Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Wisconsin Senator Ron 'Burgundy' Johnson, a Clear & Present danger

  Moscow Ron doesn’t get a lot of widespread national discussion but his recent teleprompter boner might get a little attention in the Corporate Media love fest of the RNC in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

You see Moscow Ron has earned a new appellation Ron Burgundy Johnson because he apparently reads whatever is put on the teleprompter in front of him, without knowing what he's saying.

Despite the Corporate Media declaring BothSides must tamp down the heated rhetoric in the wake of a registered Republican attempting to kill Trump, Ron Burgundy Johnson read an inflammatory speech at the RNC in which he declared the Democratic Party, 

"a clear and present danger to America, to our institutions, our values and our people."

Of course, this attack was also mainly at the LGBTQ community with canned bullshit of "biological males" nonsense.  Even the dumbest Republicans (and Johnson and Tubberbrain battle for dumbest Republican Senator) are good at sophistry, non-stop lying, and coming up with a bullshit excuse for why they are so dumb.  And the Corporate Media dutifully does their job by simply accepting rightwing lies and moving on.  Meanwhile, Republicans shamelessly deride President Obama and President Biden for years for using teleprompters yet, a teleprompter should be their new religious totem since it literally saved the life of their Anti-Christ in Butler, Pennsylvania.  Look, Republicans hate America.  Their every action, speech, policy is designed to destroy the current United States and replace it with a simulacrum of a Democratic Republic.

Republicans run on an agenda of fear and hatred and that's already been on display at the RNC.  Meanwhile, Ron Burgundy Johnson has been quietly stealing money from Wisconsin and U.S. taxpayers by over-billing the Federal Government for travel expenses by using his family's planes for travel.

It would be good if I didn't have to present evidence over and over and over again the absolute loathing Republicans have for the United States.

But, hey he's Ron Johnson?

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