Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Trump desecrated Arlington National Cemetery while his staff beat up an employee

 So... it seems quite clear the Corporate Media was gearing up to let Trump's disgraceful use of Arlington National Cemetery as his personal campaign photo op slide and just chalk it up to there was a minor controversy as Trump team clashed with an official... but We, the People aren't!

The caption at the bottom of the image reads:
President Donald Trump
Should Have Never Happened
Donald Trump has a fundamental disrespect for service members and Veterans.  Trump oozes with contempt for Veterans and Veterans know it.

While Trump was standing on the graves of better and braver people than him self, grinning his rictus grin, flashing his teeny thumbs up, literally clowning on top of hallowed (not "hollowed" as Chris LaCivita wrote) ground, his team was pushing an National monument employee around, assaulting them and probably knocking them to the ground.  And in this cemetery are Medal of Honor recipients whom Trump just a few days ago, repeatedly mocked and insulted.  And it's quite fucking clear that Trump planned on using footage from Arlington to advance his despicable campaign.

And now, Just Dishonorable Vance has decided to tell future President Kamala Harris to "go to hell" in a transparent effort to seem like a tough guy and to try to drag Harris into this issue so Trump and MAGA can get the Corporate Media to attack VicePresident Harris for them.

Here's the thing, J.D. Vance is a coward.  He never served in Afghanistan.  He chickened out of service there and did not re-enlist when his time came.  He's disgraced himself with this campaign and should be ashamed to call himself a Marine. 

But, Trump's treatment of Federal employees and his weirdo campaign staff's giant fucking ego in thinking they can just trounce around whatever site they want in full fascist swagger is not new.  This is exactly what Trump incited on January 6th when he sent his unruly mob into Capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power and advance an Autogolpe to remain in power.  His entitled behavior emboldens traitors to treat the National cemetery as their personal plaything.

Patrick Dillion points out there are numerous Trump staff members of whom it is conceivable would push a woman to the ground.  And grotesque Steven Cheung claimed there was video of the incident and yet... we've not seen one second of that video released by the Treasonous Trump team.  Instead what we have seen is exactly what we knew this was a tawdry political stunt and disgraceful use of 

Republicans love Dead Marines because Republicans can stick their lies into the mouths of the dead and use Marines valor to help prop up evil Republican plans.  Trump is using this family's grief, stoking it in the most obscene way, and blatantly using dead service members to help quicken his dying campaign. 

It's the epitome of Stolen Valor.  It's Trump's way.

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