while they took credit for the military and monetary aid provided by President Joe Biden.  And having Zelenskyy grovel whilst signing over a half-Trillion in minerals rights (RAW EARTH in a senile Trump malaprop), they would then declare Trump would negotiate a peace treaty in which Zelenskyy gave up everything to Putin while Russia was allowed to consolidate their gains and rearm for the next attack on Ukraine.

Leaders in numerous European countries having seen this childish tirade and then receiving the follow-up declaration by Drunken Rapist Pete Hegseth to remove US counter cyber warfare protections against Russia demonstrated their urgent need to come together to form an EU bulwark against the merging American-Russian Alliance. 

Working Lard? or Hardly working?
Whilst UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer correctly calls this a crossroads of history, Fat bastard Traitor Trump went to Mar-a-Lago to go golf and J.D. Vance went to Vermont to go ski.  And paid Russian propagandist Benny Johnson declared Trump is a Machine Working Hard down in Florida!  

Understand rightwingers in the United States have been so heavily and so thoroughly propagandized that they believe whatever lies Republicans tell them today even and especially if those lies directly contradict the lies the Republicans told the day before.  There really is no coming back from this.  It was obvious during the 2024 election coverage how impervious Republican voters are too the truth and how they have been so expertly controlled they now deliberately seek out propaganda to confirm the Agitprop which has been steadily fed to them over 50 years. 

Canada will be the United States' Ukraine
Combine this with reporting that convicted criminal Peter Navarro, urged Trump to remove Canada from 5 Eyes classification (Can, UK, Australia, NZ) shows that a U.S. NATO is dead. 

    What appears increasingly likely is Musk in some Ketamine induced fit of apoplexy will tweet out an order declaring a state of war exists between the US MAGA military and Canada.  Certainly, reading that last sentence would seem like an eye-rolling piece of fantasy but, Trump keeps saying Canada is going to become the 51st state and Musk keeps emailing Reply All to everyone in the Federal Government to justify their existence while telling Joe Rogan he's totally not a Nazi.

To call back to my own blog over 10 years ago, there is a concerted effort by the richest assholes in history to turn the United States into a clone of the Holy Roman Empire.  Billionaires, such as Harlan Crow, the DeVos Family, Linda and Vince McMahon, Elon Musk,  Paul E. Singer, Stephen A. Schwarzman, the Koch Brothers, want to rule the country as the Capitalist Nobility they imagine themselves to be, while using their vast apparatus of propaganda and control to select a figurehead President and pliant Congressmen.

  It's a stunning conspiracy in which they've managed to gain control of every Republican and Supreme Court justices.  Look at how Republicans at their angry town halls simply assert Elon Musk and DOGE have uncovered Fraud, Waste, and Abuse.  Sorry we need to steal your Social Security, eliminate your Medicaid, and return the rule of this country to those who own it.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Traitor Trump and Just Despicable Vance attack President Zelenskyy and Ukraine and form an alliance with Vlad Putin

Three KGB assets in the Oval Office
"We cannot leave the security of Europe in the hands of voters in Wisconsin every 4 years" François Hollande

Well, it's fascinating, if horrible to witness, the end of a strategic era.  NATO is probably dead as an American led coalition.  Instead we see the flowering of the American-Russian Alliance built upon the hand-in-glove relationship of Vlad Putin and Donald Trump. 

I'm certain DonOld Traitor Trump sees himself as an equal and peer with Vladimir Putin and imagines their Alliance will dominate Europe and form a bulwark against China.

I'm fairly certain Trump wants to get rid of NATO for the same base reason he got rid of NAFTA and declared the creation of "Space Force", to create something which will forever be tied to his name.  Trump's new global alliance with Russia, let's call it the Krasnov Pact, is a legacy no future American President or Congress or anything associated with this failing Nation could ever repudiate.  

Trump's foreign policy considerations are based upon Great Power games in which the US uses it's status and military might to wrest concessions from Minor Powers and intimidates erstwhile allies into acquiescence.  As such he can't contemplate "Soft Power" as for instance in the form of USAID, but only the threat of military violence.  Trump is as subtle as a cudgel.  His threats to Denmark and Canada are not only ludicrous but also criminal.  But, having admired Putin for years its' what he thinks a Great Power does. 

So, I'm not surprised after calling Volodmyr Zelenskyy a Dictator and claiming Ukraine started the War with Russia, Trump and Vance attacked President Zelenskyy today.  Trump and Vance claimed this meeting would be to secure mineral rights for the US in Ukraine while bolstering American support to the Nation, but it was clearly a staged hit-job to make Zelenskyy look weak and supplicant to Trump.

It's clear Vance wanted to have an Epic Takedown, viral Tik Tok video of him absolutely OWNING Zelenskyy to burnish his fascist cred on the rightwing internet.  Vance came off looking like a fool as he stepped in to chide Zelenskyy with no saying Thank You and being disrespectful in front of the American media.  But, when Vance tried to mention "diplomacy" Zelenskyy made J.D. look like a poseur when he pointed out J.D. doesn't know anything about Ukraine and Vance sputtered he'd watched some videos.

The only people who thought Trump and Vance came off well in this dishonorable exchange are those who declared loudly that Biden was lying about Russia invading Ukraine, and then when Vlad did invade those same people declared Kyiv would fall in in "3 days".  Trump simply spouted Putin Talking Points and looked like a whinny little shit demanding a Thank you and telling him Ukraine is going to lose. 

The fact that this very same day Trump and Vance attacked Zelenskyy and Ukraine, that he ordered Drunken Rapist Pete Hegseth to stop US counter measures against Russia cyber attacks.

Whatever Trump's gravitation towards Russia and Vladimir Putin, Europe clearly sees the United States is no longer an ally let alone the leader in countering Russian aggression.  Fortunately, Europe sent out immediate messages of support apparently backed by legislative measures to continue supplying materials and support to Ukraine even while Trump plans to cut off Ukraine.  If the UK, France, and Germany get together to lead Europe away from the US sphere of world order it will be a devastating blow to next 100 years of American interests.  

The whole problem with the Lord Palmerston dictum there are no eternal allies only eternal intrests is that other Nations exist too.  Of course, Trump will be long gone when a diminished US faces blowback from the World but, he might still be in office when we witness the end of the American Century and the Rise of Chinese Hegemony.  All Xi has to do is sit back and watch Trump and Musk blow up the United States, destroy our foreign alliances and move into the regions we've abandoned.


You gotta be nice and thank me!

I watched the whole Oval Office debacle via Vaush's synchronous commentary.  It's shameful.  It's worse than you've heard.  We start with brain damaged Trump's malaprop of "Raw Earth" and he answers every question with his litany of grievances.  Followed by Biden is too blame for everything.  Then we see the stark contrast with the American rightwing media asking him, why are you so moral?  What a great peacekeeper you are sir!  While the foreign media correctly asked him how he intends to make sure Putin keeps any deal and Trump tells them its' a dumb question because he's so great!  Better than George Washington and better than Abe Lincoln!  Zelenskyy then pulled both Trump's and Vance's punk card and debunked their bullshit and the immediate angry childish tantrums thrown in front of the assembled media was beyond embarrassing.  Trump and Vance are triggered easily and immediately.  

When you combine this duo in the White House with Elon Musk's evisceration of the Federal Government it's hard to see how the US will come back after 4 years of Oligarchical treason agains the Constitution, especially with the Supremacist Court certain to stop any attempts at fixing this mess.