Sunday, October 6, 2024

Creepy Republicans, like Bernie Moreno and Katie Britt, hate Women and J.D. Vance plans to set up a Federal Menstruation Police Force

I'm your Menstruation Protector
 Everyday Republicans broadcast their intention to literally enslave women across America.

Jason Miller, former Trump inner circle member and best known for cheating on his wife and feeding his girlfriend a cocktail to induce an abortion admitted, under Trump States will be able to create and maintain a database of women’s periods and monitor their cycles, and using this data that so-called Law Enforcement will obtain sluts who get abortions will prosecuted.

Republicans hate America.  Republicans really hate women.  And Republicans hate you, whomever you are, unless you help advance their Fascist Agenda.  And the start of the Republican Agenda to destroy the United States begins with policing women's bodies.

Breathy baby voice Katie Britt, whom America came to know and loathe, after her weird creepy SOTU response this year, also wrote a Bill to create a Federal Database of Companies who assist women in receiving  healthcare (including abortions if necessary) thus barring them from receiving Federal Funds.  This bill would also track and catalog women's menstrual cycles so the Republicans can be sure know everything that woman is doing and arrest her if necessary.

Britt follows a long tradition of Republican Women whom the Party and their Plutocratic Overlords push forth as exemplars which they tell women both implicitly and explicitly to experience their liberation vicariously through them.  This is a 50 year old technique going back to the odious harridan Phyliss Schlflay who told women to stay home cook, clean, and make babies as she rubbed elbows and influenced rich men in Government and Business.

Since, then Republicans have focused their efforts on being big Daddy to white women.  Republican Bernie Moreno running for Senate in Ohio keeps telling older women don't worry vote Republicans we'll not be going after you (or your precious innocent daughter) just after the sluts,

"You don’t get pregnant because you were at the checkout line at Kroger.  It doesn’t happen that way. That’s at least what my mom and dad told me. So, you do have to take personal responsibility. Abortion is a heinous crime. It is certainly not health care. It is certainly not birth control. But yet here we are doing it."

Bernie Moreno also feels supremely comfortable man-splaining to White Women they are voting the wrong way just because Democrats promise them they can get an abortion,

“Sadly, by the way, there’s a lot of suburban women, a lot of suburban women that are like, ‘Listen, abortion is it. If I can’t have an abortion in this country whenever I want, I will vote for anybody else.’ … OK. It’s a little crazy by the way, but — especially for women that are like past 50 — I’m thinking to myself, ‘I don’t think that’s an issue for you.'”

Get it together "suburban" women!  After all Bernie Moreno will only punish the young sluts, you shriveled up old hags can have as much sex as you want!  Republicans can't advance their agenda of oppression and perpetual corporate bondage without your support!  Now, look, white men especially blue collar white men are a lost cause.  They've been hammered with 50 years of Republican lies, grievances, and propaganda and now receive it on full blast every single minute of every single day.  Despite documented evidence Democratic policies aid the vaunted white working class man far more than anything any Republican has every done, white men continue to vote Republican. 

But... white women are a quandary...  Republicans have enjoyed substantial support for white women for decades, including grotesque rapist senile scumbag traitor Trump.  So, they've gotten comfortable in taking white women's support for granted.  And since Republicans are comfortable bossing around women, they also feel righteous empowered to tell White Women they are behaving improperly but not voting straight Republican

J.D. Vance is a despicable shameless liar and disgrace to the Marine Corps values, he's also a Catholic convert and as such has the zealous fervor of the falsely pious.  He's not going let white women forget their duty is to produce numerous white babies 

"American families aren't having enough children. I think there's evidence that some of the things that we're doing to parents is driving down the number of children that American families are having," Vance said.

Vance is "skeptical" women should be 
able to leave "unhappy or even violent 
marriages"Just lay back and enjoy it.

That statement is of course a variation on the Great Replacement Theory Neo-Nazis like Tucker Carlson have promulgated.  But, everything that comes out of Vance's mouth is another slander and insult of women

“In particular, there's evidence that the car seat rules that we've imposed, which of course I want kids to drive in car seats, have driven down the number of babies born in this country by over 100,000. So as we think about how to make kids safe here, I think we should do it in a way that's accommodating to American families."

Car seats (and vaccines), you see, allowed Americans i.e. middle class whites to stick to having only 2 kids because they we confident those children would make adulthood as opposed to previous generations who could expect to lose 1-2 or more during childhood.
There is probably something about this MAGA belief in the greatness of earlier America which plays into Republicans callous insanity about gun laws and school children being sacrificed on their Holey Altar of the Second Amendment.

Vance apparently yearns for the time when, women had no options and were kept in a perpetual cycle of pregnancy and childbirth.  This Sexual Slavery is, of course, exactly what the Republican Party wants, is currently attempting to do via the Supremacist Court and repeated laws Republicans pass to restrict women's rights and shackle them into violent and loveless marriages.

Look, Republicans have overplayed their hands and despite senile traitor Trump's repeated lies everyone wanted Abortion back in the States, no one wanted it "back in the States" except, bad faith Republicans who have been using the slice the salami method of undermining laws (aka the John Roberts Method).  Republicans didn't want a big sweeping roll-back of Abortion because women would be very aware of their rights, freedom, and bodily autonomy being taken away.  

Now, complicating this is that most men are horrendous misogynists (including those who have been considered strong Democratic voters) so appealing to American men's hatred of women is not a sure-fire losing proposition for Trump, Vance and other Republicans.

The question is whether white women will lay back and do their duty for Trump yet again.  Many vile white men are going to be surprised to find out their wives didn't vote for Trump hopefully these men.  Hopefully they never find out because Republican men are yearning to be unleashed to mete out violence on those they hate; and being denied that those Republican men will quickly turn their violence on those at their homes, as they often do.

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