Friday, February 2, 2024

The Greatest Musician and Greatest Tight End in History are driving Conservatives Insane

Ha ha ha ha ha, that's not true... conservatives were already insane long before Taylor Swift spurned them. 

First off, I thought all good conservatives stopped watching Football because Kaepernick took a Knee.  But definitely MAGA stopped en masse when Jello-brained Trump told them too in 2017.  So why do Republicans care so much about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce and the upcoming Super Bowl? Oh that's right it's the PSYOP PSYOP PSYOP PSYOP PSYOP PSYOP PSYOP...

I know this has already been covered and dissected by some very insightful people but, what I am struck by is the continuing demonstration that to right-wingers your personal accomplishments do not matter to them at all when compared to your rigid adherence to Rightwing Orthodoxy.

The modern phrase conservatives use to dismiss and minimize expertise, experience, education, or success is I Did My Own Research.  Which is really I ignore reality and substitute in my own personal beliefs, as Robby Slowik demonstrated in his Covid -Ukraine Tweet.  

But, nonetheless bloated rightwing blabbermouths, feel absolute immunity and impunity to sit on their asses and talk about anything and everything of which they have no knowledge.  For instance Bennie Johnson, a nebbish Trump sycophant who has never had a real job and never done a day's worth of labor,

There are, however, some forces at play -- the Hail Mary -- to try and win back that youth vote. And the way you would do that is by taking the most brain-dead low-information voters -- of course I'm talking about Swifties, Taylor Swift fans who sort of worship this artist, kind of like at random, right? Like, just out of the blue Taylor Swift's the most famous person on earth. Now she's at every NFL game with her boyfriend who's backed by Bud Light and Pfizer. Travis Kelce is this guy who also kind of out of the blue became this big-time celebrity. Really rich, really powerful. Why? He's a tight end, he's like a glorified lineman. That doesn't make any sense. Tight ends aren't famous people in football. What are you talking about? What world are we living in? Sure seems planned. Sure seems like something that is, like, concocted in order to accelerate the fame of these two people. 

Plandemic!  Fedsurrection!  Psyop!

I've always been perplexed by why the salt of the earth white working class, are taken in by these doughy and especially whiny rightwing propagandists who sit around all day talking and have never done a days work in their whole life.  Although, as social media has made every conservative an expert on every issue, it's clear some of these men believe if they can ape the style of a Hannity or now a Tim Pool they too can become a wealthy propagandist and stop "Dying of Whiteness".  It's kind of a Cargo-Cult thinking that by mimicking the words they can manifest the Magic.  Trump recognized this.

There's something pathetic about immature 30 year old rightwing men hating Taylor Swift and there is something even more pathetic about their listening audience of 40-50 year old white men telling their daughters, You know honey that Taylor Swift is an ugly egg-less old hag and deep state PSYOP so I would't get to invested in her music if I were you...

Part of the Taylor Swift hatred is easy to explain.  Most conservative men hold Incel style beliefs about women and believe that any woman is kind of available as long as they (the man) show interest in her.  Years ago, conservatives had convinced themselves Taylor Swift was going to be their 6 foot tall TradWife  goddess pumping out 6 Aryan super babies as their mate.  But, as Swift has demonstrated a very mild Feminism and obviously does not ascribe to psychotic MAGA beliefs, these immature men have decided she's ugly, they never liked her anyway, and of course she's a radical PSYOP!

The "Psyop" claim only makes sense if you are versed in rightwing lexicon, which gets passed around on-line and which conservatives immerse themselves.  You see calling Taylor Swift a "Psyop" is to call anyone who registers to vote and presumably votes for Joe Biden or other Democrats illegitimate. 

Conservatives overwhelmingly believe the 2020 election was stolen.  Republicans plan to steal the 2024 election, if they can, but will call its' result illegitimate if they can not.  So, therefore Joe Biden is engaged in a Psyop to again get illegitimate votes and deny Real Americans (and only hardcore MAGA are Real Americans) the True President.

Now another reason righting claim Psyop Psyop Psyop is rightwingers think or truly believe that their non-stop campaign of lies and agitprop is a successful "Psyop" to dupe enough people into voting for Republicans so EAIAC strikes again.

Let's grow up and let's accept the fact that Taylor Swift may very well be part of an operation in order to influence the election.

Conservatives really are insane at this point.  And when Trump loses again in 2024, Republicans are going to declare the election invalid because Hunter Biden Laptop/ Taylor Swift Psyop/ Insert bullshit here and encourage violence... again.  The Psyop claim is nothing more than conservative justification to engage in Terrorism.  Be brave if you can, but be prepared because rightwing domestic terrorism is not going away in our lifetimes.

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